KPL/IK Europa Clipper E-THEMIS Instrument Kernel ============================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains Field-Of-View (FOV) and other geometric parameter definitions for the E-THEMIS instrument. Version and Date ---------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.6 -- December 16, 2019 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated total FOV size based on [8]. Updated KOZ FOV size based on [9]. Added FOVs for individual bands based on [8]. Added nominal detector and optical parameters based on [8]. Filled in instrument description from [11]. Version 0.5 -- June 3, 2019 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Added RAD1 and RAD2 FOVs based on [7]. Version 0.4 -- March 21, 2019 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated FOV size and KOZ FOV size based on [6]. Version 0.3 -- February 4, 2019 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Updated FOV size based on [4]. Corrected KOZ FOV size based on [5]. Version 0.2 -- February 26, 2018 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Added placeholder sections for various non-FOV parameters. Reformatted and updated comments. Version 0.1 -- October 8, 2015 -- Eric W. Ferguson, JPL Initial version. References ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 2. ``C-kernel Required Reading'' 3. Europa Instrument Fact Sheets: 4. E-THEMIS ICD, Europa_D-56747_Initial-Release_2018-04-23-Signed.pdf 5. E-THEMIS MICD, 10414235_A4.pdf 6. ``Europa - Kernel Updates'', e-mail from Ben Bradley, 03/11/19; 7. ECR-7560/APGEN Jira AP-395 (Add Radiator to +Y side of E_THEMIS) 8. E-THEMIS iCDR package, ETHEMIS_iCDR_Presentation_08122019.pdf, August 7-9, 2019 9. APGEN Jira AP-395, E-THEMIS KoZ, 12/13/19 10. Contact Information ---------------------------------------------------------- Eric W. Ferguson, JPL, (818)-634-1928, Boris V. Semenov, JPL, (818)-354-8136, Implementation Notes ---------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this kernel must ``load'' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICE routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( 'frame_kernel_name; ) -- FORTRAN furnsh_c ( "frame_kernel_name" ); -- C cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name -- IDL cspice_furnsh( 'frame_kernel_name' ) -- MATLAB Once the file has been loaded, the SPICE routine GETFOV (getfov_c in C, cspice_getfov in IDL and MATLAB) can be used to retrieve FOV parameters for a given instrument or structure. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. Conventions for Specifying Data ---------------------------------------------------------- All names referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters `INS' followed by the NAIF ID code for the particular instrument detector or keep out zone: EUROPAM_ETHEMIS -159200 EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_KOZ -159201 EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_RAD1 -159202 EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_RAD2 -159203 EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_BAND1 -159210 EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_BAND2 -159220 EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_BAND3 -159230 The remainder of the name is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the E-THEMIS boresight direction is specified by: INS-159200_BORESIGHT The upper bound on the length of the name of any data item is 32 characters. If the same item is included in more than one file, or if the same item appears more than once within a single file, the latest value supersedes any earlier values. Instrument Description ---------------------------------------------------------- From [10]: The Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System (E-THEMIS) is an instrument on board NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft. With a design heritage from a highly successful Mars imaging system, E-THEMIS is a robust and proven instrument for operations at Jupiter’s moon Europa. The Europa Thermal Emission Imaging System will provide high spatial resolution, multi-spectral imaging of Europa in the mid infrared and far infrared bands to help detect active sites, such as potential vents erupting plumes of water into space. Mounting Alignment ---------------------------------------------------------- Refer to the latest version of the Europa Mission Frames Definition Kernel (FK) for reference frame definitions and mounting alignment information. Instrument Detector/Sensor Layout ---------------------------------------------------------- Per [8], the nominal E-THEMIS detector layout is: |<---------------- 1280 pix ----------------->| |<------------ 900 pix ------------>| Pixel (0,0) --- *---------------------------------------------. ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | (896 pix) | | --- | .-----------------------------------. | | ^ | | |(141| | | | | Band 1 x |pix)| --- | | | | | | ^ | | | `-----------------------------------' | | | | | (903 pix) | | | 229 pix 1200 | | .-----------------------------------. | | pix | | |(140| v 660 | | Band 2 x |pix)| -----------> | pix | | | | ^ +Xe-themis | | `-----------------------------------' | | | | | | (902 pix) | | | 229 pix | | | .