Deep Impact/EPOXI IK files. =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes contents of the kernels/ik directory of the Deep Impact/EPOXI SPICE data server. It was last modified on July 9, 2019. Contact Chuck Acton (818-354-3869, or Boris Semenov (818-354-8136, if you have any questions regarding this data. Deep Impact/EPOXI I-kernels Provided in This Directory ====================================================== This directory contains the following Deep Impact Flyby (DIF)/EPOXI and Deep Impact Impactor (DII) IK files (only the leading portion of the file name is shown; the extension of all file names is ".ti"): dif_hri_vVV IK files for the DIF High Resolution Imager (HRI) instrument dif_mri_vVV IK files for the DIF Medium Resolution Imager (MRI) instrument dii_its_vVV IK files for the DII Impactor Targeting Sensor (ITS) instrument All files are in UNIX text format and must be copied using ftp ASCII transfer to any non-UNIX workstation. Deep Impact/EPOXI IK File Naming Scheme ======================================== The Deep Impact/EPOXI IKs provided in this directory are named according to the following scheme: sc_inst_vXX.ti where: sc is the name of the spacecraft: "dif" or "dii"; inst is the name of the instrument: "hri" for High Resolution Imager, "mri" for Medium Resolution Imager, "its" for Impactor Targeting Sensor; vXX is the file version number; If multiple versions of an IK file are provided for an instrument, always use the latest version (unless an earlier version is needed for some special reasons.) Kernel File Details =================== The most detailed description of the data in an IK file is provided in metadata included inside the descriptive text areas within the file. This information can be viewed using any text editor.