KPL/FK Deep Impact Flyby and Impactor Spacecraft Frames Kernel =============================================================================== This frame kernel contains complete set of frame definitions for the Deep Impact Flyby (DIF) and Deep Impact Impactor (DII) spacecraft including definitions for the s/c fixed frames and science instrument frames. This kernel also contains NAIF ID/name mapping for the Deep Impact spacecraft and instruments. Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.7 -- August 1, 2006 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Incorporated HRI/IR misalignment from [12]. Version 1.6 -- September 12, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Added DIF_HGA_GIMBAL frame (frame ID -140930). Changed DIF_HGA frame ID to -140930 and redefined it as a fixed offset frame w.r.t. to the DIF_HGA_GIMBAL. Version 1.5 -- August 1, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Corrected typo in the DII_ITS_ADCS definition. The CENTER was incorrectly set to -140. It was changed to -70. Version 1.4 -- June 28, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Incorporated final MRI misalignment values (see [11]). Version 1.3 -- April 5, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Fixed typo in the comments in ITS section. Version 1.2 -- February 26, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF For completeness, defined additional HRI, MRI, and ITS frames following ADCS convention. All three -- DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS, DIF_MRI_ADCS, and DII_ITS_ADCS -- are defined as fixed offset, nominally-rotated frames relative to the corresponding camera frames. Version 1.1 -- February 11, 2005 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Incorporated initial OPNAV estimate of the MRI misalignment. Version 1.0 -- December 20, 2004 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Re-defined HRI, MRI, and ITS frames to be consistent with OPNAV and science expectations. Described impactor and ITS frames. Version 0.3 -- April 28, 2003 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Added HGA frame. Version 0.2 -- September 17, 2002 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Added LGA frames (preliminary; antenna +X is not aligned with the pattern reference direction.) Version 0.1 -- April 16, 2002 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Added star tracker (ST#) and coarse solar sensor (CSS#) frames. Version 0.0 -- April 13, 2001 -- Boris Semenov, NAIF Preliminary Version: --- TO BE USED ONLY FOR SOA TOOL DEMONSTRATION --- This version is based solely on [4], which, as of Rev 010216, did NOT contain complete set of information required to understand and define Deep Impact Flyby and Impactor spacecraft and their instrument frames without making certain "guesses." References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. ``Frames Required Reading'' 2. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' 4. ``Deep Impact Instruments Requirements Specification'', 2001 February 16, M. Ensminger 5. E-mail from L. Kendall to M. Hughes providing star tracker and coarse sun sensor boresight directions, March 27, 2002 6. ``Deep Impact Coarse Sun Sensor Placement'', Systems Engineering Report, by M. Larson, April 2002 (includes changes per ECR from December 17, 2001) 7. ``Deep Impact LGA Pattern Analysis'', DI-SC-COM-063, 07/17/02 8. ``Deep Impact Camera Orientations: AutoNav and ADCS Definitions'', March 10, 2003 9. E-mail from Brian Carcich, December 20, 2004. 10. E-mail from Nick Mastrodemos, DI OPNAV, JPL, January 18, 2005. 11. "Deep Impact Precise Alignments Summary", Rev. A: 09 June 2005, by Steve Waydo, DI AACS. 12. DI Calibration Document (DICalPaper062706_inst_alignments.pdf) Contact Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boris V. Semenov, NAIF/JPL, (818)-354-8136, Implementation Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must `load' the kernel, normally during program initialization. The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel file into the pool as shown below. CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. Deep Impact NAIF ID Codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep Impact Flyby (DIF) spacecraft and instruments IDs: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DEEP_IMPACT_FLYBY_SC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -140 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIF' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -140 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIF_HRI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -140100 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIF_HRI_VIS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -140110 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIF_HRI_IR' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -140120 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DIF_MRI' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -140200 ) \begintext Deep Impact Impactor (DII) spacecraft and instruments IDs: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DEEP_IMPACT_IMPACTOR_SC' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -70 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DII' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -70 ) NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'DII_ITS' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( -70100 ) \begintext TEMPEL Comet ID: \begindata NAIF_BODY_NAME += ( 'TEMPEL' ) NAIF_BODY_CODE += ( 1000093 ) \begintext