KPL/IK SIMBIO-SYS Instrument Kernel ============================================================================== This instrument kernel (I-kernel) contains references to mounting alignment, operating modes, and timing as well as internal and FOV geometry for the BepiColombo Spectrometers and Imagers Integrated Observatory SYStem (SIMBIO-SYS) Version and Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 0.1 -- February 22, 2013 -- Marc Costa Sitja, ESAC/ESA Updated BEPICOLOMBO MPO IDs from -69 to -121. Removed kernel name and version assignment. Version 0.0 -- February 22, 2013 -- Jonathan McAuliffe, ESAC/ESA Initial prototype release. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. "Kernel Pool Required Reading" 2. BepiColombo MPO Spacecraft Frames Kernel (FK), Latest Version 3. "Frames Required Reading" 4. "C-Kernel Required Reading" 5. ... 6. SIMBIO-SYS User Manual, BC-SIM-GAF-MA-002, Iss. 2.0. 7. SIMBIO-SYS EID-B, BC-EST-RS-02523, Iss. 1.0. 8. ... Contact Information ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding this file contact SPICE support at ESAC: Marc Costa Sitja (+34) 91-8131-457, or NAIF at JPL: Boris Semenov (818) 354-8136 Implementation Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is used by the SPICE system as follows: programs that make use of this frame kernel must "load" the kernel normally during program initialization. Loading the kernel associates the data items with their names in a data structure called the "kernel pool". The SPICELIB routine FURNSH loads a kernel into the pool as shown below: FORTRAN: (SPICELIB) CALL FURNSH ( frame_kernel_name ) C: (CSPICE) furnsh_c ( frame_kernel_name ); IDL: (ICY) cspice_furnsh, frame_kernel_name MATLAB: (MICE) cspice_furnsh ( 'frame_kernel_name' ) PYTHON: (SPICEYPY)* furnsh( frame_kernel_name ) In order for a program or routine to extract data from the pool, the SPICELIB routines GDPOOL, GIPOOL, and GCPOOL are used. See [2] for more details. This file was created and may be updated with a text editor or word processor. * SPICEPY is a non-official, community developed Python wrapper for the NAIF SPICE toolkit. Its development is managed on Github. It is available at: Naming Conventions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All names referencing values in this I-kernel start with the characters 'INS' followed by the NAIF BepiColombo MPO spacecraft ID number (-121) and then followed by a NAIF three digit code for an SIMBIO-SYS camera (HRIC = 600, STC = 610, VIHI = 620). The remainder of the name is an underscore character followed by the unique name of the data item. For example, the HRIC boresight direction in the MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC frame (see [2]) is specified by: INS-121600_BORESIGHT The upper bound on the length of the name of any data item identifier is 32 characters. If the same item is included in more than one file, or if the same item appears more than once within a single file, the latest value supersedes any earlier values. Mounting Alignment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Refer to the latest version of the BepiColombo MPO Frames Definition Kernel (FK) [3] for the SIMBIO-SYS reference frame definitions and mounting alignment information. Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From [6]: SIMBIO-SYS has been conceived to be integrated on the BepiColombo MPO pointing in the nadir direction in order to perform the remote sensing of the Mercury surface during the satellite orbits. The SIMBIO-SYS instrument architecture is based on 3 different channels composing the instrument front-end with a common main electronics and power supply. Each channel is composed of optics, detector (Focal Plane Assembly), thermal hardware (if needed), proximity electronics and electrical interface for power supply and data handling. From an electrical point of view, the Main Electronics (ME) implements, at suite level, the two main functions shared among the three channels to avoid duplication, namely: - data processing electronics function - power supply The first function, implemented by the two redundant Digital Processing Units (DPU's), is mainly devoted to data management and compression, instrument control and TC/TM handling from/to the S/C interface. The second one, implemented by the Power Unit (PU), is aimed to supply all the subsystems with the required power, providing a common set of required voltages. Science Objectives -- The SIMBIO-SYS instrument suite incorporates capabilities to perform: - global mapping with stereo imaging (spatial resolution: 50 - 110 m and vertical accuracy of 84 m at the periherm on the equator) - colour mapping of selected regions in 4 broad band filters (in the range 410-930 nm) - global mapping with spectroscopy in the spectral range 400 - 2000 nm (spectral sampling of 6.25 nm), with a spatial resolution better than 500 m - high spatial resolution (5-10 m) imaging of selected areas summing up to at least 20% of planet surface in a panchromatic filter and in 3 different broad band filters (in the range 400-900 nm) - hyperspectral imaging of selected areas in the spectral range 400 - 2000 nm (spectral sampling of 6.25 nm), with a spatial sampling down to 100 m Measurement Principle -- The above scientific