KPL/PCK \begindata CASSINI_PCK_VERSION = ( '2005-MAY-19' ) \begintext P_constants (PcK) SPICE kernel file Refer to the notes at the bottom of the file for help, contacts, version history, references, and Cassini-specific parameter descriptions. -------- SUN BODY10_GM from [3]. \begindata BODY10_GM = ( 132712440017.9870 ) \begintext -------- VENUS BODY2_GM, BODY299_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY2_GM = ( 324858.598826460 ) BODY299_GM = ( 324858.598826460 ) \begintext -------- EARTH BODY3_GM, BODY399_GM from [3]. \begindata BODY3_GM = ( 403503.233479087 ) BODY399_GM = ( 398600.4328969392 ) \begintext -------- JUPITER BODY5_GM, BODY599_GM from [3]. \begindata BODY5_GM = ( 126712767.8577960 ) BODY599_GM = ( 126686536.9610660 ) \begintext -------- SATURN BODY6_GM, BODY699_GM from [10]. Nonzero gravitational harmonics listed below are J2, J4, and J6 from [10] C22 and S22 from [1]. RA and DEC pole vectors from [10]. \begindata BODY6_GM = ( 37940560.63663255 ) BODY699_GM = ( 37931182.9332 ) BODY699_POLE_RA = ( 40.580644 -0.042290 0. ) BODY699_POLE_DEC = ( 83.538056 -0.004440 0. ) BODY699_JCOEF = ( 0.0, 0.016291055854, 0.0, -0.000931733527, 0.0, 0.000092477088) BODY699_CCOEF = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0000000000000 ) BODY699_SCOEF = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.00000000 ) \begintext -------- URANUS BODY7_GM value from [3]. \begindata BODY7_GM = ( 5794549.007071874 ) \begintext -------- MOON BODY301_GM from [3]. \begindata BODY301_GM = ( 4902.800582147764 ) \begintext -------- MIMAS BODY601_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY601_GM = ( 2.540653252053214 ) \begintext -------- ENCELADUS BODY602_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY602_GM = ( 7.205425461485284 ) \begintext -------- TETHYS BODY603_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY603_GM = ( 41.20782889316963 ) \begintext -------- DIONE BODY604_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY604_GM = ( 73.11252681773537 ) \begintext -------- RHEA BODY605_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY605_GM = ( 154.0324679857708 ) \begintext -------- TITAN BODY606_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY606_GM = ( 8978.152308074805 ) \begintext -------- HYPERION BODY607_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY607_GM = ( 0.379158979334525 ) \begintext -------- IAPETUS BODY608_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY608_GM = ( 120.5197925170135 ) \begintext -------- PHOEBE BODY609_GM from [10]. \begindata BODY609_GM = ( 0.5532510109715066 ) \begintext Note that GM values >= 1.0 are packaged as is into 7CONIC_VEC commands for AACS to propagate the body's ephemeris. For GM values < 1.0, the value in the G_MASS parameter of the 7CONIC_VEC command is set to 1.0. One is the minimum value for the G_MASS parameter. The resetting of the G_MASS parameter to the minimum acceptable where the actual GM is < 1.0 is acceptable since Cassini will not pass close enough to any of the affected bodies for the gravitational mass to have an effect. -------- CONSTANTS AND NOTES FOR CASPER USERS \begindata BODY601_GM/PRIMARY = ( 6.59087D-08 ) BODY602_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.29181D-07 ) BODY603_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.1022D-06 ) BODY604_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.92865D-06 ) BODY605_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.05998D-06 ) BODY606_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.36697D-04 ) BODY607_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.60998D-08 ) BODY608_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.79453D-06 ) BODY609_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.26545D-08 ) BODY610_GM/PRIMARY = ( 3.38507D-09 ) BODY611_GM/PRIMARY = ( 9.41176D-10 ) BODY612_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.48179D-11 ) BODY613_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.26545D-11 ) BODY614_GM/PRIMARY = ( 6.32723D-12 ) BODY615_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.89817D-11 ) BODY616_GM/PRIMARY = ( 5.79996D-10 ) BODY617_GM/PRIMARY = ( 3.42725D-10 ) BODY618_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.74543D-12 ) \begintext -------- URLS AND CONTACTS Description of PCK format and contents can be found in NAIF's PCK "required reading" document, at: NAIF tutorial on PCK formatting and use at: The Cassini PCK & ephemeris files can be found on the DOM, and at: Questions regarding this file can be directed to: Diane Conner (818)354-8586 Adrian Tinio (818)354-7511 David Seal (818)354-2707 -------- VERSION HISTORY 2005 May 19 ( published ) A. Tinio Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050513R_SCPSE_05097_05114 Restrictions/Limitations = Use for timespan of file. Reference/Source of new values = 050513_007Sa Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940486.41643649 37940560.63663255 BODY699_GM 37931108.7402 37931182.9332 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.578897 40.580644 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537936 83.538056 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016291230650 0.016291055854 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000931186978 -0.000931733527 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000091862764 0.000092477088 BODY601_GM 2.541872652365942 2.540653252053214 BODY602_GM 