KPL/PCK \begindata CASSINI_PCK_VERSION = ( '2004-JAN-07' ) \begintext P_constants (PcK) SPICE kernel file Refer to the notes at the bottom of the file for help, contacts, version history, references, and Cassini-specific parameter descriptions. -------- SUN BODY10_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY10_GM = ( 132712440035.0199 ) \begintext -------- VENUS BODY2_GM, BODY299_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY2_GM = ( 324858.592000000 ) BODY299_GM = ( 324858.592000000 ) \begintext -------- EARTH BODY3_GM, BODY399_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY3_GM = ( 403503.241738000 ) BODY399_GM = ( 398600.4415000001 ) \begintext -------- JUPITER BODY5_GM, BODY599_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY5_GM = ( 126712765.4543717 ) BODY599_GM = ( 126686534.5576417 ) \begintext -------- SATURN BODY6_GM, BODY699_GM from [4]. Nonzero gravitational harmonics listed below are J2, J4, and J6, from [4] C22 from [4] and S22 from [1]. RA and DEC pole vectors from [4]. \begindata BODY6_GM = ( 37940600.88169087 ) BODY699_GM = ( 37931223.7722 ) BODY699_POLE_RA = ( 40.580901 -0.042290 0. ) BODY699_POLE_DEC = ( 83.537369 -0.004440 0. ) BODY699_JCOEF = ( 0.0, 0.016291218606, 0.0, -0.000930289845, 0.0, 0.000092782748 ) BODY699_CCOEF = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0000098150000 ) BODY699_SCOEF = ( 0.0, 0.0, 0.00000000 ) \begintext -------- URANUS BODY7_GM value from [4]. \begindata BODY7_GM = ( 5794549.007815570 ) \begintext -------- MOON BODY301_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY301_GM = ( 4902.800238000001 ) \begintext -------- MIMAS BODY601_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY601_GM = ( 2.545172063133736 ) \begintext -------- ENCELADUS BODY602_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY602_GM = ( 7.928893658301487 ) \begintext -------- TETHYS BODY603_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY603_GM = ( 41.21087988972582 ) \begintext -------- DIONE BODY604_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY604_GM = ( 73.10958450682477 ) \begintext -------- RHEA BODY605_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY605_GM = ( 152.1946097514954 ) \begintext -------- TITAN BODY606_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY606_GM = ( 8978.026439709944 ) \begintext -------- HYPERION BODY607_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY607_GM = ( 0.527000000000000 ) \begintext -------- IAPETUS BODY608_GM from [4]. \begindata BODY608_GM = ( 121.0139195189307 ) \begintext -------- PHOEBE BODY609_GM from [3]. \begindata BODY609_GM = ( 0.5529492368788559 ) \begintext Note that GM values >= 1.0 are packaged as is into 7CONIC_VEC commands for AACS to propagate the body's ephemeris. For GM values < 1.0, the value in the G_MASS parameter of the 7CONIC_VEC command is set to 1.0. One is the minimum value for the G_MASS parameter. The resetting of the G_MASS parameter to the minimum acceptable where the actual GM is < 1.0 is acceptable since Cassini will not pass close enough to any of the affected bodies for the gravitational mass to have an effect. -------- CONSTANTS AND NOTES FOR CASPER USERS \begindata BODY601_GM/PRIMARY = ( 6.59087D-08 ) BODY602_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.29181D-07 ) BODY603_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.1022D-06 ) BODY604_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.92865D-06 ) BODY605_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.05998D-06 ) BODY606_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.36697D-04 ) BODY607_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.60998D-08 ) BODY608_GM/PRIMARY = ( 2.79453D-06 ) BODY609_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.26545D-08 ) BODY610_GM/PRIMARY = ( 3.38507D-09 ) BODY611_GM/PRIMARY = ( 9.41176D-10 ) BODY612_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.48179D-11 ) BODY613_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.26545D-11 ) BODY614_GM/PRIMARY = ( 6.32723D-12 ) BODY615_GM/PRIMARY = ( 1.89817D-11 ) BODY616_GM/PRIMARY = ( 5.79996D-10 ) BODY617_GM/PRIMARY = ( 3.42725D-10 ) BODY618_GM/PRIMARY = ( 4.74543D-12 ) \begintext -------- URLS AND CONTACTS Description