-----------------------------------. | | | | | | |(135| v | | | | Band 3 x |pix)| --- | v | | | | | --- | `-----------------------------------' | | | | | | | | | | | | | v | | --- `---------------------------------------------* Pixel (1279,1199) | | | v +Ye-themis +Ze-themis and the instrument and band boresights shown as "x"s are into the page. Note 1: individual band sizes shown in () are for the normalized irradiance of 0.90. The full nominal physical height of individual bands in ~202 raw pixels. Note 2: pixel (0,0) and (1279,1199) locations were chosen arbitrarily and are by the instrument team. The nominal E-THEMIS FOV layout based on the detector layout shown above is: |<------------ 5.7 deg ------------>| .---------------------------------------------. | | | | | | | | | (5.70 deg) | --- | .-----------------------------------. | ^ | | |(0.90 | | | Band 1 x |deg)| --- | | | | | ^ | | `-----------------------------------' | | | | | (5.74 deg) | | | 1.4437 deg | | .-----------------------------------. | | | | |(0.89 v 4.2 | | Band 2 x |deg)| -----------> deg | | | | ^ +Xe-themis | `-----------------------------------' | | | | | (5.74 deg) | | | 1.44371 deg | | .-----------------------------------. | | | | | |(0.86 v | | | Band 3 x |deg)| --- v | | | | --- | `-----------------------------------' | | | | | | | | | | | `---------------------------------------------' | | | v +Ye-themis +Ze-themis and the instrument and band boresights are into the page. Note: individual band sizes shown in () are for the normalized irradiance of 0.90. Instrument Pixel-to-3D Coordinate Mapping (if applicable) ---------------------------------------------------------- Instrument Detector Parameters ---------------------------------------------------------- Per [8], the E-THEMIS total usable and individual band areas of the detector have the following parameters: ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------ Size(XTxAT; Center(XT,AT; Pixel Size samplesxlines sample,line (microns) ---------- ------------- ------------- ------------ Total 900 x 660 639.5,599.5 12 Band 1 896 x 141 639.5,370.5 12 Band 2 903 x 140 639.5,599.5 12 Band 3 902 x 135 639.5,828.5 12 ---------- ------------ -------------- ------------ Note 1: center locations were chosen arbitrarily. They are given relative to the total detector pixel (0,0) and are by the instrument team. \begindata INS-159200_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 900 ) INS-159200_PIXEL_LINES = ( 660 ) INS-159200_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.012 ) INS-159200_PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159200_CCD_CENTER = ( 639.5, 599.5 ) INS-159210_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 896 ) INS-159210_PIXEL_LINES = ( 141 ) INS-159210_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.012 ) INS-159210_PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159210_CCD_CENTER = ( 639.5, 370.5 ) INS-159220_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 903 ) INS-159220_PIXEL_LINES = ( 140 ) INS-159220_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.012 ) INS-159220_PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159220_CCD_CENTER = ( 639.5, 599.5 ) INS-159230_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 902 ) INS-159230_PIXEL_LINES = ( 135 ) INS-159230_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 0.012 ) INS-159230_PIXEL_SIZE_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159230_CCD_CENTER = ( 639.5, 828.5 ) \begintext Instrument Optical Parameters (if applicable) ---------------------------------------------------------- Per [8], the E-THEMIS first order optical parameters are: ---------- ------------- ------------- Focal length IFOV (mm) (radians) ---------- ------------- ------------- Total 108 0.000111 Band 1 108 0.000111 Band 2 108 0.000111 Band 3 108 0.000111 ---------- ------------ -------------- \begindata INS-159200_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 108 ) INS-159200_FOCAL_LENGTH_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159200_IFOV = ( 0.000111 ) INS-159200_IFOV_UNITS = ( 'radians' ) INS-159210_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 108 ) INS-159210_FOCAL_LENGTH_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159210_IFOV = ( 0.000111 ) INS-159210_IFOV_UNITS = ( 'radians' ) INS-159220_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 108 ) INS-159220_FOCAL_LENGTH_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159220_IFOV = ( 0.000111 ) INS-159220_IFOV_UNITS = ( 'radians' ) INS-159230_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 108 ) INS-159230_FOCAL_LENGTH_UNITS = ( 'mm' ) INS-159230_IFOV = ( 0.000111 ) INS-159230_IFOV_UNITS = ( 'radians' ) \begintext Instrument Optical Distortion (if applicable) ---------------------------------------------------------- Instrument Filter Parameters (if applicable) ---------------------------------------------------------- E-THEMIS FOV Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------- Per [8], the nominal total E-THEMIS FOV and individual band FOVs are rectangular pyramids centered on the following boresight vectors expressed in the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS frame, with the following sizes in cross-track (XT, in XZ plane of the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS frame) and along-track (AT, in YZ plane of the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS frame) directions: ------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------------- XT size, deg AT size, deg Boresight ------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------------- Total 5.7 4.2 [ 0, 0, 1 ] Band 1 5.698409 0.896736 [ 0, -0.02541626, 0.99967695 ] Band 2 5.742928 0.890376 [ 0, 0, 1 ] Band 3 5.736568 0.858577 [ 0, 0.02541626, 0.99967695 ] ------- ------------ ------------ ------------------------------- Notes: - the individual band angular sizes above correspond to the XT and AT numbers of pixels for the normalized irradiance of 0.90, provided on pages 366 and 367 of [8], multipled by the raw pixel IFOV of 0.111 milliradian. - the total and band 2 FOV boresight are assumed to be aligned with the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS +Z axis -- the nominal instrument boresight - the band 1 and band 3 boresights are assumed to be offset from the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS +Z axis in the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS YZ plane by the angle equivalent to the 229 raw pixels (200 for the nominal full band width + 27 for the nominal space between bands) with IFOV of 0.111 milliradian, towards -Y for band 1 and toward +Y for band 3. The keywords below define FOVs with these attributes. \begindata INS-159200_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS' INS-159200_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-159200_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-159200_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-159200_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) INS-159200_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 2.85 ) INS-159200_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 2.10 ) INS-159200_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-159210_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS' INS-159210_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-159210_BORESIGHT = ( 0, -0.02541626, 0.99967695 ) INS-159210_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-159210_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) INS-159210_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 2.849205 ) INS-159210_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.448368 ) INS-159210_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-159220_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS' INS-159220_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-159220_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-159220_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-159220_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) INS-159220_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 2.871464 ) INS-159220_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.445188 ) INS-159220_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-159230_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS' INS-159230_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-159230_BORESIGHT = ( 0, 0.02541626, 0.99967695 ) INS-159230_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-159230_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) INS-159230_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 2.868284 ) INS-159230_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.429289 ) INS-159230_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext E-THEMIS Keep-Out-Zone (KOZ) FOV Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------- Per [9], the nominal E-THEMIS KOZ FOV is a rectangular pyramid centered on the +Z axis of the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS frame, with the angular extent of 53.976 degrees in the cross-track direction (XT, in XZ plane of the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS frame) and the angular extent of 41.005 degrees in the along-track (AT, in YZ plane of the EUROPAM_ETHEMIS frame). The keywords below define the KOZ FOV with these attributes. \begindata INS-159201_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS' INS-159201_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-159201_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-159201_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-159201_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) INS-159201_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 26.9880 ) INS-159201_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 20.5025 ) INS-159201_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext E-THEMIS Radiator FOV Definitions ---------------------------------------------------------- The FOV values for the E-THEMIS radiators are place holders until a time when the real values are provided. FOV = 2 Pi SR (obstructions to be negotiated). \begindata INS-159202_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_RAD1' INS-159202_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-159202_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) INS-159202_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( 0.999998476913 0.000000000000 0.001745328366 0.707105704202 0.707105704202 0.001745328366 0.000000000000 0.999998476913 0.001745328366 -0.707105704202 0.707105704202 0.001745328366 -0.999998476913 0.000000000000 0.001745328366 -0.707105704202 -0.707105704202 0.001745328366 -0.000000000000 -0.999998476913 0.001745328366 0.707105704202 -0.707105704202 0.001745328366 ) INS-159203_FOV_FRAME = 'EUROPAM_ETHEMIS_RAD2' INS-159203_FOV_SHAPE = 'POLYGON' INS-159203_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0 0.0 1.0 ) INS-159203_FOV_BOUNDARY_CORNERS = ( 0.999998476913 0.000000000000 0.001745328366 0.707105704202 0.707105704202 0.001745328366 0.000000000000 0.999998476913 0.001745328366 -0.707105704202 0.707105704202 0.001745328366 -0.999998476913 0.000000000000 0.001745328366 -0.707105704202 -0.707105704202 0.001745328366 -0.000000000000 -0.999998476913 0.001745328366 0.707105704202 -0.707105704202 0.001745328366 ) \begintext End of IK.