Deep Impact Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following DIF and DII frames are defined in this kernel file: Name Relative to Type NAIF ID ====================== =================== ============ ======= Flyby Spacecraft Frame: ----------------------- DIF_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -140000 Flyby Spacecraft Instrument Frames: ----------------------------------- DIF_HRI_OPTICS SPACECRAFT FIXED -140100 DIF_HRI_VIS SPACECRAFT FIXED -140110 DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS HRI_VIS FIXED -140119 DIF_HRI_IR SPACECRAFT FIXED -140120 DIF_MRI SPACECRAFT FIXED -140200 DIF_MRI_ADCS MRI FIXED -140209 Flyby Spacecraft Star Tracker Frames: ------------------------------------- DIF_ST1 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140710 DIF_ST2 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140720 Flyby Spacecraft Sun Sensor Frames: ----------------------------------- DIF_CSS1 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140801 DIF_CSS2 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140802 DIF_CSS3 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140803 DIF_CSS4 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140804 DIF_CSS5 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140805 DIF_CSS6 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140806 DIF_CSS7 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140807 DIF_CSS8 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140808 DIF_CSS9 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140809 (*) DIF_CSS10 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140810 DIF_CSS11 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140811 DIF_CSS12 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140812 DIF_CSS13 SPACECRAFT FIXED -140813 Flyby Spacecraft Low Gain Antenna Frames: ----------------------------------------- DIF_LGA-Y SPACECRAFT FIXED -140910 DIF_LGA+Y SPACECRAFT FIXED -140920 DIF_HGA_GIMBAL SPACECRAFT CK -140930 DIF_HGA HGA_GIMBAL FIXED -140931 Impactor Spacecraft Frame: -------------------------- DII_SPACECRAFT J2000 CK -70000 Impactor Spacecraft Instrument Frame: ------------------------------------- DII_ITS SPACECRAFT FIXED -70100 DII_ITS_ADCS ITS FIXED -70109 Comet Frame: ------------ TEMPEL_FIXED J2000 PCK 1000093 (*) Although the frame for CSS9 is listed in the table, this FK file does not contain a definition for it because CSS9 has been removed from the s/c per ECR from December 17, 2001 Deep Impact Frames Hierarchy ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The diagram below shows Deep Impact frames hierarchy: "J2000" INERTIAL +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | . |<-pck | |<-pck . | | | . V | V . "TEMPEL_FIXED" | "IAU_EARTH" . TEMPEL BFR(*) |<-ck EARTH BFR(*) . ------------- | ------------ . | . | . | DIF_HGA . | ------- . | ^ . | | . | |<-fixed . | | . | DIF_HGA_GIMBAL . | -------------- . | ^ . | | . V |<-ck . "DIF_SPACECRAFT" | . +------------------------------------------------------+ . | | | | | . . |<-fixed |<-fixed | | | .<-ck .<-ck(#) | | | | | . . | V | | | V V | "DIF_HRI_OPTICS" | | | "DII_SPACECRAFT" | +---------------+ | | | +--------------+ | | | | | | | | fixed->| fixed->| | | | fixed->| | | | | | | | V V V | | | V "DIF_MRI" "DIF_HRI_IR" "DIF_HRI_VIS" | | | "DII_ITS" --------- ------------ ------------- | | | --------- | | | | | | |<-fixed fixed->| | | | fixed->| | | | | | | V V | | | V "DIF_MRI_ADCS" "DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS" | | | "DII_ITS_ADCS" -------------- ------------------ | | | -------------- | | | fixed->| fxd->| |<-fixed | | | V V V DIF_LGA+Y/-Y DIF_ST(N) DIF_CSS(N) ------------ --------- ---------- (*) BFR -- body-fixed rotating frame (#) DII orientation provided in CK is likely to be with respect to the DIF prior to separation and with respect to an inertial frame after separation. Flyby Spacecraft Bus Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DIF spacecraft frame is defined by the s/c design as follows [from 4]: - +X axis is aligned with the Launch Vehicle (LV); - +Y axis is parallel to the solar array normal; - +Z axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is at the LV separation plane, along the LV centerline. This diagram illustrates DIF s/c frame (based on Figure 3-2 from [4]): |\ ._______| \________________ | | \ || \ | HGA | /| || \ | | / | || \ Solar Array | |/ / \ || | (behind the s/c) | ._______/___\___.| | | | _ || | | .' \ || | .' MRI | || | .' .' / || | .' .'| / __ || | MRI `.' ||___/ .' \ || | Boresight ,' | | .' | || | .' | | .' HRI | || | V | .' / || | .' ,'|____/ || | .' ,' ^ +Xsc |.__________. .' .'______ | ______. ' .' |_ | _| HRI .`.' /__ | __\ Boresight .' | .' <-------x . . . . . . . . . . LV interface V +Zsc +Ysc plane (into page) The DIF s/c bus attitude is provided in CK, and, therefore, this frame is defined as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_DIF_SPACECRAFT = -140000 FRAME_-140000_NAME = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-140000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-140000_CLASS_ID = -140000 FRAME_-140000_CENTER = -140 CK_-140000_SCLK = -140 CK_-140000_SPK = -140 \begintext DIF Science Instrument Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains frame definitions for DIF science instruments -- High Resolution Imager (HRI) and Medium Resolution Imager (MRI.) HRI Frames ---------- HRI consists of a multi-spectral CCD and an infrared imaging spectrometer mounted on the same optical bench attached to the -Y side of the spacecraft bus. There are three "primary" frames defined for HRI: one for optical bench and one for each of the detectors. Nominally, all three frames are co-aligned. The diagram below illustrates the orientation of these frames with respect to the spacecraft: |\ ._______| \________________ | | \ || \ | HGA | /| || \ | | / | || \ Solar Array | |/ / \ || | (behind the s/c) | ._______/___\___.