objectives are achieved by the capabilities of the three channels composing the SIMBIO-SYS suite: - STC Stereo Camera - HRIC High Resolution Camera - VIHI Spectrometer Such configuration allows maximising the scientific return in each phase of the mission by the suitable share of the available resources in terms of power and data rate. Detector Layouts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section provides a set of diagrams illustrating the SIMBIO-SYS HRIC, STC and VIHI camera detector layouts in the corresponding camera reference frames. High Resolution Imaging Camera (HRIC): The HRIC detector consists of 1 panchromatic and 3 broadband filters. They cover the detector in the order shown in the table below with inter-filter gaps: ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- Parameter* F550 Gap P650 Gap F700 Gap F880 ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- Vert. Pixels 384 86 640 86 384 84 384 Vert. FOV 0.276 0.062 0.459 0.062 0.276 0.060 0.276 Vert. FOV Start 0.735 0.459 0.398 -0.062 -0.123 -0.399 -0.459 Vert. FOV Stop 0.459 0.398 -0.062 -0.123 -0.399 -0.459 -0.735 Vert. FOV Center 0.597 0.429 0.168 -0.093 -0.261 -0.429 -0.597 Vert. First Pixel 1 385 471 1111 1197 1581 1665 Vert. Last Pixel 384 470 1110 1196 1580 1664 2048 Horiz. Pixels 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 Horiz. FOV 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 Horiz. FOV Start -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 Horiz. FOV Stop 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 Horiz. FOV Center 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Horiz. First Pixel 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Horiz. Last Pixel 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- * all FOV values above are in degrees * Vert. or Vertical implies along-track * Horiz. or Horizontal implies across-track ^ +Yhric s/c velocity/along track | Pixel | (1,1)---------------|-----------------+ | | F550 | 384 px | | | +-----------------|-----------------+ | /////////////// | /////////// Gap | 86 px +-----------------|-----------------+ | | P650 | 640 px +Xhric | | +Zhric | (cross- <-----------------------x into page | track) +-----------------------------------+ | ///////////////////////////// Gap | 86 px +-----------------------------------+ | F700 | 384 px | | +-----------------------------------+ | ///////////////////////////// Gap | 84 px +-----------------------------------+ 2048 | | 394 px lines | | +-----------------------------------+ 2048 pixels/line STereo Camera (STC): The STC detector consists of 2 panchromatic and 4 broadband filters. The forward looking and backward looking channels of STC both image onto the same detector, so 1 panchromatic and 2 broadband filters correspond to each STC channel. The following tables contain detector and field of view characteristics for the forward and backward looking channels. TODO: Complete STC Detector Layout tables for both channels. Forward Channel: ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Parameter* F550 Gap F420 Gap P700 ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Vert. Pixels 64 90 64 86 384 Vert. FOV 0.416 0.585 0.416 0.585 2.497 Vert. FOV Start Vert. FOV Stop Vert. FOV Center Vert. First Pixel Vert. Last Pixel Horiz. Pixels 832 832 832 832 832 Horiz. FOV 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 Horiz. FOV Start -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 -2.65 Horiz. FOV Stop 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 2.65 Horiz. FOV Center 0 0 0 0 0 Horiz. First Pixel 600 600 600 600 600 Horiz. Last Pixel 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ * all FOV values above are in degrees * Vert. or Vertical implies along-track * Horiz. or Horizontal implies across-track Backward Channel: ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Parameter* P700 Gap F920 Gap F700 ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ Vert. Pixels 384 90 64 90 64 Vert. FOV 2.497 0.585 0.416 0.585 0.416 Vert. FOV Start Vert. FOV Stop Vert. FOV Center Vert. First Pixel Vert. Last Pixel Horiz. Pixels 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 Horiz. FOV 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 1.470 Horiz. FOV Start -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 -0.735 Horiz. FOV Stop 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 0.735 Horiz. FOV Center 0 0 0 0 0 Horiz. First Pixel 0 0 0 0 0 Horiz. Last Pixel 2047 2047 2047 2047 2047 ------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ * all FOV values above are in degrees * Vert. or Vertical implies along-track * Horiz. or Horizontal implies across-track TODO: Add diagram of STC detector and filter layout Visible & Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI): TODO: Add detector layout description and diagram for VIHI Wavelengths Ranges ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ High Resolution Imaging Camera (HRIC): The HRIC detector consists of 1 panchromatic and 3 broadband filters. They cover the detector in the order shown in the table below with inter-filter gaps and the central wavelengths and bandwidths given. The NAIF ID for each HRIC filter is also shown. -------- -------- -------- -------- Filter