; dawn_rec_160505-160527_160809_v1.bsp LOG FILE ; Created 2016-08-09/13:48:47.41. ; ; BEGIN SPKMERGE COMMANDS LEAPSECONDS_KERNEL = /nav/dawn/import/leapsec/naif0011.tls SPK_KERNEL = dawn_rec_160505-160527_160809_v1.bsp SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = /nav/dawn/delivery/od/ceres_lamo/OD160627_v4/dawn_m_160504-160527_160627_v4.bsp INCLUDE_COMMENTS = NO BODIES = -203 BEGIN_TIME = 2016 MAY 05 06:57:51.815 END_TIME = 2016 MAY 27 15:58:51.815 ; END SPKMERGE COMMANDS Trajectory from orbit determination solutions: /nav/dawn/delivery/od/ceres_lamo/OD160627_v4/dawn_m_160504-160527_160627_v4.bsp Transfer to LAMO/LAMO C7 Delivery, 09-AUG-2016 Delivery contains the following files: dawn_rec_160505-160527_160809_v1.bsp (Ceres-centered) optg_ceres_LAMO_C7_recon_v1 optg_ceres_LAMO_C7_recon_v1.epoch optg_ceres_LAMO_C7_recon_v1.cvf dawn_ceres_nav_LAMO_C7_recon_v1.tpc Delivery based on one solution: /nav/dawn/ops/od/ceres_lamo/epoch_160319/160627_O833_recon_C7/ data/trajectory span 160505 0700 to 160527 1600 Delivery solutions solved for corrections to the Ceres ephemeris This ephemeris is not delivered, but is deemed sufficiently close enough to sb_ceres_140724.bsp to establish lighting conditions. BRIEF -- Version 3.0.0, January 14, 2008 -- Toolkit Version N0064 Summary for: dawn_rec_160505-160527_160809_v1.bsp Bodies Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- -203 DAWN 2016 MAY 05 06:59:00.000 2016 MAY 27 16:00:00.000