| | | | __ || | | .' || | .' ^ +Xhri || | .' .' \ || | .' .'| \ __ MRI `.' ||___/ .\ +Yhri (into the page) Boresight ,' | | .' .x | .' .' .' | || | V +Zhri .' HRI / || | .' v','|____/ || | .' ,' ||__________. .' .'_______________. ' .' |_ ^ +Xsc HRI .`.' /__ | __\ Boresight .' | .' <----x . . . . . . . . . . LV interface V +Zsc +Ysc plane (into page) On this diagram +Xhri, +Yhri, +Zhri represent corresponding axes of the DIF_HRI_OPTICS, DIF_HRI_VIS and DIF_HRI_IR frames. HRI Optics Frame ---------------- The axes of the DIF_HRI_OPTICS frame are defined by the instrument design as follows: - +Z axis is in the direction of HRI boresight; - +Y axis is parallel to the nominal HRI VIS CCD columns and HRI IR spatial resolution direction and nominally points in the same direction as the s/c +Y axis; - +X completes the right hand frame; - the origin of this frame is the HRI optics focal point. Nominally, HRI Optics frame is rotated with respect to the DIF spacecraft frame by -45 degrees about spacecraft +Y axis: hrio M = | 0.0 | * | -45.0 | * | 0.0 | sc Z Y X Note that this nominal alignment is valid during flight because instead of updating it after HRI to s/c calibration was performed, the star tracker alignments to s/c frame were adjusted to make sure that the nominal relationship between HRI and s/c frames is preserved. (The frame definition below contains the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from HRI optics to s/c frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_HRI_OPTICS = -140100 FRAME_-140100_NAME = 'DIF_HRI_OPTICS' FRAME_-140100_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140100_CLASS_ID = -140100 FRAME_-140100_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140100_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140100_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140100_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 45.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-140100_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140100_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext HRI VIS and IR Frames --------------------- The axes of the DIF_HRI_VIS frame are defined along the lines of the standard image frame convention: - +Z axis is along the instrument boresight; - +X axis is along the instrument CCD lines and point toward the right edge of the image; - +Y axis is along the instrument CCD columns; it completes the right hand frame and points from toward the bottom of the image; - the origin of this frame is located at the geometric center of the instrument CCD. The axes of the DIF_HRI_IR frame are defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the instrument boresight; - +Y axis is along the spatial resolution direction of the instrument's CCD; - +X axis is along the spectral resolution direction of the instrument CCD; it completes the right hand frame; - the origin of this frame is located at the geometric center of the instrument CCD. Nominally both frames, HRI VIS and HRI IR, are co-aligned with the HRI optics frame. While the zero nominal alignment with respect to the HRI optics frame is valid for DIF_HRI_VIS frame during flight (see note in the ``HRI Optics Section'' above), it is not valid for the DIF_HRI_IR frame. The actual alignment the HRI IR frame was derived from the flight data by the DI science team and given in [12]. According this solution the HRI IR boresight -- +Z axis of the DIF_HRI_IR frame corresponding to the center of stored full-frame IR image -- is tilted with respect to the HRI VIS boresight -- +Z axis of the DIF_HRI_VIS frame -- by 36 microradians toward -X and by 7 microradians toward +Y. Since these two angles have very small magnitude they are treated as rotation angles and incorporated ``as is'' into the DIF_HRI_IR frame definition below. The third angle is set to zero because the same analysis determined that the rotation of the HRI IR slit about the boresight with respect to the MRI/HRI is very small, sub-pixel level and for this reason could be neglected. (The frame definitions below contain the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from HRI IR/VIS to optics frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_HRI_VIS = -140110 FRAME_-140110_NAME = 'DIF_HRI_VIS' FRAME_-140110_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140110_CLASS_ID = -140110 FRAME_-140110_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140110_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140110_RELATIVE = 'DIF_HRI_OPTICS' TKFRAME_-140110_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-140110_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140110_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_HRI_IR = -140120 FRAME_-140120_NAME = 'DIF_HRI_IR' FRAME_-140120_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140120_CLASS_ID = -140120 FRAME_-140120_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140120_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140120_RELATIVE = 'DIF_HRI_OPTICS' TKFRAME_-140120_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.000036, 0.000007 ) TKFRAME_-140120_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140120_UNITS = 'RADIANS' \begintext HRI VIS ADSC Frame ------------------ The "primary" HRI VIS frame (DIF_HRI_VIS) defined above follows the OPNAV convention. The ADCS defined another frame for this camera using a different convention. The axes of the ADCS frame, in this FK named DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS, are related to the axes of the "primary" HRI VIS frame (DIF_HRI_VIS) as follows (see [8]): - +X axis of DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS is the same as +Z axis of DIF_HRI_VIS (along boresight); - +Y axis of DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS is the same as +Y axis of DIF_HRI_VIS (along CCD columns); - +Z axis of DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS is the same as -X axis of DIF_HRI_VIS (along CCD lines); A single rotation of -90 degrees about +Y is needed to align the DIF_HRI_VIS with DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS frame. (The frame definitions below contain the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from ADCS to "primary" frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS = -140119 FRAME_-140119_NAME = 'DIF_HRI_VIS_ADCS' FRAME_-140119_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140119_CLASS_ID = -140119 FRAME_-140119_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140119_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140119_RELATIVE = 'DIF_HRI_VIS' TKFRAME_-140119_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-140119_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140119_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext MRI Frame --------- MRI consists of a single multi-spectral CCD mounted on an optical bench attached to the -Y side of the spacecraft bus. Only one frame is defined for MRI. This frame orientation with respect to the spacecraft is shown on the diagram below: |\ ._______| \________________ | | \ || \ HGA | /| || \ ^ | / | || \ Solar Array +Xmri \ |/ / \ || | (behind the s/c) | \ _____/___\___.| | | \__ | | .'x +Ymri (into the page ) | . .' | +Zmri'.'.' / || | .' V.' / __ || | MRI ` .'||___/ .' \ || | Boresight ,' | | .' | || | .' .' | || | V .' HRI / || | .' ,'|____/ || | .' ,' ||__________. .' .'_______________. ' .' |_ ^ +Xsc HRI .`.' /__ | __\ Boresight .' | .' <----x . . . . . . . . . . LV interface V +Zsc +Ysc plane (into page) The axes of the DIF_MRI frame are defined by the instrument design as follows: - +Z axis is in the direction of MRI boresight; - +Y axis is parallel to the nominal MRI CCD columns and points toward the bottom of the image; it nominally points in the same direction as the s/c +Y axis; - +X completes the right hand frame; it is parallel to MRI CCD lines and points toward the right side of the image; - the origin of this frame is the MRI optics focal point. Nominally, MRI frame is rotated with respect to the DIF spacecraft frame by -45 degrees about spacecraft +Y axis: mri M = | 0.0 | * | -45.0 | * | 0.0 | sc Z Y X Initial estimate of the actual MRI alignment relative to the s/c was performed by DI OPNAV using images taken on 1-14-05. The following quaternion -- non-SPICE style, rotating from s/c to MRI -- for this misalignment was provided by Nick Mastrodemos, DI OPNAV ([10]): qb2mri = [-0.00040450121923 -0.38272258737675 0.00104114520178 0.92386263779150]; Rotation angles corresponding to this quaternion are: mri M = |0.130801483771| * |-45.004882929701| * |0.004013880181| sc Z Y X Final estimate of the actual MRI alignment relative to the s/c was calculated by DI AACS using images taken on 2005-108 and 2005-113. The following quaternion -- non-SPICE style, rotating from s/c to MRI -- for this misalignment was provided in [11]: qb2mri = [-0.00039317053464, -0.38273873987874, 0.00102800577131, 0.92385596584260]; Rotation angles corresponding to this quaternion are: mri M = |0.129539306414| * |-45.006884881185| * |0.004898709285| sc Z Y X (The frame definition below contains the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from MRI to s/c frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_MRI = -140200 FRAME_-140200_NAME = 'DIF_MRI' FRAME_-140200_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140200_CLASS_ID = -140200 FRAME_-140200_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140200_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140200_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140200_ANGLES = ( -0.004898709285, 45.006884881185, -0.129539306414 ) TKFRAME_-140200_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140200_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext MRI ADSC Frame -------------- The "primary" MRI frame (DIF_MRI) defined above follows the OPNAV convention. The ADCS defined another frame for this camera using a different convention. The axes of the ADCS frame, in this FK named DIF_MRI_ADCS, are related to the axes of the "primary" MRI frame (DIF_MRI) as follows (see [8]): - +X axis of DIF_MRI_ADCS is the same as +Z axis of DIF_MRI (along boresight); - +Y axis of DIF_MRI_ADCS is the same as +Y axis of DIF_MRI (along CCD columns); - +Z axis of DIF_MRI_ADCS is the same as -X axis of DIF_MRI (along CCD lines); A single rotation of -90 degrees about +Y is needed to align the DIF_MRI with DIF_MRI_ADCS frame. (The frame definitions below contain the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from ADCS to "primary" frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_MRI_ADCS = -140209 FRAME_-140209_NAME = 'DIF_MRI_ADCS' FRAME_-140209_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140209_CLASS_ID = -140209 FRAME_-140209_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140209_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140209_RELATIVE = 'DIF_MRI' TKFRAME_-140209_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-140209_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140209_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext DIF Star Tracker and Sun Sensor Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains frame definitions for DIF Star Trackers (ST1 and ST2) and Coarse Sun Sensors (CSS1 - CSS13). Star Tracker Frames ------------------- The following description of the Star Tracker 1 and 2 (ST1 and ST2) mounting alignment is provided in [5]: -- Tracker boresights are tilted 18 degrees above the instrument platform (toward spacecraft -Y); -- Tracker 1 (ST1) is clocked 20 degrees of the HRI anti-boresight, toward the SIM; -- Tracker 2 (ST2) is clocked zero degrees of the HRI anti-boresight; This diagram illustrates ST mounting alignment and boresight directions: |\ ._______| \________________ | | \ || .> \ | HGA | /| || .' ST2 boresight | | / | ST2 .' \ +Ymri| |/ / \ .`. | | _____/___\.' .' .> ST1 boresight | __ .' .'|| .-' | .'o \ '' ||.o'`. | .' MRI | .o' .o' | .' .' / '.o'ST1 | .' .' / __ || | MRI ` .'||___/ .' \ || | Boresight ,' | | .' | || | .' .' | || | V .' HRI / || | .' ,'|____/ || | Solar Array .' ,' ||__________. (behind the s/c) .' .'_______________. ' .' |_ ^ +Xsc HRI .`.' /__ | __\ Boresight .' | .' <----x . . . . . . . . . . LV interface V +Zsc +Ysc plane (into page) The frame for each of the two trackers is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the tracker's boresight; - +X axis is parallel to the XZ plane of the DIF s/c frame; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame and points approximately in the direction of the s/c -Y; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the tracker. The following ST1 and ST2 boresight directions with respect to the DIF s/c frame and spacecraft to tracker rotation matrices are provided in [5]: Star Tracker boresight orientation: ST1: [+0.401934, -0.309017, -0.861950] ST2: [+0.672499, -0.309017, -0.672499] Spacecraft to tracker rotation matrix: ST1: 0.90630779 0.00000000 0.42261826 -0.13059623 -0.95105652 0.28006451 0.40193385 -0.30901699 -0.86194993 ST2: 0.70710678 0.00000000 0.70710678 -0.21850801 -0.95105652 0.21850801 0.67249851 -0.30901699 -0.67249851 Based on these directions/matrices and description of the mounting the following rotations are need to transform the s/c frame into the tracker frames: ST1: first, by 155 degrees about +Y; second, by 18 degrees about +X; third, by 180 degrees about +Z; ST2: first, by 135 degrees about +Y; second, by 18 degrees about +X; third, by 180 degrees about +Z; (The frame definitions below contains the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from tracker to s/c frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_ST1 = -140710 FRAME_-140710_NAME = 'DIF_ST1' FRAME_-140710_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140710_CLASS_ID = -140710 FRAME_-140710_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140710_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140710_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140710_ANGLES = ( -155.0, -18.0, -180.0 ) TKFRAME_-140710_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140710_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_ST2 = -140720 FRAME_-140720_NAME = 'DIF_ST2' FRAME_-140720_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140720_CLASS_ID = -140720 FRAME_-140720_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140720_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140720_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140720_ANGLES = ( -135.0, -18.0, -180.0 ) TKFRAME_-140720_AXES = ( 2, 1, 3 ) TKFRAME_-140720_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Coarse Sun Sensor Frames ------------------------ The frame for each of the 13 Coarse Sun Sensors (CSS's) mounted on the DIF is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the sensor's boresight; - +Y axis is parallel to the XY plane of the DIF s/c frame; - +X axis is completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the sensor. The following CSS boresight directions with respect to the DIF s/c frame are provided in the table 2 of [6]: Sensor FOV, deg X Y Z ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 1 53 0.6691 0.7431 0 2 78 -0.8160 0.5714 0.0872 3 78 -0.1228 0.6964 -0.7071 4 78 -0.1228 0.6964 0.7071 5 78 0.2743 0.9262 0.2588 6 78 0.5649 0.0996 -0.8192 7 78 0.5649 0.0966 0.8192 8 78 0.0872 -0.9962 -0.0003 9 - - - - (*) 10 78 0.0517 -0.4492 0.8919 11 78 -0.9513 -0.1677 0.2588 12 78 -0.9513 -0.1677 -0.2588 13 78 -0.9962 0.0872 0 (*) CSS9 has been removed per ECR from December 17, 2001 These directions can presented by the following azimuth/elevation pairs with azimuth measured CCW from +X in the s/c XY plane and elevation measured positive from the XY plane toward +Z axis (azimuth and elevation are defined consistently with the diagram on page 1 of [6]): Sensor AZ EL ------- --------- --------- 1 48.0 0.0 2 145.0 5.0 3 100.0 -45.0 4 100.0 45.0 5 73.5 15.0 6 10.0 -55.0 7 9.7 55.0 8 -85.0 -0.0 9 - - 10 -83.4 63.1 11 -170.0 15.0 12 -170.0 -15.0 13 175.0 0.0 A matrix rotating vectors from the s/c frame to the sensor frame can be constructed from the azimuth and elevation pair as follows: M = |90.0-EL| * |AZ| Y Z (The frame definitions below contain the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from sensor to s/c frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_CSS1 = -140801 FRAME_-140801_NAME = 'DIF_CSS1' FRAME_-140801_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140801_CLASS_ID = -140801 FRAME_-140801_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140801_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140801_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140801_ANGLES = ( -48.000, -90.