7.203042868002126 7.205425461485284 BODY603_GM 41.20826146236565 41.20782889316963 BODY604_GM 73.11229775557260 73.11252681773537 BODY605_GM 154.0200209194596 154.0324679857708 BODY606_GM 8978.142297854909 8978.152308074805 BODY607_GM 0.374580947348313 0.379158979334525 BODY608_GM 120.5206235708291 120.5197925170135 BODY609_GM 0.5532316617014716 0.5532510109715066 2005 May 05 ( published ) D. Conner Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050506R_SCPSE_05081_05097 Restrictions/Limitations = Use for period of this file. Reference/Source of new values = 050502_006T5 Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940491.60216828 37940486.41643649 BODY699_GM 37931113.8322 37931108.7402 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.577216 40.578897 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537833 83.537936 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016291419485 0.016291230650 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000930059692 -0.000931186978 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000092794848 0.000091862764 BODY601_GM 2.541204859609778 2.541872652365942 BODY602_GM 7.208563270001138 7.203042868002126 BODY603_GM 41.20878136449268 41.20826146236565 BODY604_GM 73.11206772081295 73.11229775557260 BODY605_GM 154.1075398995426 154.0200209194596 BODY606_GM 8978.138361913190 8978.142297854909 BODY607_GM 0.372850585561523 0.374580947348313 BODY608_GM 120.5278582301508 120.5206235708291 BODY609_GM 0.5526937087918932 0.5532316617014716 2005 Apr 29 ( published ) D. Conner Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050426AP_SCPSE_05116_05216 Restrictions/Limitations = Use for period of this file. Reference/Source of new values = 050425_007Sa Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940502.18556380 37940491.60216828 BODY699_GM 37931124.7142 37931113.8322 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.576012 40.577216 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537850 83.537833 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016291065583 0.016291419485 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000932322006 -0.000930059692 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000091137816 0.000092794848 BODY601_GM 2.540934363643657 2.541204859609778 BODY602_GM 7.205763658107196 7.208563270001138 BODY603_GM 41.20992788910005 41.20878136449268 BODY604_GM 73.11190061154372 73.11206772081295 BODY605_GM 153.8210020695582 154.1075398995426 BODY606_GM 8978.126641404288 8978.138361913190 BODY607_GM 0.379166152072442 0.372850585561523 BODY608_GM 120.5233558989635 120.5278582301508 BODY609_GM 0.5526908562645090 0.5526937087918932 2005 Apr 21 ( published ) D. Conner Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050414R_SCPSE_05034_05060 (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = Use for tour analysis for period of this file. Reference/Source of new values = 050312_004E1 Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940496.33673127 37940502.18556380 BODY699_GM 37931118.8405 37931124.7142 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.576463 40.576012 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537851 83.537850 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016290828142 0.016291065583 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000933491306 -0.000932322006 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000090898497 0.000091137816 BODY601_GM 2.541473321497260 2.540934363643657 BODY602_GM 7.209619039344632 7.205763658107196 BODY603_GM 41.21072942926893 41.20992788910005 BODY604_GM 73.11206095252155 73.11190061154372 BODY605_GM 153.8604802758120 153.8210020695582 BODY606_GM 8978.112734019802 8978.126641404288 BODY607_GM 0.379253012301593 0.379166152072442 BODY608_GM 120.5170740119231 120.5233558989635 BODY609_GM 0.5528058513249935 0.5526908562645090 2005 Apr 12 ( published ) D. Conner Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050411R_SCPSE_05015_05034 (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = Use for Tour analysis for period of SPK file. Reference/Source of new values = 050218_003T3 5rameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940515.88181417 37940496.33673127 BODY699_GM 37931137.6508 37931118.8405 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.575513 40.576463 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537853 83.537851 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016290958191 0.016290828142 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000932286762 -0.000933491306 BODY601_GM 2.543473865943931 2.541473321497260 BODY602_GM 7.689375056656368 7.209619039344632 BODY603_GM 41.21109406519917 41.21072942926893 BODY604_GM 73.11102520071464 73.11206095252155 BODY605_GM 154.0395402008101 153.8604802758120 BODY606_GM 8978.169116863904 8978.112734019802 BODY607_GM 0.372672948245801 0.379253012301593 BODY608_GM 120.5420141732170 120.5170740119231 BODY609_GM 0.5526971060144958 0.5528058513249935 2005 Mar 01 ( published ) A. Tinio Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050214R_SCPSE_04336_05015 (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = Use only for timespan of current Ephemeris Reference/Source of new values = 050214_00cTc Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940575.96714743 37940515.88181417 BODY699_GM 37931197.4166 37931137.6508 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.584988 40.575513 