SPK/FK for Ground Stations/Observatories of Interest to Europa Clipper ===================================================================== Original SPK file name: clipper_stations_v01.bsp Original FK file name: clipper_stations_v01.tf Creation date: 20-AUG-2019 Created by: Boris Semenov (NAIF/JPL) This SPK/FK contains locations/topocentric frame definitions for additional ground stations and observatories of interest to the Europa Clipper mission. It is intended to be used only for the Europa Clipper mission planning/design applications. Locations of the OVRO-LWA and Jicarmarca radio observatories from Europa Clipper JIRA Issue AP-754, retrieved on 08/20/19, are: OVRO-LWA: X: -2409.2536 Y: -4477.9003 Z: 3839.3171 Jicarmarca: X: 1417.3037 Y: -6078.2304 Z: -1312.2580 These coordinates were specified in AP-754 w.r.t. ITRF2008. In these SPK/FK they are used w.r.t. ITRF93, which was the only high-precision Earth orientation frame available in SPICE at the time when these SPK/FK were created. This introduces an error of a few centimeters/milliarseconds, most likely insignificant in applications for which this SPK/FK are intended. No velocity data were provided with the position information. The IDs for these stations/observatories and their frames are picked from the Europa Clipper NAIF ID range (-15993x). \begindata SITES += 'OVRO-LWA' OVRO-LWA_FRAME = 'ITRF93' OVRO-LWA_CENTER = 399 OVRO-LWA_IDCODE = -159931 OVRO-LWA_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2050-JAN-01/00:00 ) OVRO-LWA_XYZ = ( -2409.2536 -4477.9003 3839.3171 ) OVRO-LWA_UP = 'Z' OVRO-LWA_NORTH = 'X' SITES += 'JICARMARCA' JICARMARCA_FRAME = 'ITRF93' JICARMARCA_CENTER = 399 JICARMARCA_IDCODE = -159932 JICARMARCA_BOUNDS = ( @1950-JAN-01/00:00, @2050-JAN-01/00:00 ) JICARMARCA_XYZ = ( 1417.3037 -6078.2304 -1312.2580 ) JICARMARCA_UP = 'Z' JICARMARCA_NORTH = 'X' \begintext Earth RADII for FK generation ===================================================================== Author: Boris Semenov (NAIF/JPL) File creation date: 20-AUG-2019 Reference Spheroid ------------------ The WGS84 reference spheroid radii used to generate rotations for the topocentric frames are provided below for the record. \begindata BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.137, 6378.137, 6356.752314 ) \begintext BRIEF -- Version 4.1.0, September 17, 2021 -- Toolkit Version N0067 Summary for: clipper_stations_v01.bsp Bodies Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- -159931* 1950 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 2050 JAN 01 00:00:00.000 -159932* Same coverage as previous object