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140801_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140801_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS2 = -140802 FRAME_-140802_NAME = 'DIF_CSS2' FRAME_-140802_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140802_CLASS_ID = -140802 FRAME_-140802_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140802_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140802_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140802_ANGLES = ( -145.000, -85.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140802_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140802_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS3 = -140803 FRAME_-140803_NAME = 'DIF_CSS3' FRAME_-140803_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140803_CLASS_ID = -140803 FRAME_-140803_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140803_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140803_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140803_ANGLES = ( -100.000, -135.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140803_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140803_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS4 = -140804 FRAME_-140804_NAME = 'DIF_CSS4' FRAME_-140804_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140804_CLASS_ID = -140804 FRAME_-140804_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140804_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140804_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140804_ANGLES = ( -100.000, -45.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140804_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140804_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS5 = -140805 FRAME_-140805_NAME = 'DIF_CSS5' FRAME_-140805_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140805_CLASS_ID = -140805 FRAME_-140805_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140805_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140805_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140805_ANGLES = ( -73.500, -75.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140805_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140805_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS6 = -140806 FRAME_-140806_NAME = 'DIF_CSS6' FRAME_-140806_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140806_CLASS_ID = -140806 FRAME_-140806_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140806_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140806_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140806_ANGLES = ( -10.000, -145.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140806_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140806_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS7 = -140807 FRAME_-140807_NAME = 'DIF_CSS7' FRAME_-140807_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140807_CLASS_ID = -140807 FRAME_-140807_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140807_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140807_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140807_ANGLES = ( -9.700, -35.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140807_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140807_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS8 = -140808 FRAME_-140808_NAME = 'DIF_CSS8' FRAME_-140808_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140808_CLASS_ID = -140808 FRAME_-140808_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140808_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140808_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140808_ANGLES = ( 85.000, -90.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140808_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140808_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS10 = -140810 FRAME_-140810_NAME = 'DIF_CSS10' FRAME_-140810_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140810_CLASS_ID = -140810 FRAME_-140810_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140810_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140810_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140810_ANGLES = ( 83.400, -26.900, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140810_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140810_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS11 = -140811 FRAME_-140811_NAME = 'DIF_CSS11' FRAME_-140811_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140811_CLASS_ID = -140811 FRAME_-140811_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140811_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140811_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140811_ANGLES = ( 170.000, -75.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140811_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140811_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS12 = -140812 FRAME_-140812_NAME = 'DIF_CSS12' FRAME_-140812_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140812_CLASS_ID = -140812 FRAME_-140812_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140812_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140812_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140812_ANGLES = ( 170.000, -105.