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537357 83.537853 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016291386368 0.016290958191 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000930863753 -0.000932286762 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000089007261 0.000090898497 BODY601_GM 2.543221623761831 2.543473865943931 BODY602_GM 7.680749472948529 7.689375056656368 BODY603_GM 41.20953772443173 41.21109406519917 BODY604_GM 73.11013294006862 73.11102520071464 BODY605_GM 154.0976429614129 154.0395402008101 BODY606_GM 8978.252049389006 8978.169116863904 BODY607_GM 0.379196699024020 0.372672948245801 BODY608_GM 120.7250175986224 120.5420141732170 BODY609_GM 0.5529492368788559 0.5526971060144958 2005 Feb 28 ( published ) A. Tinio Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050105R_SCPSE_04247_04336 (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = Use for Tour Analysis for period of SPK file. Reference/Source of new values = 050105_00bTb Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY2_GM 324858.598826460 324858.598826460 BODY6_GM 37940594.58466490 37940575.96714743 BODY699_GM 37931216.9052 37931197.4166 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.585770 40.584988 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537290 83.537357 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016290382080 0.016291386368 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000934342762 -0.000930863753 BODY601_GM 2.543886999046834 2.543221623761831 BODY602_GM 7.896235619817622 7.680749472948529 BODY603_GM 41.21020363352076 41.20953772443173 BODY604_GM 73.10970856734933 73.11013294006862 BODY605_GM 153.4403813617471 154.0976429614129 BODY606_GM 8978.060680624023 8978.252049389006 BODY607_GM 0.521670363874684 0.379196699024020 BODY608_GM 120.3437832637150 120.7250175986224 BODY609_GM* 120.7250175986224 0.5529492368788559 *BODY609_GM value was inadvertently updated with the value for BODY608_GM in the "2005 Jan 10" pck file. This delivery corrects this error. The new value for BODY609_GM is the previous correct value which appears in the "2004 Dec 9" pck file. BODY608_GM is also correctly updated in this delivery. 2005 Jan 10 ( published ) D. Conner Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 050105R_SCPSE_04247_04336 (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = Use for Tour Analysis for period of SPK file. Reference/Source of new values = 050105_00bTb Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY2_GM 324858.598826460 324858.598826460 BODY6_GM 37940594.58466490 37940575.96714743 BODY699_GM 37931216.9052 37931197.4166 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.585770 40.584988 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537290 83.537357 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016290382080 0.016291386368 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000934342762 -0.000930863753 BODY601_GM 2.543886999046834 2.543221623761831 BODY602_GM 7.896235619817622 7.680749472948529 BODY603_GM 41.21020363352076 41.20953772443173 BODY604_GM 73.10970856734933 73.11013294006862 BODY605_GM 153.4403813617471 154.0976429614129 BODY606_GM 8978.060680624023 8978.252049389006 BODY607_GM 0.521670363874684 0.379196699024020 BODY608_GM 120.3437832637150 120.7250175986224 2004 Dec 9 ( published ) D. Conner This file was created from cpck29Sep2004.tpc. Removed keywords controlled by PSG, including Jupiter satellites, to a separate file which is concatenated to this file. Only NAVT affected keywords appear above. Minor satellites and rocks keywords have been moved to the rocks PCK in a separate file cpck_rock.... BODY799_GM keyword removed. NAVT only provides a System GM. Applicable current Ephemeris = 041210AP_SCPSE_04329_08189 Restrictions/Limitations = None Reference/Source of new values = 041207_00cTc (OD Solution) Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY10_GM 132712440035.0199 132712440017.9870 BODY2_GM 324858.592000000 324858.598826460 BODY3_GM 403503.241738000 403503.233479087 BODY399_GM 398600.4415000001 398600.4328969392 BODY5_GM 126712765.4543717 126712767.8577960 BODY599_GM 126686534.5576417 126686536.9610660 BODY6_GM 37940630.56986377 37940594.58466490 BODY699_GM 37931248.2650 37931216.9052 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.578921 40.585770 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537507 83.537290 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016292234642 0.016290382080 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000927651602 -0.000934342762 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000096989418 0.000089007261 BODY7_GM 5794549.007815570 5794549.007071874 BODY301_GM 4902.800238000001 4902.800582147764 BODY601_GM 2.520135918453203 2.543886999046834 BODY602_GM 7.266915346837596 7.896235619817622 BODY603_GM 41.21004576075436 41.21020363352076 BODY604_GM 73.11466506841310 73.10970856734933 BODY605_GM 155.8320579960241 153.4403813617471 BODY606_GM 8977.930889955829 8978.060680624023 BODY607_GM 0.720000000000000 0.521670363874684 BODY608_GM 123.1583788283249 120.3437832637150 BODY609_GM 0.5517732425959611 0.5529492368788559 2004 Sep 29 (published) Applicable current Ephemeris: 041001AP_SCPSE_04275_08222.XSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = None Reference/Source of new values = 040927_00aTa (OD solution) Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940690.7690100 