; 180628RU_SCPSE_08206_08220.BSP LOG FILE ; Created 2018-06-28/17:37:33.39. ; ; BEGIN SPKMERGE COMMANDS LEAPSECONDS_KERNEL = /cnav/inputs/naif/latest.tls SPK_KERNEL = 180628RU_SCPSE_08206_08220.BSP SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = /cnav/OD/monte/recon_sat409_delivery/079T45/arecon/180628RU_SCPSE_08141_08220.BSP INCLUDE_COMMENTS = NO BODIES = 399, 3, 5, 4, 1, 301, 8, 9, 6, 10, 7, 2, 604, 602, 612, 607, 608, 601, 609, 605, 699, 603, 606, -82 BEGIN_TIME = 2008 JUL 24 11:58:54.817 END_TIME = 2008 AUG 07 05:58:54.817 ; END SPKMERGE COMMANDS This SPK file is a Cassini trajectory reconstruction encompassing a portion of the Saturn orbital mission. It was generated as part of the Uniform Trajectory Reconstruction task and is provided by Julie Bellerose and Duane Roth of the Cassini Navigation Team at JPL. The Uniform Trajectory Reconstruction task is described in Julie Bellerose, Duane Roth, Zahi Tarzi, and Sean Wagner. "The Cassini Mission: Reconstructing Thirteen Years of the Most Complex Gravity-Assist Trajectory Flown to Date", 2018 SpaceOps Conference, (AIAA 2018-2646) https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2018-2646 The task objective was to generate a set of Cassini trajectory reconstructions encompassing the entire Saturn orbital mission using the same set of software and the same planet and satellite pole, gravity, and ephemeris models throughout. These Cassini trajectories were developed using JPL planetary ephemeris DE435 and Saturn satellite ephemeris SAT409. The trajectory file naming convention begins with YYMMDD which specifies the delivery date. RU is appended to the delivery date to specify that the file is a reconstruction and the uniform process was implemented. An underscore followed by either SCPSE or SK designates the file as 'bundled' (contains spacecraft, planet, and satellite ephemeris information) or spacecraft only. The next two fields, also separated by underscores, are the file start and end times in YYDOY format. Finally, bsp is added as a suffix. For example, 180627RU_SCPSE_10021_10055.bsp refers to a spice kernel delivered on June 27, 2018 that is bundled and begins on Day of Year 021 in 2010 and ends on DOY 055 in 2010. Altogether, a set of uniform spice kernels with the same delivery date span the entire Saturn orbital missions (Prime, Equinox, and Solstice) with no gaps or overlaps in coverage. BRIEF -- Version 4.0.0, September 8, 2010 -- Toolkit Version N0066 Summary for: 180628RU_SCPSE_08206_08220.bsp Bodies Start of Interval (ET) End of Interval (ET) ------- ----------------------------- ----------------------------- -82 CASSINI 2008 JUL 24 12:00:00.000 2008 AUG 07 06:00:00.000 1 MERCURY BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 2 VENUS BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 3 EARTH BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 4 MARS BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 5 JUPITER BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 6 SATURN BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 7 URANUS BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 8 NEPTUNE BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 9 PLUTO BARYCENTER Same coverage as previous object 10 SUN Same coverage as previous object 301 MOON Same coverage as previous object 399 EARTH Same coverage as previous object 601 MIMAS Same coverage as previous object 602 ENCELADUS Same coverage as previous object 603 TETHYS Same coverage as previous object 604 DIONE Same coverage as previous object 605 RHEA Same coverage as previous object 606 TITAN Same coverage as previous object 607 HYPERION Same coverage as previous object 608 IAPETUS Same coverage as previous object 609 PHOEBE Same coverage as previous object 612 HELENE Same coverage as previous object 699 SATURN Same coverage as previous object