CASSINI LSK files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes contents of the kernels/lsk directory of the CASSINI SPICE data server. It was last modified on January 22, 2003. Contact Chuck Acton (818-354-3869,, Lee Elson (818-354-4223,, or Boris Semenov (818-354-8136, if you have any questions regarding the data files provided in this directory. Brief summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE LSK files for the CASSINI mission. All files are text files following the UNIX end-of-line convention (lines terminated by only.) Most of the files in this directory have been automatically copied from the CASSINI Project Database (DOM.) LSK File Naming Scheme -------------------------------------------------------- This section describes the CASSINI LSK file naming convention. LSKs Produced by NAIF The LSK files produced by NAIF are named as follows: [naif][VVVV].[Ext] where: [naif] Constant prefix indicating generic LSK file produced by NAIF; [VVVV] File Version. [Ext] Standard SPICE extension for LSK files: ``tls'' text LSK files. Supplementary/Meta Information Files -------------------------------------------------------- No supplementary/meta information files are provided with the LSK files.