37940630.56986377 BODY699_GM 37931300.4040 37931248.2650 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.584666 40.578921 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537319 83.537507 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016293483929 0.016292234642 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000921635401 -0.000927651602 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000088726120 0.000096989418 BODY601_GM 2.521560245529253 2.520135918453203 BODY602_GM 7.127481554948487 7.266915346837596 BODY603_GM 41.20541310412448 41.21004576075436 BODY604_GM 73.11977199413563 73.11466506841310 BODY605_GM 154.4787324900041 155.8320579960241 BODY606_GM 8977.981454369899 8977.930889955829 BODY608_GM 132.6589941798197 123.1583788283249 BODY609_GM 0.5515856703994798 0.5517732425959611 2004 Jun 21 (published) Applicable current Ephemeris: 040622AP_SCPSE_04002_09011.BSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) 040622AP_SK_04122_08222.BSP (spacecraft ephemeris, scid=-82) 040622AP_PE_04002_09011.BSP (planetary ephemeris) 040622AP_SE_04002_09011.BSP (satellite ephemeris) Reference/Source of new values = 040615_00Sa (OD solution) Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940679.45741954 37940690.76901004 BODY699_GM 37931289.4836 37931300.4040 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.586420 40.584666 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537291 83.537319 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016292243237 0.016293483929 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000928716077 -0.000921635401 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000088845313 0.000088726120 BODY601_GM 2.539908238874431 2.521560245529253 BODY602_GM 6.980134096218938 7.127481554948487 BODY603_GM 41.21066708236702 41.20541310412448 BODY604_GM 73.12382308588424 73.11977199413563 BODY605_GM 154.6927779454911 154.4787324900041 BODY606_GM 8978.009444641593 8977.981454369899 BODY608_GM 132.2117925658847 132.6589941798197 BODY609_GM 0.4852416379406062 0.5515856703994798 * * Reference for new Phoebe GM: IOM 312.0-024-04 "Navigation Results from the Phoebe flyby", J.B. Jones, 16 June 2004. 2004 May 05 (published) BODY299_GM was set equal to the BODY2_GM. BODY799_GM was calculated based on the new BODY7_GM. Applicable Ephemeris Files: 040506AP_SCPSE_04122_08222.XSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) 040506AP_SK_04122_08222.XSP (spacecraft ephemeris, scid=-82) 040506AP_OPK_04122_08222.XSP (s/c & probe, scids=-82,-150) 040506AP_PE_94328_16357.XSP (planetary ephemeris) 040506AP_SE_04002_09011.XSP (satellite ephemeris) Reference/Source of new values is NAV OD Solution: 040409_00Sa Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY10_GM 132712440017.9870 132712440035.0199 BODY2_GM 324858.5988264598 324858.592000000 BODY3_GM 403503.2334790870 403503.241738000 BODY399_GM 398600.4328969392 398600.4415000001 BODY5_GM 126712767.8577960 126712765.4543717 BODY599_GM 126686536.9637693 126686534.5576417 BODY6_GM 37940629.764 37940679.45741954 BODY699_GM 37931267.73 37931289.4836 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.589 40.586420 BODY699_POLE_RA(2) -0.036 -0.042290 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537 83.537291 BODY699_POLE_DEC(2) -0.004 -0.004440 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016298 0.016292243237 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000915 -0.000928716077 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000103 0.000088845313 BODY699_CCOEF(3) 0.00000070 0.0000000000000 BODY699_SCOEF(3) -0.00000020 0.00000000 BODY7_GM 5794549.007071874 5794549.007815570 BODY301_GM 4902.800582147764 4902.800238000001 BODY601_GM 2.5 2.539908238874431 BODY602_GM 4.9 6.980134096218938 BODY603_GM 41.808 41.21066708236702 BODY604_GM 73.156 73.12382308588424 BODY605_GM 154.000 154.6927779454911 BODY606_GM 8978.2 8978.009444641593 BODY607_GM 0.99 0.720000000000000 BODY608_GM 106.0 132.2117925658847 BODY609_GM 0.48 0.4852416379406062 -------- FORMATTING FOR SPECIAL PARAMETERS BODYNNN_GM GM in km^3/s^2 BODYNNN_*COEF Where * = J, C, or S. These coefficients are the normalized gravity field coefficients. J's are 1 to N, C's and S's have two indexes. Index 1 goes from 1 to N, and Index 2 goes from 1 to (Index 1). E.g. C11, C21, C22, C31, C32, C33, C41, etc. -------- REFERENCES 1. Cassini NAV OD solution 040615_00Sa. 2. Cassini NAV OD solution 040927_00aTa. 3. Cassini NAV OD solution 041207_00cTc. 4. Cassini NAV OD solution 050105_00bTb. 5. Cassini Nav OD solution 050214_00cTc. 6. Cassini Nav OD solution 050218_003T3. 7. Cassini Nav OD solution 050312_004E1. 8. Cassini Nav OD solution 050425_007Sa. 9. Cassini Nav OD solution 050502_006T5. 10. Cassini Nav OD solution 050513_007Sa. KPL/PCK \begindata CASSINI_PCK_VERSION = ( '2004-DEC-09' ) \begintext P_constants (PcK) SPICE kernel file Refer to the notes at the bottom of the file for help, contacts, version history, references, and Cassini-specific parameter descriptions. All radii and orientation values are from reference [1] unless otherwise noted. This file was created by separating science controlled values from NAVT controlled values for ease of file maintenance. References to GMs provided by the NAVT, Saturn Pole RA and DEC, and JCOEFF and SCOEFF have been removed. -------- SUN Value for the Sun radii is from [2], page K7. \begindata BODY10_RADII = ( 696000. 696000. 696000. ) BODY10_POLE_RA = ( 286.13 0. 