SPK for DSN Station Locations ===================================================================== Original file name: earthstns_itrf93_201023.bsp Creation date: 2020 October 28 12:30 Created by: Nat Bachman (NAIF/JPL) Introduction ===================================================================== This file provides geocentric states---locations and velocities---for the set of DSN stations cited in the list below under "Position Data." Station position vectors point from the earth's barycenter to the stations. Station velocities are estimates of the derivatives with respect to time of these vectors; in this file, velocities are constant. Station velocities have magnitudes on the order of a few cm/year. The states in this file are given relative to the terrestrial reference frame ITRF93. This SPK file has a companion file earthstns_fx_201023.bsp which differs from this one only in that it uses the reference frame alias 'EARTH_FIXED'. See the comment area of that file and the Frames Required Reading for details. Revision description -------------------- This kernel contains data from a single, current source: [1]. This kernel supersedes the kernels earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp dss_53_prelim_itrf93_201018.bsp (data in this kernel are identical) dss_56_prelim_itrf93_201018.bsp (data in this kernel are improved) dss_35_36_prelim_itrf93_140620.bsp (data in this kernel are improved) The set of stations covered by this file has changed from that of the file earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp as follows: Deleted stations (not present in current file): PARKES DSS-12 DSS-16 DSS-17 DSS-23 DSS-27 DSS-28 DSS-33 DSS-42 DSS-46 DSS-49 (alternate name for PARKES) DSS-61 DSS-64 (alternate name for DSS-65) DSS-66 Other deleted data: Position data for the old location of DSS-65 prior to 2005 July 3 TDB are no longer included. This file extrapolates current data backward in time for the entire time period covered by this file. The superseded file earthstns_itrf93_050714.bsp should be used to obtain the old location of DSS-65 for dates prior to 2005 July 3 TDB. Added stations: DSS-35 DSS-36 DSS-56 Name transfers---name now refers to a new station: DSS-53 Planned updates --------------- Updates will be be made to keep this file in sync with updates to the source document [1]. Values for DSS-53 are expected to be updated. Values for DSS-23 will be added. There is no schedule for these changes at this time. Using this kernel ===================================================================== Kernel loading -------------- In order for a SPICE-based program to make use of this kernel, the kernel must be loaded via the SPICE routine FURNSH. If you are running application software created by a third party, see the documentation for that software for instructions on kernel management. See also "Associated frame kernels" and "Associated PCK files" below. Users requiring data from superseded SPK versions can load those files in addition to this one. In the case of conflicting data, data from SPKs loaded later take precedence over SPKs loaded earlier. Associated PCK files -------------------- For high-accuracy work, this kernel should be used together with a high-precision, binary earth PCK file. NAIF produces these kernels on a regular basis; they can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the NAIF server naif.jpl.nasa.gov or downloaded from the URL https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck/ The PCK is located in the path pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck The file name is of the form earth_000101_yymmdd_yymmdd.bpc The first two dates are the file's start and stop times; the third is the epoch of the last datum in the EOP file: data from this epoch forward are predicted. The file's coverage starts at a fixed date (currently chosen to be 2000 Jan. 1) and extends to the end of the predict region, which has a duration of roughly 3 months. The same location contains a file with identical contents and a fixed name: earth_latest_high_prec.bpc This file may be convenient for automated downloads. NAIF also provides a low-accuracy, long-term predict binary Earth PCK. See the file aareadme.txt in the location cited above for details. Associated frame kernels ------------------------ The frame kernel having (original) file name earth_topo_201023.tf defines topocentric reference frames associated with each of the stations covered by this file. That kernel supports computations such as finding the azimuth and elevation of a target as seen from a specified station. Data sources ===================================================================== All data presented here are from reference [1]. Reference Spheroid ------------------ The reference bi-axial spheroid is defined by an equatorial and a polar radius. Calling these Re and Rp respectively, the flattening factor f is defined as f = ( Re - Rp ) / Re For the reference spheroid used by this file, the equatorial radius Re and inverse flattening factor 1/f are Re = 6378137 m 1/f = 298.2572236 The reference spheroid is not used for the creation of this SPK file but is used to create the associated frame kernel named above. Epoch ----- The epoch associated with these data is given by the source as "2003.0." The time variation of the data is slow enough so that specification of the time system is unimportant. However, in the creation of this file, the epoch is assumed to be 2003 Jan 1 00:00:00 TDB At this epoch, the station positions are as given below. Position data ------------- Station locations in the ITRF93 frame at the specified