KPL/IK Monitoring Cameras Instrument Kernel ============================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains references to mounting alignment, operating modes, and timing as well as internal and FOV geometry for the Monitoring Cameras (MCAMs) instrument Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 0.3 -- April 6, 2020 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated Parameter units from mm to microns. Updated side FOV half angle values. Removed Platform ID section. Version 0.2 -- January 25, 2019 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Joe Zender, ESTEC/ESA Updated MCAM boresights and moved definitions to their reference frames in the MTM FK. Version 0.1 -- September 6, 2018 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated MTM ID, corrected and several typos. Removed duplicate elements. Added Optical parameters. Version 0.0 -- October 2, 2017 -- Michele Zusi, INAF James Windsor, ESTEC/ESA Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Initial prototype release. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. ``Kernel Pool Required Reading'' 3. ``Frames Required Reading'' 4. ``C-Kernel Required Reading'' 5. ``M-CAM EID-B'', Issue 1 6. ``BepiColombo M-CAM User Manual'', MCSE.BC_CMS.MA.001, Issue 1, Revision 1, 7th September 2017 7. ``CAM HEAD ASSEMBLY'', BC-ASD-DW-00912_A_RELEASED, Issue A, 8th August 2016 8. System Operations Overview, BC-ASD-MA-00036, Issue 1, 6th October 2017 Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact the ESA SPICE Service at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, or the MCAM Principal Investigator at ESTEC: Joe Zender (+31) 71-565-4919 Implementation Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICE) cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) PYTHON: (SPICEYPY)* furnsh( frame_kernel_name ) In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used. See [2] for more details. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github. It is available at: Naming Conventions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All names referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters 'INS' followed by the NAIF BepiColombo MTM spacecraft ID number (-652) and then followed by a NAIF three digits code for each MCAM camera (MCAM1 = 950, MCAM2 = 960, MCAM3 = 970). The remainder of the name is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the CAM1 boresight direction in the MTM_MCAM1 frame (see [2]) is specified by: INS-652950_BORESIGHT The upper bound on the length of the name of any data item identifier is 32 characters. If the same item is included in more than one file, or if the same item appears more than once within a single file, the latest value supersedes any earlier values. Mounting Alignment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Refer to the latest version of the BepiColombo MTM Frames Definition Kernel (FK) [3] for the MCAMs reference frame definitions and mounting alignment information. Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From [6], [8]: The BC_CMS instrument is mainly composed of three miniaturised micro-cameras (M-CAM) based on MCSE flight heritage design and connected to an interface box (CAM Box) allowing data and power interfacing of the three micro-cameras with respect to the S/C I/F features. Objectives: ~~~~~~~~~~~ The main objectives of the BepiColombo S/C Camera Monitoring System (BC_CMS) are the following: - LEOP: monitoring of deployments (Solar Array, High Gain Antenna, Medium Gain Antenna, Magnetometer Boom). - Transfer to Mercury (Cruise): occasional monitoring of movable appendages (Solar Array, High Gain Antenna, Medium Gain Antenna); images of planets during fly-by events (Venus, Mercury) and Mercury approach. No application of BC_CMS is foreseen in the science phase at Mercury because the MCAMs are definitively separated from the orbiter module. Measurement Principle: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The above objectives are achieved by the combination of operation of the three equal cameras composing the MCAM suite orthogonally mounted as depicted in [5]: - MCAM1 boresight in S/C: ( -0.9811, 0.0858, -0.1736 ) - MCAM2 boresight in S/C: ( -0.5826, -0.2717, -0.7660 ) - MCAM3 boresight in S/C: ( 0.4545, -0.4545, -0.7660 ) MCAMs main specifications: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The MCAM concept is a vertical integration of a micro-system based on high-grade commercial COTS components. The result is a light and compact digital camera with good low temperature behaviour. The MCAMs are connected through a single MDM-15S connector owning both data signals and power supply. The following table summarizes the instrument optics, performances and resolution: Parameter | Units | Value/Description Remarks -------------------------+--------------+---------------------------- Optics | | | | Aperture | mm | 1.2385 Focal length | mm | 12.385 Focal number | # | 10 Field of view | degrees | 70.0 (diagonal) | degrees | 49.5 (side) Spectral range | nm | 480-940 Filter bandwidth | nm | 460 Central wavelength | nm | 710 MTF at Nyquist | % | >50 frequency | | | | Sensor | | | | Sensor type | # | CCD Format | # | 1024 X 1024 Pixel size | microm | 14 Exposure time | ms | 4 -> 65.535s (programmable | | integration time by | | step of 1ms) Readout | Mpix/s | xxx Not operating | K | 203 % 343 Temperature range | | Operating | K | 213 % 333 temperature | | | | Resolution | | | | IFOV | mrad/px | 1.2 | | Detector Layouts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section provides a set of diagrams illustrating the detector layouts of each MCAM camera in the corresponding reference frames. MCAM: ~~~~~ The MCAM detector consists of 1 clear filter. It covers the entire detector in the order shown in the table below: ------------- -------- Parameter* MCAMs ------------- -------- V Pixels 1024 V FOV 49.5 V FOV Start -24.75 V FOV Stop 24.75 V FOV Center 0 V First Pixel 1 V Last Pixel 1024 H Pixels 1024 H FOV 49.5 H FOV Start -24.75 H FOV Stop 24.75 H FOV Center 0 H First Pixel 1 H Last