0. ) BODY10_POLE_DEC = ( 63.87 0. 0. ) BODY10_PM = ( 84.10 +14.18440 0. ) BODY10_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- VENUS \begindata BODY299_RADII = ( 6051.8 6051.8 6051.8 ) BODY299_POLE_RA = ( 272.76 0. 0. ) BODY299_POLE_DEC = ( +67.16 0. 0. ) BODY299_PM = ( 160.20 -1.4813688 0. ) BODY299_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- EARTH Northern hemisphere projection of the Earth's magnetic dipole: coordinates are planetocentric, values are from [3]. \begindata BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.140 6378.140 6356.75 ) BODY399_POLE_RA = ( 0. -0.641 0. ) BODY399_POLE_DEC = ( +90. -0.557 0. ) BODY399_PM = ( 190.147 +360.9856235 0. ) BODY399_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY3_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 125.045 -1935.5364525000 250.089 -3871.0729050000 260.008 475263.3328725000 176.625 487269.6299850000 357.529 35999.0509575000 311.589 964468.4993100001 134.963 477198.8693250000 276.617 12006.3007650000 34.226 63863.5132425000 15.134 -5806.6093575000 119.743 131.8406400000 239.961 6003.1503825000 25.053 473327.7964200000 ) BODY399_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LON = ( -69.761 ) BODY399_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LAT = ( 78.565 ) \begintext -------- JUPITER \begindata BODY599_RADII = ( 71492. 71492. 66854. ) BODY599_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY599_POLE_DEC = ( +64.49 +0.003 0. ) BODY599_PM = ( 284.95 +870.5366420 0. ) BODY599_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY5_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 73.32 91472.9 24.62 45137.2 283.90 4850.7 355.80 1191.3 119.90 262.1 229.80 64.3 352.35 2382.6 113.35 6070.0 146.64 182945.8 49.24 90274.4 ) \begintext -------- SATURN The first seven angles given in NUT_PREC are the angles S1 through S7 from the 2000 IAU report; the eighth and ninth angles are 2*S1 and 2*S2, respectively. Ring models are from [4], [19], [20]. They are also documented in [11] and [12]. F Ring Data are from [8]. MIMI zone reflects the old flight rule for MIMI INCA, +/- 30000 km thickness inside of 8.74 Rs. BODY699_RADII_OPTICAL is for PDT to determine at what altitude that Saturn first starts to cast a discernible shadow. BODY699_RADII_RS models Saturn as a sphere and corresponds to a 100 mbar surface. BODY699_RADII and BODY699_RADII_1BAR correspond to a 1 bar surface. BODY699_RADII contains IAU values. BODY699_RADII_1BAR currently contains IAU values but will likely be updated during the mission. It is generally agreed that 60330.0 is the Saturn reference radius. This value in stored later in the file under the keyword RS. Eventually three different magnetospheric models will be provided. This section currently serves as a placeholder. BODY699_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LON = ( 0.0 ) BODY699_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LAT = ( +90.0 ) BODY699_M1COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_G1COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_H1COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_M2COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_G2COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_H2COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_M3COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_G3COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_H3COEF = ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) \begindata BODY699_RADII = ( 60268. 60268. 54364. ) BODY699_RADII_1BAR = ( 60268. 60268. 54364. ) BODY699_RADII_OPTICAL = ( 60430. 60430. 54508. ) BODY699_RADII_RS = ( 60330. 60330. 60330. ) BODY699_PM = ( 38.90 +810.7939024 0. ) BODY699_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY6_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 353.32 75706.7 28.72 75706.7 177.40 -36505.5 300.00 -7225.9 316.45 506.2 345.20 -1016.3 29.80 -52.1 706.64 151413.4 57.44 151413.4 ) BODY699_RING1_NAME = 'A Ring' BODY699_RING1 = (122170.0 136780.0 0.1 0.1 0.5) BODY699_RING1_1_NAME = 'Encke Gap' BODY699_RING1_1 = (133405.0 133730.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_RING2_NAME = 'Cassini Division' BODY699_RING2 = (117580.0 122170.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) BODY699_RING3_NAME = 'B Ring' BODY699_RING3 = (92000.0 117580.0 0.1 0.1 1.5) BODY699_RING4_NAME = 'C Ring' BODY699_RING4 = (74510.0 92000.0 0.1 0.1 0.1) BODY699_RING5_NAME = 'D Ring' BODY699_RING5 = (66970.0 74510.0 0.1 0.1 0.00001) BODY699_RING6_NAME = 'E ring' BODY699_RING6_A = (189870.0 256900.0 9000.0 9000.0 0.000003) BODY699_RING6_B = (256900.0 420000.0 9000.0 17000.0 0.000003) BODY699_RING7_NAME = 'F Ring' BODY699_RING7 = (140180.0 140270.0 6.5 6.5 0.1) BODY699_RING7_FCENTER = (140223.7, 0.00254, 24.1, 2.7001, 0.0065, 16.1, -2.6876) BODY699_RING8_NAME = 'G Ring' BODY699_RING8 = (165000.0 176000.0 280.0 280.0 0.000001) BODY699_MIMI_DUST_ZONE = ( 0.0 527284.2 60000.0 60000.0 ) \begintext -------- URANUS \begindata BODY799_RADII = ( 25559. 25559. 24973. ) BODY799_POLE_RA = ( 257.311 0. 0. ) BODY799_POLE_DEC = ( -15.175 0. 0. ) BODY799_PM = ( 203.81 -501.1600928 0. ) BODY799_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- MOON \begindata BODY301_RADII = ( 1737.4 1737.4 1737.4 ) BODY301_POLE_RA = ( 269.9949 0.0031 0. ) BODY301_POLE_DEC = ( 66.5392 0.0130 0. ) BODY301_PM = ( 38.3213 13.17635815 -1.4D-12 ) BODY301_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -3.8787 -0.1204 +0.0700 -0.0172 0. +0.0072 0. 