******************************************************************************** Cassini Reconstruction C-Kernel Type 3 C-Kernel with rate data Generated by Tom Burk, (818)393-0974, Cassini AACS Operations ******************************************************************************** MSOPCK SETUP FILE: /aacs/ckernels/ckernel.15min.setup ******************************************************************************** This is a sample MSOP CK setup file for conversion of a "pre-parsed" Cassini actual attitude data file (originally in the query2plot ECSV format) to a type 3 CK file. The following are meaning of the setup keywords (only for those which are not obvious :-) INSTRUMENT_ID = -82000 NAIF ID orientation for which will be stored in CK file. REFERENCE_FRAME_NAME = 'J2000' Assume that orientation is given with respect to the J2000. ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT = 'YES' Input file contains angular rates. QUATERNION_NORM_ERROR = 1.0e-3 If | 1 - quaternion norm | > 1.0e-3, input record is "bad" and will not be written to output CK file. ANGULAR_RATE_THRESHOLD = ( 0.01745329, 0.01745329, 0.01745329 ) Absolute value of any individual angular rate component cannot exceed 0.01745329 (1 deg/sec converted to rad/sec) MAXIMUM_VALID_INTERVAL = 900 interpolation over gaps between data points that are longer than 16 seconds will be prohibited. INPUT_TIME_TYPE = 'SCLK' Input time time type is SCLK (can also be UTC) INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' means conjugated (or non-SPICE format) quaternion. Program can also deal with SPICE quaternions, Euler angles and matricies. ANGULAR_RATE_FRAME = 'INSTRUMENT' This tells the program that angular rate vector is given in the s/c body frame (rather than J2000 frame.) See MSOPCK User's Guide for more details. BVS/NAIF, February 8, 2000 Actual setup keywords: \begindata LSK_FILE_NAME = '/afs/jpl/group/casops/SCO/APT/SPICE/naif0007.tls' SCLK_FILE_NAME = '/afs/jpl/group/casops/SCO/APT/SCLKSCET/cas00087.tsc' INTERNAL_FILE_NAME = 'ckernel.file' COMMENTS_FILE_NAME = '/aacs/ckernels/ckernel.comments' CK_TYPE = 3 CK_SEGMENT_ID = 'TELEMETRY CASSINI S/C ATTITUDE' INSTRUMENT_ID = -82000 REFERENCE_FRAME_NAME = 'J2000' ANGULAR_RATE_PRESENT = 'YES' QUATERNION_NORM_ERROR = 1.0e-3 ANGULAR_RATE_THRESHOLD = ( 0.01745329, 0.01745329, 0.01745329 ) MAXIMUM_VALID_INTERVAL = 900 INPUT_TIME_TYPE = 'SCLK' INPUT_DATA_TYPE = 'MSOP QUATERNIONS' ANGULAR_RATE_FRAME = 'INSTRUMENT' PRODUCER_ID = 'Cassini AACS Operations' \begintext ******************************************************************************** RUN-TIME OBTAINED META INFORMATION: ******************************************************************************** PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME = 2005-01-27T19:41:23 START_TIME = 1999-11-16T04:34:16.323 STOP_TIME = 1999-11-21T00:48:44.552 ******************************************************************************** INTERPOLATION INTERVALS IN THE FILE SEGMENTS: ******************************************************************************** SEG.SUMMARY: ID -82000, COVERG: 1999-11-16T04:34:16.323 1999-11-21T00:48:44.552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999-11-16T04:34:16.323 1999-11-16T08:33:12.228 1999-11-16T10:54:00.172 1999-11-16T11:30:16.157 1999-11-16T11:49:28.150 1999-11-16T11:51:36.149 1999-11-16T12:15:04.140 1999-11-16T14:55:04.076 1999-11-20T20:54:04.645 1999-11-21T00:48:44.552 ********************************************************************************