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140812_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140812_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_CSS13 = -140813 FRAME_-140813_NAME = 'DIF_CSS13' FRAME_-140813_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140813_CLASS_ID = -140813 FRAME_-140813_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140813_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140813_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140813_ANGLES = ( -175.000, -90.000, 0.000 ) TKFRAME_-140813_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140813_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext DIF Antenna Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains frame definitions for DIF Low Gain (LGA+Y and LGA-Y) and High Gain (HGA) Antenna Frames. DIF Low Gain Antenna Frames --------------------------- This section contains frame definitions for DIF Low Gain Antennas, LGA-Y and LGA+Y. This diagram illustrates LGA mounting alignment and boresight directions (from [7]): |\ HGA .. | \ || | \ || | /| +Xlga+y ^ || | / | ^ +Xlga-y | || |/ / \ | | ||._____/___\_____. | +Zlga+y <----x#||| |====#o----> +Zlga-y +Ylga+y ||| |-. +Ylga-y (into ||| | | (out of page) ||| | | page) ||| | | ||| | || ||| | || ||| |_.| HRI ||| | | ||| | | Solar ||| |__| Array ._______________. Science Deck |_ ^ +Xsc /__ | __\ +Ysc | <----o . . . . . . . . . LV interface +Zsc plane (out of page) The frame for each of the antennas is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the antenna's boresight; - +X axis is along the antenna pattern reference axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the geometric center of the antenna patch. Assuming that the antenna pattern reference direction is along the s/c +X axis, a single rotation by +90 degrees about +X axis is needed to align the s/c frame with the LGA-Y frame and a single rotation by -90 degrees about +X axis is needed to align the s/c frame with the LGA+Y frame. (The frame definitions below contains the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from tracker to s/c frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DIF_LGA-Y = -140910 FRAME_-140910_NAME = 'DIF_LGA-Y' FRAME_-140910_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140910_CLASS_ID = -140910 FRAME_-140910_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140910_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140910_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140910_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-140910_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140910_UNITS = 'DEGREES' FRAME_DIF_LGA+Y = -140920 FRAME_-140920_NAME = 'DIF_LGA+Y' FRAME_-140920_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140920_CLASS_ID = -140920 FRAME_-140920_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140920_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140920_RELATIVE = 'DIF_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-140920_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, 90.0 ) TKFRAME_-140920_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-140920_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext DIF High Gain Antenna Frames ---------------------------- This section contains frame definitions for DIF High Gain Antenna (HGA) frames. Two frames are defined for HGA -- HGA gimbal frame, DIF_HGA_GIMBAL, and HGA frame, DIF_HGA. The HGA gimbal frame, DIF_HGA_GIMBAL, is defined as follows: - +X axis is along the antenna's boresight; - +Y axis is along the HGA gimbal ``inboard'' rotation axis; - +Z axis is along the HGA gimbal ``outboard'' rotation axis; - the origin of the frame is located at the intersection of the antenna ``outboard'' gimbal axis and antenna boresight. The HGA frame, DIF_HGA, is defined as follows: - +Z axis is along the antenna's boresight; - +X axis is along the HGA gimbal ``outboard'' rotation axis and points in the direction opposite to the HGA gimbal +Z axis; - +Y axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is located at the intersection of the antenna boresight and outer rim plane of the antenna dish. This diagram illustrates the two HGA frame (HGA is shown in zero gimbal position): ^ +Zhga | +Yhga | +Xhga is into <----x_____ the page. `. ^ +Xhgag .. `. | .' || <----o' +Zhgag is out of || +Yhgag | the page. || | || / \ ||._____/___\_____. #||| |====# ||| |-. ||| | | ||| | | ||| | | ||| | || ||| | || ||| |_.| HRI ||| | | ||| | | Solar ||| |__| Array ._______________. Science Deck |_ ^ +Xsc /__ | __\ +Ysc | <----o . . . . . . . . . LV interface +Zsc plane (out of page) The HGA gimbal frame is defined as a CK-based frame because its orientation with respect to the s/c, determined by the rotations in ``inboard'' (first, about Y) and ``outboard'' (second, about Z), is stored in CK files. In zero gimbal position this frame is co-aligned with the s/c frame. The HGA frame is defined as a fixed offset frame with respect to the HGA gimbal frame. The main purpose of introducing this frame is to have a frame in which the antenna boresight is co-aligned with the +Z axis of the frame. A single rotation by +90 degrees about +Y axis is needed to lineup the HGA gimbal frame with the HGA frame. \begindata FRAME_DIF_HGA_GIMBAL = -140930 FRAME_-140930_NAME = 