of PCK format and contents can be found in NAIF's PCK "required reading" document, at: NAIF tutorial on PCK formatting and use at: The Cassini PCK & ephemeris files can be found on the DOM, and at: Questions regarding this file can be directed to: Diane Conner (818)354-8586 Adrian Tinio (818)354-7511 David Seal (818)354-2707 -------- VERSION HISTORY The noted versions were officially published; the others were created and circulated for internal review only. 2005 Jan 07 ( published ) Applicable Ephemeris SPK File: 041219R_SCPSE_04199_04247.XSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = Use for Tour Analysis for period of SPK file. Reference/Source of new values = 041219_00aTa Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY10_GM 132712440017.9870 132712440035.0199 BODY2_GM 324858.598826460 324858.592000000 BODY3_GM 403503.233479087 403503.241738000 BODY399_GM 398600.4328969392 398600.4415000001 BODY5_GM 126712767.8577960 126712765.4543717 BODY599_GM 126686536.9610660 126686534.5576417 BODY6_GM 37940594.58466490 37940600.88169087 BODY699_GM 37931216.9052 37931223.7722 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.585770 40.580901 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537290 83.537369 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016290382080 0.016291218606 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000934342762 -0.000930289845 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000089007261 0.000092782748 BODY699_CCOEF(3) 0.0000000000000 0.0000098150000 BODY7_GM 5794549.007071874 5794549.007815570 BODY301_GM 4902.800582147764 4902.800238000001 BODY601_GM 2.543886999046834 2.545172063133736 BODY602_GM 7.896235619817622 7.928893658301487 BODY603_GM 41.21020363352076 41.21087988972582 BODY604_GM 73.10970856734933 73.10958450682477 BODY605_GM 153.4403813617471 152.1946097514954 BODY606_GM 8978.060680624023 8978.026439709944 BODY607_GM 0.521670363874684 0.527000000000000 BODY608_GM 120.3437832637150 121.0139195189307 2004 Dec 9 ( published ) D. Conner This file was created from cpck29Sep2004.tpc. Removed keywords controlled by PSG, including Jupiter satellites, to a separate file which is concatenated to this file. Only NAVT affected keywords appear above. Minor satellites and rocks keywords have been moved to the rocks PCK in a separate file cpck_rock.... BODY799_GM keyword removed. NAVT only provides a System GM. Applicable current Ephemeris = 041210AP_SCPSE_04329_08189 Restrictions/Limitations = None Reference/Source of new values = 041207_00cTc (OD Solution) Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY10_GM 132712440035.0199 132712440017.9870 BODY2_GM 324858.592000000 324858.598826460 BODY3_GM 403503.241738000 403503.233479087 BODY399_GM 398600.4415000001 398600.4328969392 BODY5_GM 126712765.4543717 126712767.8577960 BODY599_GM 126686534.5576417 126686536.9610660 BODY6_GM 37940630.56986377 37940594.58466490 BODY699_GM 37931248.2650 37931216.9052 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.578921 40.585770 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537507 83.537290 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016292234642 0.016290382080 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000927651602 -0.000934342762 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000096989418 0.000089007261 BODY7_GM 5794549.007815570 5794549.007071874 BODY301_GM 4902.800238000001 4902.800582147764 BODY601_GM 2.520135918453203 2.543886999046834 BODY602_GM 7.266915346837596 7.896235619817622 BODY603_GM 41.21004576075436 41.21020363352076 BODY604_GM 73.11466506841310 73.10970856734933 BODY605_GM 155.8320579960241 153.4403813617471 BODY606_GM 8977.930889955829 8978.060680624023 BODY607_GM 0.720000000000000 0.521670363874684 BODY608_GM 123.1583788283249 120.3437832637150 BODY609_GM 0.5517732425959611 0.5529492368788559 2004 Sep 29 (published) Applicable current Ephemeris: 041001AP_SCPSE_04275_08222.XSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) Restrictions/Limitations = None Reference/Source of new values = 040927_00aTa (OD solution) Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940690.7690100 37940630.56986377 BODY699_GM 37931300.4040 37931248.2650 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.584666 