CASSINI IK files =========================================================================== This ``aareadme.txt'' file describes contents of the kernels/ik directory of the CASSINI SPICE data server. It was last modified on January 22, 2003. Contact Chuck Acton (818-354-3869,, Lee Elson (818-354-4223,, or Boris Semenov (818-354-8136, if you have any questions regarding the data files provided in this directory. Brief summary -------------------------------------------------------- This directory contains the SPICE I-kernel files for the CASSINI spacecraft science instruments. All files are text files following the UNIX end-of-line convention (lines terminated by only.) Most of the files in this directory have been automatically copied from the CASSINI Project Database (DOM.) The following files are present in this directory: cas_caps_v## Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_cda_v## Cassini Cosmic Dust Analyzer (CDA) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_cirs_v## Cassini Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_inms_v## Cassini Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_iss_v## Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_mag_v## Cassini Magnetometer (MAG) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_mimi_v## Cassini Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument (MIMI) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_radar_v## Cassini RADAR (RADAR) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_rpws_v## Cassini Radio and Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_rss_v## Cassini Radio Science Subsytem (RSS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_sru_v## Cassini Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) detectors IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_uvis_v## Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectograph (UVIS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; cas_vims_v## Cassini Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) IK file containing references to mounting alignment, internal and FOV geometry, and mode timing; release Text file documenting release notes and required frame kernel versions; see the Release Notes section below for details. IK File Naming Scheme -------------------------------------------------------- This section describes the CASSINI IK file naming convention. The IK files produced by the CASSINI IO team are named as follows: [cas]_[IIIII]_v[VV].[Ext] where: [cas] Constant prefix indicating CASSINI IK file; [IIIII] Instrument or subsystem acronym; [VV] File Version; [Ext] Standard SPICE extension for IK files: ``ti'' text instrument kernels. Release Notes and History -------------------------------------------------------- A release history containing previous sets of instrument kernels as well as documentation describing which frame kernel version was distributed with the set is present in this directory. release.txt This text file contains a release history, documenting major changes and references to frame kernel version, for each set of instrument kernels. The contents of the file are structured as follows: current: ( Date: March 12, 2002 Notes: -- Added CASSINI_CIRS_FPB mode timing keywords to cas_cirs_v08.ti. release.05: ( Date: February 20, 2002 Notes: -- The updated frame kernel should be used with this I-kernel set. Date: January 28, 2002 Notes: -- Added CASSINI_CIRS_FPB FOV definition to cas_cirs_v07.ti. -- Corrected CASSINI_CIRS_FP3 and CASSINI_CIRS_FP4 FOV definitions. -- N0052 is now available, and users requiring GETFOV or getfov_c should update their toolkit installations. The label ``current:'' indicates the release notes for the set currently in kernels/ik. The label ``release.##:'' indicates the release notes for the set stored in the directory kernels/ik/release.##. The frame kernel that appears in parentheses after the label is the name of the frame kernel that should be used with this set. As additions and revisions are made to the frame kernel, compatibility with a future and previous I-kernel sets may be an issue. release.## This directory contains all of the I-kernels from a particular (##) release set, as documented in kernels/ik/release.txt.