KPL/PCK SPICE PCK File for Hartley 2 -- DIF-C-HRIV/MRI-5-HARTLEY2-SHAPE-V1.0 Values =========================================================================== By: B. Semenov 24-JAN-2023 Organization -------------------------------------------------------- The sections of this file are as follows. Introductory Information: -- Version description -- Disclaimer -- Sources Pck Data: -- Orientation constants for Comet 103P/Hartley 2 (1986 E2) -- Radii for Comet 103P/Hartley 2 (1986 E2) Version description -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created by Boris Semenov, NAIF/JPL on January 24, 2023. Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------- This constants file may not contain the parameter values that you prefer. Note that this file may be readily modified by you or anyone else. NAIF suggests that you inspect this file visually before proceeding with any critical or extended data processing. NAIF requests that you update the `by line' and date if you modify the file. Sources -------------------------------------------------------- The sources for the constants listed in this file are: 1) Farnham, T.L. and Thomas, P.C., PLATE SHAPE MODEL OF COMET 103P/HARTLEY 2 V1.0, DIF-C-HRIV/MRI-5-HARTLEY2-SHAPE-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2013; holdings/dif-c-hriv_mri-5-hartley2-shape-v1.0/catalog/ 2) Generic PCK file pck00011.tpc based on IAU 2015 constants; Orientation constants for Comet 103P/Hartley 2 (1986 E2) -------------------------------------------------------- This PCK implements inertially-fixed Hartley 2 orientation based on these principal axes directions and time from [1]: Time of Closest Approach: 2010-11-04T13:59:47.7 Directions of Axes at Closest Approach: RA (deg) Dec (deg) (J2000) +Z (Long) axis: 226.12 39.37 +X axis: 237.10 -50.10 +Y Axis: 320.59 5.42 The rotation angles provided in the keywords below were derived as follows: call latrec( 1, 226.12/dpr(), 39.37/dpr(), zj ) call latrec( 1, 237.10/dpr(), -50.10/dpr(), xj ) call twovec( zj, 3, xj, 1, mj2bf ) call m2eul ( mj2bf, 3, 1, 3, r3, r2, r1 ) print (r3+twopi())*dpr(), (pi()/2-r2)*dpr(), (r1-pi()/2+twopi())*dpr() 277.01761927 39.37000000 226.12000000 \begindata BODY1000041_POLE_RA = ( 226.12 0.0 0.0 ) BODY1000041_POLE_DEC = ( 39.37 0.0 0.0 ) BODY1000041_PM = ( 277.0176 0.0 0.0 ) BODY1000041_CONSTANTS_JED_EPOCH = ( 2455505.0839569741 ) \begintext Radii for Comet 103P/Hartley 2 (1986 E2) -------------------------------------------------------- For completeness, the radii provided in the keyword below were copied from comments in [2]. \begindata BODY1000041_RADII = ( 0.34 0.34 1.16 ) \begintext End of PCK file.