0. 0. -0.0052 0. 0. +0.0043 ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 1.5419 0.0239 -0.0278 +0.0068 0. -0.0029 +0.0009 0. 0. +0.0008 0. 0. -0.0009 ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 3.5610 +0.1208 -0.0642 +0.0158 +0.0252 -0.0066 -0.0047 -0.0046 +0.0028 +0.0052 +0.0040 +0.0019 -0.0044 ) \begintext Satellites of Jupiter ------------------------------------------------------- -------- IO BODY501_GM value from [5]. \begindata BODY501_GM = ( 5959.916 ) BODY501_RADII = ( 1829.4 1819.3 1815.7 ) BODY501_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY501_POLE_DEC = ( +64.50 +0.003 0. ) BODY501_PM = ( 200.39 +203.4889538 0. ) BODY501_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. +0.094 +0.024 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. +0.040 +0.011 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -0.085 -0.022 ) \begintext -------- EUROPA BODY502_GM value from [5]. \begindata BODY502_GM = ( 3202.739 ) BODY502_RADII = ( 1564.13 1561.23 1560.93 ) BODY502_POLE_RA = ( 268.08 -0.009 0. ) BODY502_POLE_DEC = ( +64.51 +0.003 0. ) BODY502_PM = ( 36.022 +101.3747235 0. ) BODY502_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. +1.086 +0.060 +0.015 +0.009 ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.468 +0.026 +0.007 +0.002 ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.980 -0.054 -0.014 -0.008 ) \begintext -------- GANYMEDE BODY503_GM value from [5]. \begindata BODY503_GM = ( 9887.834 ) BODY503_RADII = ( 2632.4 2632.29 2632.35 ) BODY503_POLE_RA = ( 268.20 -0.009 0. ) BODY503_POLE_DEC = ( +64.57 +0.003 0. ) BODY503_PM = ( 44.064 +50.3176081 0. ) BODY503_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.037 +0.431 +0.091 ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.016 +0.186 +0.039 ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.033 -0.389 -0.082 ) \begintext -------- CALLISTO BODY504_GM value from [5]. \begindata BODY504_GM = ( 7179.289 ) BODY504_RADII = ( 2409.4 2409.2 2409.3 ) BODY504_POLE_RA = ( 268.72 -0.009 0. ) BODY504_POLE_DEC = ( +64.83 +0.003 0. ) BODY504_PM = ( 259.51 +21.5710715 0. ) BODY504_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.068 +0.590 0. +0.010 ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.029 +0.254 0. -0.004 ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.061 -0.533 0. -0.009 ) \begintext -------- HIMALIA BODY506_GM values from [21]. \begindata BODY506_GM = ( 0.45 ) BODY506_RADII = ( 85 85 85 ) BODY506_POLE_RA = ( 268.72 -0.009 0. ) BODY506_POLE_DEC = ( +64.83 +0.003 0. ) BODY506_PM = ( 259.51 +21.5710715 0. ) BODY506_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Saturn ----------------------------------------------------------- -------- MIMAS \begindata BODY601_RADII = ( 209.1 196.2 191.4 ) BODY601_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY601_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY601_PM = ( 337.46 +381.9945550 0. ) BODY601_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. +13.56 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. -1.53 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -13.48 0. -44.85 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext -------- ENCELADUS \begindata BODY602_RADII = ( 256.3 247.3 244.6 ) BODY602_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY602_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY602_PM = ( 2.82 +262.7318996 0. ) BODY602_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- TETHYS \begindata BODY603_RADII = ( 535.6 528.2 525.8 ) BODY603_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY603_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY603_PM = ( 10.45 +190.6979085 0. ) BODY603_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. +9.66 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. -1.09 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -9.60 +2.23 0. 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext -------- DIONE \begindata BODY604_RADII = ( 560. 560. 560. ) BODY604_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY604_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY604_PM = ( 357.00 +131.5349316 0. ) BODY604_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- RHEA \begindata BODY605_RADII = ( 764. 764. 764. ) BODY605_POLE_RA = ( 40.38 -0.036 0. ) BODY605_POLE_DEC = ( +83.55 -0.004 0. ) BODY605_PM = ( 235.16 +79.6900478 0. ) BODY605_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +3.10 0. 0. 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.35 0. 0. 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -3.08 0. 0. 0. ) \begintext -------- TITAN \begindata BODY606_RADII = ( 2575. 2575. 2575. ) BODY606_POLE_RA = ( 36.41 -0.036 0. ) BODY606_POLE_DEC = ( +83.94 -0.004 0. ) BODY606_PM = ( 189.64 +22.5769768 0. ) BODY606_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +2.66 0. 0. ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.30 0. 0. ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -2.64 0. 0. ) BODY606_ATMOSPHERE = ( 175.0 10.0 0.000006350 11400.0 76.0 0.000000513 8030.0 -429.0 0.000073500 15000.0 44.0 ) \begintext -------- HYPERION While Hyperion's spin state is chaotic, Voyager and ground-based observations suggest some states are common (Thomas et al 1995, Icarus 117, 128-148). The spin pole orientation is from the Voyager observations; both the spin pole orientation and spin rate will probably differ during Cassini's mission. Hyperion radii and orientation from Peter Thomas @ Cornell \begindata BODY607_RADII = ( 164. 