epoch are: Antenna Diameter x (m) y (m) z (m) DSS 13 34m -2351112.659 -4655530.636 +3660912.728 DSS 14 70m -2353621.420 -4641341.472 +3677052.318 DSS 15 34m -2353538.958 -4641649.429 +3676669.984 {3} DSS 24 34m -2354906.711 -4646840.095 +3669242.325 DSS 25 34m -2355022.014 -4646953.204 +3669040.567 DSS 26 34m -2354890.797 -4647166.328 +3668871.755 DSS 34 34m -4461147.093 +2682439.239 -3674393.133 {1} DSS 35 34m -4461273.090 +2682568.925 -3674152.093 {1} DSS 36 34m -4461168.415 +2682814.657 -3674083.901 {1} DSS 43 70m -4460894.917 +2682361.507 -3674748.152 DSS 45 34m -4460935.578 +2682765.661 -3674380.982 {3} DSS 53 34m +4849339.965 -360658.246 +4114747.290 {2} DSS 54 34m +4849434.488 -360723.8999 +4114618.835 DSS 55 34m +4849525.256 -360606.0932 +4114495.084 DSS 56 34m +4849421.679 -360549.659 +4114646.987 DSS 63 70m +4849092.518 -360180.3480 +4115109.251 DSS 65 34m +4849339.634 -360427.6637 +4114750.733 Notes from [1]: {1} Position absolute accuracy estimated to be +/- 3cm (0.030m) (1-sigma) for each coordinate. {2} Position absolute accuracy estimated to be +/- 3m (3-sigma) for each coordinate. {3} Decommissioned. For historical reference only. Velocity data ------------- Station velocities in Cartesian coordinates, with respect to the ITRF93 frame, are shown below. Reference epoch for plate motion: 01-JAN-2003 00:00 Plate motion model, m/year X Y Z Goldstone: Stations numbered 1X & 2X -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 Canberra: Stations numbered 3X & 4X -0.0335 -0.0041 0.0392 Madrid: Stations numbered 5X & 6X -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 Accuracy -------- Location uncertainties at the 1 sigma level, for cylindrical coordinates, are given by Table 7 of reference [1]. References ---------- The data provided here are taken from the DSN document [1] "301 Coverage and Geometry." DSN No. 810-005, 301, Rev. M Issue Date: September 04, 2020. JPL D-19379; CL#20-3996. URL: https://deepspace.jpl.nasa.gov/dsndocs/810-005/301/301M.pdf Documentation for the SPICE Toolkit software is available here: URL: https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov Kernel Data ===================================================================== \begintext Station locations and velocities, along with topocentric reference frame specification parameters: \begindata SITES += 'DSS-13' DSS-13_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-13_CENTER = 399 DSS-13_IDCODE = 399013 DSS-13_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-13_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-13_XYZ = ( -2351.112659 -4655.530636 +3660.912728 ) DSS-13_DXYZ = ( -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 ) DSS-13_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-13_UP = 'Z' DSS-13_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-14' DSS-14_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-14_CENTER = 399 DSS-14_IDCODE = 399014 DSS-14_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-14_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-14_XYZ = ( -2353.621420 -4641.341472 +3677.052318 ) DSS-14_DXYZ = ( -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 ) DSS-14_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-14_UP = 'Z' DSS-14_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-15' DSS-15_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-15_CENTER = 399 DSS-15_IDCODE = 399015 DSS-15_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-15_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-15_XYZ = ( -2353.538958 -4641.649429 +3676.669984 ) DSS-15_DXYZ = ( -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 ) DSS-15_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-15_UP = 'Z' DSS-15_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-24' DSS-24_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-24_CENTER = 399 DSS-24_IDCODE = 399024 DSS-24_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-24_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-24_XYZ = ( -2354.906711 -4646.840095 +3669.242325 ) DSS-24_DXYZ = ( -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 ) DSS-24_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-24_UP = 'Z' DSS-24_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-25' DSS-25_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-25_CENTER = 399 DSS-25_IDCODE = 399025 DSS-25_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-25_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-25_XYZ = ( -2355.022014 -4646.953204 +3669.040567 ) DSS-25_DXYZ = ( -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 ) DSS-25_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-25_UP = 'Z' DSS-25_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-26' DSS-26_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-26_CENTER = 399 DSS-26_IDCODE = 399026 DSS-26_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-26_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-26_XYZ = ( -2354.890797 -4647.166328 +3668.871755 ) DSS-26_DXYZ = ( -0.0180 0.0065 -0.0038 ) DSS-26_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-26_UP = 'Z' DSS-26_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-34' DSS-34_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-34_CENTER = 399 DSS-34_IDCODE = 399034 DSS-34_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-34_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-34_XYZ = ( -4461.147093 +2682.439239 -3674.393133 ) DSS-34_DXYZ = ( -0.0335 -0.0041 0.0392 ) DSS-34_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-34_UP = 