40.578921 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537319 83.537507 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016293483929 0.016292234642 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000921635401 -0.000927651602 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000088726120 0.000096989418 BODY601_GM 2.521560245529253 2.520135918453203 BODY602_GM 7.127481554948487 7.266915346837596 BODY603_GM 41.20541310412448 41.21004576075436 BODY604_GM 73.11977199413563 73.11466506841310 BODY605_GM 154.4787324900041 155.8320579960241 BODY606_GM 8977.981454369899 8977.930889955829 BODY608_GM 132.6589941798197 123.1583788283249 BODY609_GM 0.5515856703994798 0.5517732425959611 2004 Jun 21 (published) Applicable current Ephemeris: 040622AP_SCPSE_04002_09011.BSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) 040622AP_SK_04122_08222.BSP (spacecraft ephemeris, scid=-82) 040622AP_PE_04002_09011.BSP (planetary ephemeris) 040622AP_SE_04002_09011.BSP (satellite ephemeris) Reference/Source of new values = 040615_00Sa (OD solution) Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY6_GM 37940679.45741954 37940690.76901004 BODY699_GM 37931289.4836 37931300.4040 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.586420 40.584666 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537291 83.537319 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016292243237 0.016293483929 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000928716077 -0.000921635401 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000088845313 0.000088726120 BODY601_GM 2.539908238874431 2.521560245529253 BODY602_GM 6.980134096218938 7.127481554948487 BODY603_GM 41.21066708236702 41.20541310412448 BODY604_GM 73.12382308588424 73.11977199413563 BODY605_GM 154.6927779454911 154.4787324900041 BODY606_GM 8978.009444641593 8977.981454369899 BODY608_GM 132.2117925658847 132.6589941798197 BODY609_GM 0.4852416379406062 0.5515856703994798 * * Reference for new Phoebe GM: IOM 312.0-024-04 "Navigation Results from the Phoebe flyby", J.B. Jones, 16 June 2004. 2004 May 05 (published) BODY299_GM was set equal to the BODY2_GM. BODY799_GM was calculated based on the new BODY7_GM. Applicable Ephemeris Files: 040506AP_SCPSE_04122_08222.XSP (s/c=-82, planets, satellites) 040506AP_SK_04122_08222.XSP (spacecraft ephemeris, scid=-82) 040506AP_OPK_04122_08222.XSP (s/c & probe, scids=-82,-150) 040506AP_PE_94328_16357.XSP (planetary ephemeris) 040506AP_SE_04002_09011.XSP (satellite ephemeris) Reference/Source of new values is NAV OD Solution: 040409_00Sa Parameter Superceded Value New Value BODY10_GM 132712440017.9870 132712440035.0199 BODY2_GM 324858.5988264598 324858.592000000 BODY3_GM 403503.2334790870 403503.241738000 BODY399_GM 398600.4328969392 398600.4415000001 BODY5_GM 126712767.8577960 126712765.4543717 BODY599_GM 126686536.9637693 126686534.5576417 BODY6_GM 37940629.764 37940679.45741954 BODY699_GM 37931267.73 37931289.4836 BODY699_POLE_RA(1) 40.589 40.586420 BODY699_POLE_RA(2) -0.036 -0.042290 BODY699_POLE_DEC(1) 83.537 83.537291 BODY699_POLE_DEC(2) -0.004 -0.004440 BODY699_JCOEF(2) 0.016298 0.016292243237 BODY699_JCOEF(4) -0.000915 -0.000928716077 BODY699_JCOEF(6) 0.000103 0.000088845313 BODY699_CCOEF(3) 0.00000070 0.0000000000000 BODY699_SCOEF(3) -0.00000020 0.00000000 BODY7_GM 5794549.007071874 5794549.007815570 BODY301_GM 4902.800582147764 4902.800238000001 BODY601_GM 2.5 2.539908238874431 BODY602_GM 4.9 6.980134096218938 BODY603_GM 41.808 41.21066708236702 BODY604_GM 73.156 73.12382308588424 BODY605_GM 154.000 154.6927779454911 BODY606_GM 8978.2 8978.009444641593 BODY607_GM 0.99 0.720000000000000 BODY608_GM 106.0 132.2117925658847 BODY609_GM 0.48 0.4852416379406062 -------- FORMATTING FOR SPECIAL PARAMETERS BODYNNN_GM GM in km^3/s^2 BODYNNN_*COEF Where * = J, C, or S. These coefficients are the normalized gravity field coefficients. J's are 1 to N, C's and S's have two indexes. Index 1 goes from 1 to N, and Index 2 goes from 1 to (Index 1). E.g. C11, C21, C22, C31, C32, C33, C41, etc. -------- REFERENCES 1. Cassini NAV OD solution 040615_00Sa. 2. Cassini NAV OD solution 040927_00aTa. 3. Cassini NAV OD solution 041207_00cTc. 4. Cassini NAV OD solution 041219_00aTa.