KPL/FK This placeholder FK contains updated definitions for RPWS electric antennae and for some supporting frames based on the information provided by Baptiste Cecconi, OBSPM, France. These frames will be integrated into the main CASSINI FK at a later time. Version 2 -- BVS/NAIF, 07/28/18 Added EXPZP, EXMZP, and EDPZP frames. Version 2 -- BVS/NAIF, 07/28/18 Corrected Ex PH (-0.6 -> -0.7). Version 1 -- BVS/NAIF, 07/23/18. Initial version. RPWS Electric Antennae Frames ---------------------------------------------------------- From Baptiste Cecconi's e-mail from July 20, 2018: Here are the calibrated direction and length for the electric antennas of Cassini/RPWS/HFR. There are 4 effective antennas listed below. The calibrated antenna parameters are provided as a direction in spherical coordinate: colatitude (TH) and azimuth (PH) in the spacecraft frame Antenna Eu: TH = 108.300 deg PH = 17.0000 deg Antenna Ev: TH = 107.800 deg PH = 163.800 deg Antenna Ew: TH = 29.3000 deg PH = 90.6000 deg Antenna Ex: TH = 89.3000 deg PH = -0.600000 deg Antenna Eu, Ev, Ew and Ex are also respectively referred to as X+, X-, Z and Dipole in some publications. The calibration report (RPWS Electrical Antenna Calibration.pdf) specified Ex TH = -0.7. Antenna Frame Definitions: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ -17.0 ] [ -108.3 ] [ 0.0 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. Nominal Frame Definition: \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EXPLUS = -82731 FRAME_-82731_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EXPLUS' FRAME_-82731_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82731_CLASS_ID = -82731 FRAME_-82731_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82731_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82731_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82731_ANGLES = ( -17.0, -108.3, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-82731_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82731_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ -163.8 ] [ -107.8 ] [ 0.0 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. Nominal Frame Definition: \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EXMINUS= -82732 FRAME_-82732_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EXMINUS' FRAME_-82732_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82732_CLASS_ID = -82732 FRAME_-82732_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82732_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82732_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82732_ANGLES = (-163.8, -107.8, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-82732_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82732_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ -90.6 ] [ -29.3 ] [ 0.0 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. Nominal Frame Definition: \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EZPLUS = -82733 FRAME_-82733_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EZPLUS' FRAME_-82733_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82733_CLASS_ID = -82733 FRAME_-82733_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82733_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82733_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82733_ANGLES = ( -90.6, -29.3, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-82733_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82733_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ +0.6 ] [ -89.3 ] [ 0.0 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. Nominal Frame Definition: \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EDIPOLE = -82735 FRAME_-82735_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EDIPOLE' FRAME_-82735_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82735_CLASS_ID = -82735 FRAME_-82735_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82735_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82735_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82735_ANGLES = ( +0.7, -89.3, 0.0 ) TKFRAME_-82735_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82735_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext RPWS Supporting Frames ---------------------------------------------------------- To facilitate computation of and searches on the elevation of a target above the CASSINI s/c XZ plane needed for RPWS electric antennae data processing, as requested by Baptiste Cecconi in e-mail from July 21, 2018, this supplementary frame has its +Z axis aligned with the s/c +Y axis and its +X axis aligned with the s/c +X axis. [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ 0.0 ] [ 0.0 ] [ +90.0 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. Nominal Frame Definition: \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EXZPLANE = -82736 FRAME_-82736_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EXZPLANE' FRAME_-82736_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82736_CLASS_ID = -82736 FRAME_-82736_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82736_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82736_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82736_ANGLES = ( 0.0, 0.0, +90.0 ) TKFRAME_-82736_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82736_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Additional frames for this purpose are defined below for each of these three pairs of antennae -- EXPLUS/EZPLUS, EXMINUS/EZPLUS, and DIPOLE/EZPLUS. These frames are named CASSINI_RPWS_EXPZP, CASSINI_RPWS_EXMZP, and CASSINI_RPWS_EDPZP. Each of these frames has its +Z along the cross product and +X axis along the sum of the two antennae directions. For example +Z of CASSINI_RPWS_EXPZP is EXPLUS cross EZPLUS and +X of CASSINI_RPWS_EXPZP is unit EXPLUS + unit EZPLUS. CASSINI_RPWS_EXPZP: Rotation from the EXPLUS/EZPLUS frame to the s/c frame:: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ -40.34786728 ] [ 25.22561675 ] [ -60.14509847 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EXPZP = -82737 FRAME_-82737_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EXPZP' FRAME_-82737_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82737_CLASS_ID = -82737 FRAME_-82737_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82737_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82737_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82737_ANGLES = ( -40.34786728, 25.22561675, -60.14509847 ) TKFRAME_-82737_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82737_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext CASSINI_RPWS_EXMZP: Rotation from the EXMINUS/EZPLUS frame to the s/c frame:: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ -140.60938937 ] [ 25.45737324 ] [ -119.89365407 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EXMZP = -82738 FRAME_-82738_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EXMZP' FRAME_-82738_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82738_CLASS_ID = -82738 FRAME_-82738_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82738_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82738_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82738_ANGLES = ( -140.60938937, 25.45737324, -119.89365407 ) TKFRAME_-82738_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82738_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext CASSINI_RPWS_EDPZP: Rotation from the DIPOLE/EZPLUS frame to the s/c frame:: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ROT ] = [ -25.62560361 ] [ 38.71338039 ] [ -51.17258951 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Z Y X where [x] represents the rotation matrix of a given angle x about i axis i. \begindata FRAME_CASSINI_RPWS_EDPZP = -82739 FRAME_-82739_NAME = 'CASSINI_RPWS_EDPZP' FRAME_-82739_CLASS = 4 FRAME_-82739_CLASS_ID = -82739 FRAME_-82739_CENTER = -82 TKFRAME_-82739_SPEC = 'ANGLES' TKFRAME_-82739_RELATIVE = 'CASSINI_SC_COORD' TKFRAME_-82739_ANGLES = ( -25.62560361, 38.71338039, -51.17258951 ) TKFRAME_-82739_AXES = ( 3, 2, 1 ) TKFRAME_-82739_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext End of FK.