Pixel 1024 ------------- -------- * all FOV values above are in degrees ^ +Ymcam1 | Pixel | (1,1)---------------|-----------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +Xmcam1 | | +Zmcam1 | <-----------------------x into page | | | | | | | | | | | 1024 | | lines +-----------------------------------+ 1024 pixels/line FOV Definitions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section contains definitions for the fields of view (FOV) for the MCAM cameras. These definitions are provided in a format required by the SPICE (CSPICE) function GETFOV (getfov_c). The MCAMs have a square field of view. The angular dimension of the field of view is 49.5 x 49.5 (degrees). Please note that the FOV reference and cross angles are defined with half angle values. The following FOV definition corresponds to the NAIF Body Names: MTM_MCAM1, MTM_CAM2 anb MTM_CAM3. \begindata INS-652950_NAME = 'MTM_MCAM1' INS-652950_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-652950_FOV_FRAME = 'MTM_MCAM1' INS-652950_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-652950_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-652950_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-652950_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 24.75 ) INS-652950_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 24.75 ) INS-652950_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-652960_NAME = 'MTM_MCAM2' INS-652960_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-652960_FOV_FRAME = 'MTM_MCAM2' INS-652960_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-652960_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-652960_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-652960_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 24.75 ) INS-652960_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 24.75 ) INS-652960_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-652970_NAME = 'MTM_MCAM3' INS-652970_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-652970_FOV_FRAME = 'MTM_MCAM3' INS-652970_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-652970_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-652970_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-652970_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 24.75 ) INS-652970_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 24.75 ) INS-652970_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Wavelengths Ranges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MCAMs detector consist of 1 clear filter. It covers the entire detector in the order shown in the table below. The NAIF ID for each MCAMs filter is also shown. -------- -------- -------- -------- Filter Center Width ID -------- -------- -------- -------- CLEAR 710 nm 460 nm -652951 -------- -------- -------- -------- \begindata INS-652950_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 710 ) INS-652950_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 460 ) INS-652960_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 710 ) INS-652960_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 460 ) INS-652970_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 710 ) INS-652970_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 460 ) \begintext Optical Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first order optical parameters for the 3 cameras that constitute the MCAM suite (from [6], [8]): ---------------------------- ---------- --------- ------- Parameter MCAM1 MCAM2 MCAM3 ---------------------------- ---------- --------- ------- Aperture, mm 1.2385 1.2385 1.2385 Effective Focal Length, mm 12.385 12.385 12.385 F/number 10 10 10 IFOV, mrad/pixel 0.89 0.89 0.89 Field of View, deg 52x52 52x52 52x52 ---------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- These values are given in the keywords below in the same units as the tables above: \begindata INS-652950_APERTURE = ( 1.2385 ) INS-652950_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 12.385 ) INS-652950_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 52, 52 ) INS-652950_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 480, 940 ) INS-652950_F/NUMBER = ( 10 ) INS-652950_IFOV = ( 0.89 ) INS-652960_APERTURE = ( 1.2385 ) INS-652960_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 12.385 ) INS-652960_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 52, 52 ) INS-652960_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 480, 940 ) INS-652960_F/NUMBER = ( 8.9 ) INS-652960_IFOV = ( 0.89 ) INS-652970_APERTURE = ( 1.2385 ) INS-652970_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 12.385 ) INS-652970_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 52, 52 ) INS-652970_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 480, 940 ) INS-652970_F/NUMBER = ( 10 ) INS-65290_IFOV = ( 0.89 ) \begintext Detector CCD Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The CCD geometry parameters as presented in [6] are provided below: ------------------------------- ----------- Parameter MCAMs ------------------------------- ----------- Detector Array Size 1024x1024 Detector Size, mm Pixel Size, microns 14 Spectral Channels 1 ------------------------------- ----------- which translates to the following keyword and value pairs: \begindata INS-652950_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 14, 14 ) INS-652950_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1024 ) INS-652950_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1024 ) INS-652950_CCD_CENTER = ( 512, 512 ) INS-652960_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 14, 14 ) INS-652960_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1024 ) INS-652960_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1024 ) INS-652960_CCD_CENTER = ( 512, 512 ) INS-652970_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 14, 14 ) INS-652970_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 1024 ) INS-652970_PIXEL_LINES = ( 1024 ) INS-652970_CCD_CENTER = ( 512, 512 ) \begintext Optical Distortion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TBD. End of IK file.