This C-kernels was produced using the SPICE program "prediCkt" on 2014-DEC-30 09:19:26. The following files were provided in support of the construction of the attitude given in this kernel. File Type Name ---- ------------------------------------------ SPK /ftp/pub/naif/CASSINI/kernels/spk/140114AP_SCPSE_13290_17265.bsp SPK /ftp/pub/naif/CASSINI/kernels/spk/140114AP_SK_13290_17265.bsp TEXT /ftp/pub/naif/CASSINI/kernels/lsk/naif0010.tls TEXT /ftp/pub/naif/generic_kernels/pck/pck00010.tpc This C-kernel matches the specification given below to 0.05730 degrees. The text kernel used to specify the orientation of structures included in this file is given below. ============================================================= Predicted CASSINI Spacecraft Orientation CK File, Case 1 ========================================================================= Created by Boris Semenov, December 30, 2014. Abstract -------------------------------------------------------- This CK contains sample CASSINI spacecraft orientation. This file was generated by running prediCkt program with the set of setups provided in the sections below. CASSINI SPICE Kernels Used in the prediCkt Run Generated This File -------------------------------------------------------- The kernels provided in support of the construction of the attitude given in this kernel are listed in the small comment block preceding this description. The SPK kernel providing the spacecraft trajectory (140114AP_SK_13290_17265.bsp) was suggested by Julie Bellerose, JPL on December 29, 2014. Note that since this CK contains predicted data it must be used with the SCLK kernel with which it was generated. Orientation Mode Definition -------------------------------------------------------- This section defines CASSINI s/c orientation mode simulated in this file. The "Case 1" mode is based on the following description provided by Jose Rodriguez, JPL in the e-mail from December 19, 2014 with the subject "RE: Deliveries Round 3": Case 1. +Y axis, sun-pointing +Z axis, Saturn north pointing (parallel to Saturn longitude lines) The following keywords define the this attitude: \begindata DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'ToSun = POSITION OF SUN -' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'FROM CASSINI -' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'CORRECTION LT+S' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'SaturnNorth = FIXED IAU_SATURN -' ) DIRECTION_SPECS += ( 'XYZ 0 0 1' ) ORIENTATION_NAME += 'Case1' PRIMARY += '+Y = ToSun' SECONDARY += '+Z = SaturnNorth' BASE_FRAME += 'J2000' \begintext Orientation Schedule -------------------------------------------------------- This section defines the CASSINI orientation schedule implemented by this CK file. The schedule below was provided by Susan Linick, JPL in the e-mail from December 29, 2014 with the subject "FW: Start and end times of F ring and proximal orbits data": F ring orbits FringPeriapse_1_states_Sat.txt Start time: 29-NOV-2016 13:30:41.0276 UTC End time: 09-DEC-2016 13:30:41.0274 UTC FringPeriapse_10_states_Sat.txt Start time: 02-FEB-2017 01:46:32.6451 UTC End time: 12-FEB-2017 01:46:32.6448 UTC FringPeriapse_20_states_Sat.txt Start time: 14-APR-2017 18:05:19.4006 UTC End time: 24-APR-2017 18:05:19.4006 UTC Proximal orbits Periapse_1_states_Sat.txt Start time: 21-APR-2017 09:03:34.8144 UTC End time: 01-MAY-2017 09:03:34.8145 UTC Periapse_11_states_Sat.txt Start time: 24-JUN-2017 22:16:07.5157 UTC End time: 04-JUL-2017 22:16:07.5160 UTC Periapse_22_states_Sat.txt Start time: 04-SEP-2017 00:25:05.2774 UTC End time: 14-SEP-2017 00:25:05.2775 UTC In the keyword assignments below the times are given as ETs: \begindata CK-SCLK = 82 CK-SPK = -82 CK-FRAMES = -82000 CK-82000ORIENTATION += 'Case1' CK-82000START += @2016-11-29-13:31:48.211 CK-82000STOP += @2016-12-09-13:31:48.211 CK-82000ORIENTATION += 'GOTO Case1' CK-82000START += @2017-02-02-01:47:39.830 CK-82000STOP += @2017-02-12-01:47:39.830 CK-82000ORIENTATION += 'GOTO Case1' CK-82000START += @2017-04-14-18:06:26.586 CK-82000STOP += @2017-04-24-18:06:26.586 CK-82000ORIENTATION += 'GOTO Case1' CK-82000START += @2017-04-21-09:04:42.000 CK-82000STOP += @2017-05-01-09:04:42.000 CK-82000ORIENTATION += 'GOTO Case1' CK-82000START += @2017-06-24-22:17:14.700 CK-82000STOP += @2017-07-04-22:17:14.700 CK-82000ORIENTATION += 'GOTO Case1' CK-82000START += @2017-09-04-00:26:12.460 CK-82000STOP += @2017-09-14-00:26:12.460 \begintext End of prediCkt setup.