130. 107. ) BODY607_POLE_RA = ( 226. 0 0 ) BODY607_POLE_DEC = ( 35. 0 0 ) BODY607_PM = ( 20.02 72.0 0 ) BODY607_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- IAPETUS \begindata BODY608_RADII = ( 718. 718. 718. ) BODY608_POLE_RA = ( 318.16 -3.949 0. ) BODY608_POLE_DEC = ( +75.03 -1.143 0. ) BODY608_PM = ( 350.20 +4.5379572 0. ) BODY608_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- PHOEBE BODY609_PM from [13]. \begindata BODY609_RADII = ( 115. 110. 105. ) BODY609_POLE_RA = ( 355.00 0. 0. ) BODY609_POLE_DEC = ( +68.70 0. 0. ) BODY609_PM = ( 178.58 +931.639 0. ) BODY609_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext -------- CONSTANTS AND NOTES FOR PDT USERS The astronomical unit AU, given in kilometers. \begindata AU = ( 149597870.7 ) \begintext Saturn reference radius (Rs) is the base for measuring body distances and ring radial distances in mulitples of saturn radius. \begindata RS = ( 60330.0 ) \begintext Note that GM values >= 1.0 are packaged as is into 7CONIC_VEC commands for AACS to propagate the body's ephemeris. For GM values < 1.0, the value in the G_MASS parameter of the 7CONIC_VEC command is set to 1.0. One is the minimum value for the G_MASS parameter. The resetting of the G_MASS parameter to the minimum acceptable where the actual GM is < 1.0 is acceptable since CAS will not pass close enough to any of the affected bodies for the gravitational mass to have an effect. -------- OBLATE SPHEROIDS VERSUS TRIAXIAL ELLIPSOIDS Some Cassini software cannot model triaxial ellipsoids, where the RADII are all different. Instead, they model bodies as oblate spheroids, where the equatorial RADII values (the first two) must be identical. In cases here where the equatorial radii are not identical, the average of the two should be used when constructing an oblate spheroid. The polar radius (the third RADII) can be used as given in both cases. -------- CONSTANTS AND NOTES FOR CASPER USERS \begindata BODY601_GM/PRIMARY = ( 6.59087D-08 ) BODY602_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.29181D-07 ) BODY603_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.1022D-06 ) BODY604_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.92865D-06 ) BODY605_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.05998D-06 ) BODY606_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.36697D-04 ) BODY607_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.60998D-08 ) BODY608_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.79453D-06 ) BODY609_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.26545D-08 ) BODY610_GM/PRIMARY = ( 3.38507D-09 ) BODY611_GM/PRIMARY = ( 9.41176D-10 ) BODY612_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.48179D-11 ) BODY613_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.26545D-11 ) BODY614_GM/PRIMARY = ( 6.32723D-12 ) BODY615_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.89817D-11 ) BODY616_GM/PRIMARY = ( 5.79996D-10 ) BODY617_GM/PRIMARY = ( 3.42725D-10 ) BODY618_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.74543D-12 ) \begintext -------- URLS AND CONTACTS Description of PCK format and contents can be found in NAIF's PCK "required reading" document, at: NAIF tutorial on PCK formatting and use at: The Cassini PCK & ephemeris files can be found on the DOM, and at: Questions regarding this file can be directed to: Diane Conner (818)354-8586 Adrian Tinio (818)354-7511 David Seal (818)354-2707 -------- VERSION HISTORY The noted versions were officially published; the others were created and circulated for internal review only. 2004 Dec 09 (published) D. Conner This file was created from file cpck14Oct2004.tpc. It contains keywords that will be maintained by the PSG. NAVT maintained keywords have been moved in a separate file. Minor satellites and rocks keywords have been moved to the rocks PCK. 2004 Oct 14 (published) Documentation was added to clarify the different radii defined for Saturn. Additional references that are publicly available were added for Saturn's rings model. Jupiter's nutation precession angles, and Ganymede's W0 value were corrected to agree with the IAU 2000 report. 2004 Jun 21 (published) * Reference for new Phoebe GM: IOM 312.0-024-04 "Navigation Results from the Phoebe flyby", J.B. Jones, 16 June 2004. 2004 Mar 05 (published) Updated descriptive text preceeding RS keyword. Updated contact information and verified URLs. Updates per ECR 103313: Change 1: Update the values for Phoebe Prime Meridian TO: BODY609_PM = ( 178.58 +931.639 0. ) Reference: Bauer, Simonelli, Buratti, IAU Circular 8279, 1/30/2004; re-reduced by Owen 2/5/2004 Change 2: Saturn Reference Radius ADD: BODY699_RADII_RS = ( 60330. 60330. 60330. ) This radius models saturn as a sphere at 100 mbar. Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 16:22:41 -0700 From: Carolyn Porco 2002 Oct 01 (published) Changed BODY699_RADII_OPTICAL to be consistent with recommendation of Phil Nicholson dated 24 Sep. Added notes in the version history as to which versions were published to the DOM, as opposed to the versions that were intermediate for review. -------- FORMATTING FOR SPECIAL PARAMETERS BODYNNN_GM GM in km^3/s^2 BODYNNN_RADII_OPTICAL BOYDNNN_RADII_RS BOYDNNN_RADII BODYNNN_RADII_1BAR BODY699_RADII_OPTICAL is for PDT to determine at what altitude that Saturn first starts to cast a discernible shadow. BODY699_RADII_RS models Saturn as a sphere and corresponds to a 100 mbar surface. BODY699_RADII and BODY699_RADII_1BAR correspond to a 1 bar surface. BODY699_RADII contains IAU values. BODY699_RADII_1BAR currently contains IAU values but will likely be updated during the mission. BODYNNN_ATMOSPHERE Exponential atmospheric model in the form of one set of two values To, f, followed by any number of sets of three numbers Do, K, Zo. The atmospheric density in g/cm3 can be calculated as follows: Z = height above surface (km) R = radius of body (km) T = thermospheric temperature (K) = To + f * sigma, where sigma is the number of standard deviations (conservatism) desired. If f > 0, positive sigma will result in a hotter thermosphere and higher density. H = scale height of atmosphere (km) = T * ( R + Z ) / K (K is a curve-fit parameter with units of degrees K) D = density (g/cm3) = Do * exp( - ( Z - Zo ) / H ) If there are more than one set of Do, K, Zo, sum each value to get the total atmospheric density. BODYNNN_RING* The ring identification scheme is numeric with keyword-associated names. The defnition of a ring is in a set of keywords. The BODYNNN_RING... keyword set includes 1) a required NAME keyword (BODYNNN_RING_NAME), 2) either a complete ring keyword (BODYNNN_RING) or a set of segmented ring keywords (BODYNNN_RING_), and 3) optional embedded ringlet/gap keywords (BODYNNN_RING_) with required names (BODYNNN_RING__NAME). The total number of rings (BODYNNN_RING) that can be defined is from 01 to 99. A complete ring can be segmented (BODYNNN_RING_) in upto 26 (A-Z) sub-segments. Embedded ringlets/gaps (BODYNNN_RING_) can be defined from 1 to 99. Ring geometry is defined in the form of one set of R1, R2, Z1, Z2, OD where R1 and R2 are inner and outer radii respectively of the ring (in kilometers), Z1 and Z2 are the vertical heights of the ring at R1 and R2 respectively (also in km, equal to one-half of the total thickness of the ring), and OD is the average optical depth of the ring sub-segment/gap across R1 to R2. A complex ring thickness model is pieced together by sub-segmenting Rs, Zs, & ODs; each sub-segment is uniquely numbered. BODY699_RING7_FCENTER Elliptical orbital characteristics for the F Ring: The array items (and units) are (in order): SEMIMAJOR_AXIS (km) ECCENTRICITY (degrees) LONGITUDE_PERICENTER_EPOCH (degrees) PERICENTER_PRECESSION_RATE (degrees) INCLINATION (degrees) LONGITUDE_ASCENDING_NODE_EPOCH (degrees) NODAL_REGRESSION_RATE (degrees). The epoch for the elements is J2000 (noon UTC on 1/1/2000) at the ring (i.e., with no light-time correction). Longitudes are measured in the prograde direction from the ascending node of Saturn's equatorial plane on Earth's J2000 equator. -------- REFERENCES 1. Seidelmann, P.K., Abalakin, V.K., Bursa, M., Davies, M.E., Bergh, C. de, Lieske, J.H., Oberst, J., Simon, J.L., Standish, E.M., Stooke, P., and Thomas, P.C. (2002). "Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites: 2000," Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, v.82, Issue 1, pp. 83-111. 2. Nautical Almanac Office, United States Naval Observatory and H.M. Nautical Almanac Office, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (2005). "The Astronomical Almanac for the Year 2002," U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.: and The Stationary Office, London. 3. Russell, Christopher T., "Geophysical Coordinate Transformations," Cosmic Electrodynamics 2 (1971) 184-186. 4. Showalter, Mark R. "Properties of Saturn's E and G Rings from the 1995 Ring Plane Crossings", presented at Ames ring hazard workshop, 25 January 1996. 5. Jacobson, R. A. 2003b. private communication of constants used in the JUP230 ephemeris 6. Jacobson, R.A., JPL IOM 312.F-99-084, 13 Oct 1999, "Sat105" ephemeris file 7. Jacobson, R. A., 1996, "Orbits of the Saturnian Satellites from Earthbased and Voyager Observations", Blulletin of the American Astronmical Society 28(3), 1185. 8. Bosh A.S., Olkin C.B., French R.G., Nicholson P.D. Icarus, May 2002, vol. 157, iss. 1, pp. 57-75(19) 9. Campbell, J.K., and J.D. Anderson, Gravity Field of the Saturnian System From Pioneer and Voyager Tracking Data, Astronomical Journal, 97, 1485-1495, 1989. 10. Cassini NAV OD solution SM828D. 11. Cassini Mission Plan, JPL D-5564, Cassini document 699-100, revision N, May 2002. 12. Cassini Dust Protection Plan, JPL D-24251, Cassini document 699-525, revision A, October 2002. 13. Bauer, Simonelli, Buratti, IAU Circular 8279, 1/30/2004; re-reduced by Owen 2/5/2004 14. Cassini NAV OD solution 040409_00Sa. 15. Cassini NAV OD solution 040615_00Sa. 16. IOM 312.0-024-04 "Navigation Results from the Phoebe flyby", J.B. Jones, 16 June 2004. 17. Cassini NAV OD solution 040909R. Reconstruction from Jupiter to SOI. 19. Cuzzi, J. N., J. J. Lissauer, L. W. Esposito, J. B. Holberg, E. A. Marouf, G. L. Tyler, and A. Bouschot 1984. "Saturn's rings: Properties and processes." In Planetary Rings, (R. Greenberg and A. Brahic, Eds.), University of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 73-199. 20. HST High-Resolution Backscatter Image of Saturn's G Ring Jack J. Lissauer, Richard G. French Icarus, Vol. 146, No. 1, Jul 2000, pp. 12-18. 21. NASA/JPL Web page: "Natural Satellite Physical Parameters", 2004 September 22 Unless noted otherwise, values are from the IAU report. [1]