'Z' DSS-34_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-35' DSS-35_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-35_CENTER = 399 DSS-35_IDCODE = 399035 DSS-35_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-35_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-35_XYZ = ( -4461.273090 +2682.568925 -3674.152093 ) DSS-35_DXYZ = ( -0.0335 -0.0041 0.0392 ) DSS-35_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-35_UP = 'Z' DSS-35_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-36' DSS-36_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-36_CENTER = 399 DSS-36_IDCODE = 399036 DSS-36_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-36_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-36_XYZ = ( -4461.168415 +2682.814657 -3674.083901 ) DSS-36_DXYZ = ( -0.0335 -0.0041 0.0392 ) DSS-36_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-36_UP = 'Z' DSS-36_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-43' DSS-43_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-43_CENTER = 399 DSS-43_IDCODE = 399043 DSS-43_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-43_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-43_XYZ = ( -4460.894917 +2682.361507 -3674.748152 ) DSS-43_DXYZ = ( -0.0335 -0.0041 0.0392 ) DSS-43_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-43_UP = 'Z' DSS-43_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-45' DSS-45_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-45_CENTER = 399 DSS-45_IDCODE = 399045 DSS-45_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-45_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-45_XYZ = ( -4460.935578 +2682.765661 -3674.380982 ) DSS-45_DXYZ = ( -0.0335 -0.0041 0.0392 ) DSS-45_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-45_UP = 'Z' DSS-45_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-53' DSS-53_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-53_CENTER = 399 DSS-53_IDCODE = 399053 DSS-53_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-53_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-53_XYZ = ( +4849.339965 -360.658246 +4114.747290 ) DSS-53_DXYZ = ( -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 ) DSS-53_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-53_UP = 'Z' DSS-53_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-54' DSS-54_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-54_CENTER = 399 DSS-54_IDCODE = 399054 DSS-54_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-54_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-54_XYZ = ( +4849.434488 -360.7238999 +4114.618835 ) DSS-54_DXYZ = ( -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 ) DSS-54_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-54_UP = 'Z' DSS-54_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-55' DSS-55_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-55_CENTER = 399 DSS-55_IDCODE = 399055 DSS-55_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-55_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-55_XYZ = ( +4849.525256 -360.6060932 +4114.495084 ) DSS-55_DXYZ = ( -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 ) DSS-55_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-55_UP = 'Z' DSS-55_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-56' DSS-56_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-56_CENTER = 399 DSS-56_IDCODE = 399056 DSS-56_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-56_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-56_XYZ = ( +4849.421679 -360.549659 +4114.646987 ) DSS-56_DXYZ = ( -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 ) DSS-56_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-56_UP = 'Z' DSS-56_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-63' DSS-63_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-63_CENTER = 399 DSS-63_IDCODE = 399063 DSS-63_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-63_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-63_XYZ = ( +4849.092518 -360.1803480 +4115.109251 ) DSS-63_DXYZ = ( -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 ) DSS-63_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-63_UP = 'Z' DSS-63_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'DSS-65' DSS-65_FRAME = 'ITRF93' DSS-65_CENTER = 399 DSS-65_IDCODE = 399065 DSS-65_EPOCH = @2003-JAN-01/00:00 DSS-65_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2150-JAN-01/00:00 ) DSS-65_XYZ = ( +4849.339634 -360.4276637 +4114.750733 ) DSS-65_DXYZ = ( -0.0100 0.0242 0.0156 ) DSS-65_TOPO_EPOCH = @2020-OCT-23/00:00 DSS-65_UP = 'Z' DSS-65_NORTH = 'X' \begintext BRIEF -- Version 4.1.0, September 17, 2021 -- Toolkit Version N0067 Summary for: earthstns_itrf93_201023.bsp Bodies Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- 399013 DSS-13* 1950 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2150 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 399014 DSS-14* Same coverage as previous object 399015 DSS-15* Same coverage as previous object 399024 DSS-24* Same coverage as previous object 399025 DSS-25* Same coverage as previous object 399026 DSS-26* Same coverage as previous object 399034 DSS-34* Same coverage as previous object 399035 DSS-35* Same coverage as previous object 399036 DSS-36* Same coverage as previous object 399043 DSS-43* Same coverage as previous object 399045 DSS-45* Same coverage as previous object 399053 DSS-53* Same coverage as previous object 399054 DSS-54* Same coverage as previous object 399055 DSS-55* Same coverage as previous object 399056 DSS-56* Same coverage as previous object 399063 DSS-63* Same coverage as previous object 399065 DSS-65* Same coverage as previous object