'DIF_HGA_GIMBAL' FRAME_-140930_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-140930_CLASS_ID = -140930 FRAME_-140930_CENTER = -140 CK_-140930_SCLK = -140 CK_-140930_SPK = -140 FRAME_DIF_HGA = -140931 FRAME_-140931_NAME = 'DIF_HGA' FRAME_-140931_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-140931_CLASS_ID = -140931 FRAME_-140931_CENTER = -140 TKFRAME_-140931_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-140931_RELATIVE = 'DIF_HGA_GIMBAL' TKFRAME_-140931_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, -90.0 ) TKFRAME_-140931_AXES = ( 3, 1, 2 ) TKFRAME_-140931_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Impactor Spacecraft Bus Frame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DII spacecraft frame is defined by the s/c design as follows: - +X axis points in the direction opposite to the ITS boresight; - +Y axis points in the direction of the combined thrust of the two side-mounted attitude control thrusters; - +Z axis completes the right hand frame; - the origin of the frame is at launch vehicle interface. This diagram illustrates DII s/c frame: ._____. ^ +Zsc Star .' `..' Tracker .`./ .'\ ___`. .' . | o' | . +Xsc `. @ Thruster \ `. / `. .`. ` ---@' `> +Ysc Thruster +Xsc is out of the page. The DII s/c bus attitude is provided in CK, and, therefore, this frame is defined as a CK-based frame. \begindata FRAME_DII_SPACECRAFT = -70000 FRAME_-70000_NAME = 'DII_SPACECRAFT' FRAME_-70000_CLASS = 3 FRAME_-70000_CLASS_ID = -70000 FRAME_-70000_CENTER = -70 CK_-70000_SCLK = -70 CK_-70000_SPK = -70 \begintext DII Science Instrument Frames ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This section contains frame definitions for DII science instrument -- Impactor Targeting Sensor (ITS) ITS Frame --------- ITS consists of a single multi-spectral CCD mounted on an optical bench attached to the impactor spacecraft bus. Only one frame is defined for ITS. This frame orientation with respect to the DII spacecraft is shown on the diagram below: ._____. ^ +Zsc Star +Zits `..' Tracker .`./ x--------> +Xits ___`. | .' . | o' | . +Xsc |`. @ Thruster \ | `. / +Yits V .`. ` ---@' `> +Ysc Thruster +Xsc is out of the page. +Zits is into the page. The axes of the DIF_ITS frame are defined by the instrument design as follows: - +Z axis is in the direction of ITS boresight; it nominally points in the direction of the DII -X axis; - +X axis is parallel to ITS CCD lines and points toward the right side of the image; it is nominally 30 degrees off the s/c +Y axis toward the s/c +Z axis; - +Y axis is parallel to the nominal ITS CCD columns and points toward the bottom of the image; it completes the right hand frame; - the origin of this frame is the ITS optics focal point. Nominally, ITS frame is rotated with respect to the DII spacecraft frame by -90 degrees about spacecraft +Y axis and then by +60 degrees about +Z axis: its M = | +60.0 | * | -90.0 | * | 0.0 | sc Z Y X (The frame definition below contains the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from ITS to s/c frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DII_ITS = -70100 FRAME_-70100_NAME = 'DII_ITS' FRAME_-70100_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-70100_CLASS_ID = -70100 FRAME_-70100_CENTER = -70 TKFRAME_-70100_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-70100_RELATIVE = 'DII_SPACECRAFT' TKFRAME_-70100_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, -60.0 ) TKFRAME_-70100_AXES = ( 1, 2, 3 ) TKFRAME_-70100_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext ITS ADSC Frame -------------- The "primary" ITS frame (DII_ITS) defined above follows the OPNAV convention. The ADCS defined another frame for this camera using a different convention. The axes of the ADCS frame, in this FK named DII_ITS_ADCS, are related to the axes of the "primary" ITS frame (DII_ITS) and Impactor spacecraft bus frame (DII_SPACECRAFT) as follows (see [8]): - +X axis of DII_ITS_ADCS is the same as +Z axis of DII_ITS (along boresight); - +Y axis of DII_ITS_ADCS is the same as +Y axis of DII_SPACECRAFT; - +Z axis of DII_ITS_ADCS is the same as -Z axis of DII_SPACECRAFT; Two rotations are needed to align the DII_ITS with DII_ITS_ADCS frame: first by -90 degrees about +Y, then by -60 degrees about +X. (The frame definitions below contain the opposite of this rotation because Euler angles specified in it define transformation from ADCS to "primary" frame -- see [1].) \begindata FRAME_DII_ITS_ADCS = -70109 FRAME_-70109_NAME = 'DII_ITS_ADCS' FRAME_-70109_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-70109_CLASS_ID = -70109 FRAME_-70109_CENTER = -70 TKFRAME_-70109_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-70109_RELATIVE = 'DII_ITS' TKFRAME_-70109_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 90.0, 60.0 ) TKFRAME_-70109_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-70109_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Comet Tempel body-fixed frame -------------------------------------------------------- The Tempel fixed frame is defined in the same as any other PCK frame: * +Z along comet's North pole; * +X along comet's prime meridian; * +Y completes the right hand frame; * the origin of this frame is at the center of the comet ellipsoid. As for any PCK frame orientation of this frame is computed by evaluating corresponding rotation constants provided in a PCK file. \begindata FRAME_TEMPEL_FIXED = 1000093 FRAME_1000093_NAME = 'TEMPEL_FIXED' FRAME_1000093_CLASS = 2 FRAME_1000093_CLASS_ID = 1000093 FRAME_1000093_CENTER = 1000093 OBJECT_1000093_FRAME = 'TEMPEL_FIXED' \begintext