Center Width ID -------- -------- -------- -------- F550 550 nm 40 nm -121601 P650 650 nm 500 nm -121602 F700 700 nm 40 nm -121603 F880 880 nm 40 nm -121604 -------- -------- -------- -------- \begindata INS-121601_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 550 ) INS-121601_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 40 ) INS-121602_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 650 ) INS-121602_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 500 ) INS-121603_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 700 ) INS-121603_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 40 ) INS-121604_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 880 ) INS-121604_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 40 ) \begintext STereo Camera (STC): The STC detector consists of 2 panchromatic and 4 broadband filters. They cover the detector in the order shown in the table below with inter-filter gaps and the central wavelengths and bandwidths given. The NAIF ID for each STC filter is also shown. -------- -------- -------- -------- Filter Center Width ID -------- -------- -------- -------- F550 550 nm 20 nm -121613 F420 420 nm 20 nm -121614 P700 700 nm 200 nm -121615 P700 700 nm 200 nm -121616 F920 920 nm 20 nm -121617 F700 700 nm 20 nm -121618 -------- -------- -------- -------- \begindata INS-121613_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 550 ) INS-121613_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 20 ) INS-121614_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 420 ) INS-121614_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 20 ) INS-121615_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 700 ) INS-121615_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 200 ) INS-121616_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 700 ) INS-121616_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 200 ) INS-121617_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 920 ) INS-121617_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 20 ) INS-121618_FILTER_BANDCENTER = ( 700 ) INS-121618_FILTER_BANDWIDTH = ( 20 ) \begintext Visible & Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI): The sprectral range the VIHI is 400 to 2000 nm. It has 256 spectral channels and a spectral dispersion of 6.25 nm/pixel. Optical Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The first order optical parameters for the 3 channels that constitute the SIMBIO-SYS imaging suite (from [6]: HRIC = APPENDIX A.2, STC = APPENDIX A.3, VIHI = APPENDIX A.4): TODO: Check/Add Effective Focal Length Uncertainty! ---------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- Parameter HRIC STC VIHI ---------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- Aperture, mm 90.0 15.0 25.0 Effective Focal Length, mm 800.0 95.0 160.0 F/number 9.4 6.3 6.4 IFOV, microrad/pixel 12.5 105.0E3 250.0 Field of View, deg cross-track 1.47 5.3 3.7 along-track 1.47* 4.75* 0.014 ---------------------------- ---------- --------- ---------- *instrument combined field of view These values are given in the keywords below in the same units as the tables above: High Resolution Imaging Camera (HRIC): \begindata INS-121600_APERTURE = ( 90.0 ) INS-121600_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 800.0 ) INS-121600_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 1.47, 1.47 ) INS-121600_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 400, 900 ) INS-121600_F/NUMBER = ( 9.4 ) INS-121600_IFOV = ( 12.5 ) \begintext STereo Camera (STC): \begindata INS-121610_APERTURE = ( 15.0 ) INS-121610_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 95.0 ) INS-121600_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 5.3, 4.75 ) INS-121610_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 410, 930 ) INS-121610_F/NUMBER = ( 6.3 ) INS-121610_IFOV = ( 105.0E3 ) \begintext Visible & Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI): \begindata INS-121620_APERTURE = ( 25.0 ) INS-121600_FOV_ANGULAR_SIZE = ( 3.7, 0.014 ) INS-121620_FOCAL_LENGTH = ( 160.0 ) INS-121620_WAVELENGTH_RANGE = ( 400, 2000 ) INS-121620_F/NUMBER = ( 6.4 ) INS-121620_IFOV = ( 250.0 ) \begintext TODO: Should we add filter focal lengths? Detector CCD Parameters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The CCD geometry parameters as presented in [6] are provided below: ------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- Parameter HRIC STC VIHI ------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- Detector Array Size 2048x2048 2048x2048 264x264 Detector Size, mm Pixel Size, mm (est) 10.0E-3 10.0E-3 Pixel Pitch, mm 40.0E-3 Spectral Channels 256 Spectral Dispersion, nm/pixel 6.25 ------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- which translates to the following keyword and value pairs: High Resolution Imaging Camera (HRIC): TODO: Check if CCD_CENTER makes sense for HRIC filters! \begindata INS-121600_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121600_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 2048 ) INS-121600_PIXEL_LINES = ( 2048 ) INS-121600_CCD_CENTER = ( 1024.5, 1024.5 ) INS-121601_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121601_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 2048 ) INS-121601_PIXEL_LINES = ( 384 ) INS-121601_CCD_CENTER = ( 1024.5, 192.5 ) INS-121602_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121602_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 2048 ) INS-121602_PIXEL_LINES = ( 640 ) INS-121602_CCD_CENTER = ( 1024.5, 320.5 ) INS-121603_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121603_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 2048 ) INS-121603_PIXEL_LINES = ( 384 ) INS-121603_CCD_CENTER = ( 1024.5, 192.5 ) INS-121604_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121604_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 2048 ) INS-121604_PIXEL_LINES = ( 384 ) INS-121604_CCD_CENTER = ( 1024.5, 192.5 ) \begintext STereo Camera (STC): TODO: Check if CCD_CENTER makes sense for STC channels and filters! \begindata INS-121610_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121610_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 2048 ) INS-121610_PIXEL_LINES = ( 2048 ) INS-121610_CCD_CENTER = ( 1024.5, 1024.5 ) INS-121611_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121611_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121611_PIXEL_LINES = ( 692 ) INS-121611_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 346.5 ) INS-121612_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121612_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121612_PIXEL_LINES = ( 692 ) INS-121612_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 346.5 ) INS-121613_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121613_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121613_PIXEL_LINES = ( 64 ) INS-121613_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 32.5 ) INS-121614_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121614_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121614_PIXEL_LINES = ( 64 ) INS-121614_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 32.5 ) INS-121615_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121615_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121615_PIXEL_LINES = ( 384 ) INS-121615_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 192.5 ) INS-121616_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121616_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121616_PIXEL_LINES = ( 384 ) INS-121616_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 192.5 ) INS-121617_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121617_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121617_PIXEL_LINES = ( 64 ) INS-121617_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 32.5 ) INS-121618_PIXEL_SIZE = ( 10.0E-3, 10.0E-3 ) INS-121618_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 768 ) INS-121618_PIXEL_LINES = ( 64 ) INS-121618_CCD_CENTER = ( 384.5, 32.5 ) \begintext Visible & Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI): \begindata INS-121620_PIXEL_SAMPLES = ( 264 ) INS-121620_PIXEL_LINES = ( 264 ) INS-121620_CCD_CENTER = ( 132.5, 132.5 ) INS-121620_SPECTRAL_CHANNELS = ( 256 ) INS-121620_SPECTRAL_DISPERSION = ( 6.25 ) \begintext Fields of View Definition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section contains definitions for the fields of view (FOV) for the SIMBIO-SYS channels. These definitions are provided in a format required by the SPICE (CSPICE) function GETFOV (getfov_c). High Resolution Imaging Camera (HRIC) The SIMBIO-SYS HRIC combined field of view is a square boresighted on the +Z-axis of the MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC frame. The angular dimension of the field of view is 1.47 x 1.47 (degrees). The following diagrams illustrate the field of view extents for the full HRIC FOV in the MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC frame: X ins ^ / | / | / | / Y | / o ins |/ 0.735 o--------> |\ Z | \ ins | \ | \ | \ | \ Plane Y = 0 Y ins ^ / | / | / | / X | / o ins |/ 0.735 x--------> |\ Z | \ ins | \ | \ | \ | \ Plane X = 0 This combined HRIC field of view is split between 4 sub-fields of view corresponding to each of the 4 HRIC filters (1 Panchromatic and 3 Broad- band). The cross-track geometry of each of these filters is the same as that of the combined field of view illustrated above, while their angular dimensions are illustrated below: TODO: Include diagrams for HRIC filter FOV angles! which leads to the following FOV definition: \begindata INS-121600_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC' INS-121600_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121600_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-121600_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121600_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-121600_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.735 ) INS-121600_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.735 ) INS-121600_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-121601_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC' INS-121601_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121601_BORESIGHT = ( 0.01042270, 0.0, 0.99994568 ) INS-121601_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121601_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-121601_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.138 ) INS-121601_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.735 ) INS-121601_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-121602_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC' INS-121602_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121602_BORESIGHT = ( 0.00293143, 0.0, 0.99999570 ) INS-121602_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121602_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-121602_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.2295 ) INS-121602_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.735 ) INS-121602_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-121603_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC' INS-121603_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121603_BORESIGHT = ( -0.00456000, 0.0, 0.99998960 ) INS-121603_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121603_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-121603_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.138 ) INS-121603_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.735 ) INS-121603_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-121604_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_HRIC' INS-121604_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121604_BORESIGHT = ( -0.01042270, 0.0, 0.99994568 ) INS-121604_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121604_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ) INS-121604_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.138 ) INS-121604_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 0.735 ) INS-121604_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext STereo Camera (STC) The SIMBIO-SYS STC fields of view are rectangular boresights pointing 20 degrees forward and backward of the nadir +Z axis of MPO's MPO_SIMBIOSYS_STC frame. The combined angular dimension of each back and forward field of view is 5.3 x 4.75 degrees. TODO: Expand STC Fields of View Definition! The following diagrams illustrate the combined fields of view extents for each STC channel in the MPO_SIMBIOSYS_STC frame: TODO: Include diagrams for the STC Fields of View! which leads to the following FOV definition: \begindata INS-121611_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_STC' INS-121611_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121611_BORESIGHT = ( 0.342020143326, 0.0, 0.939692620786 ) INS-121611_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121611_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.939692620786, 0.0, -0.342020143326 ) INS-121611_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 2.25 ) INS-121611_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 2.65 ) INS-121611_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' INS-121612_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_STC' INS-121612_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121612_BORESIGHT = ( -0.342020143326, 0.0, 0.939692620786 ) INS-121612_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121612_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 0.939692620786, 0.0, 0.342020143326 ) INS-121612_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 2.25 ) INS-121612_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 2.65 ) INS-121612_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext TODO: Check the FOV_REF_VECTOR definition for STC channels. TODO: Include FOV definition data for STC filters. Visible & Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI) The SIMBIO-SYS VIHI field of view is a rectangular boresighted on the +Z-axis of the MPO_SIMBIOSYS_VIHI frame. The angular dimension of the field of view is 3.7 x 0.014 (degrees). The following diagrams illustrate the field of view extents for the VIHI FOV in the MPO_SIMBIOSYS_VIHI frame: X ins ^ / | / | / | / Y | / o ins |/ 0.0.14 o--------> |\ Z | \ ins | \ | \ | \ | \ Plane Y = 0 Y ins ^ / | / | / | / X | / o ins |/ 3.7 x--------> |\ Z | \ ins | \ | \ | \ | \ Plane X = 0 which leads to the following FOV definition: \begindata INS-121620_FOV_FRAME = 'MPO_SIMBIOSYS_VIHI' INS-121620_FOV_SHAPE = 'RECTANGLE' INS-121620_BORESIGHT = ( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) INS-121620_FOV_CLASS_SPEC = 'ANGLES' INS-121620_FOV_REF_VECTOR = ( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ) INS-121620_FOV_REF_ANGLE = ( 0.007 ) INS-121620_FOV_CROSS_ANGLE = ( 1.85 ) INS-121620_FOV_ANGLE_UNITS = 'DEGREES' \begintext Optical Distortion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section provides optical distortion and geometric calibration data for the SIMBIO-SYS cameras. High Resolution Imaging Camera (HRIC) The optical distortion for HRIC has not been included in this version of the I-kernel. STereo Camera (STC) The optical distortion for STC has not been included in this version of the I-kernel. Visible & Infrared Hyperspectral Imager (VIHI) The optical distortion for VIHI has not been included in this version of the I-kernel. Platform ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This number is the NAIF instrument ID of the platform on which the cameras are mounted. For the 2 SIMBIO-SYS cameras this platform is the spacecraft optical bench. \begindata INS-121600_PLATFORM_ID = ( -121015 ) INS-121610_PLATFORM_ID = ( -121015 ) INS-121620_PLATFORM_ID = ( -121015 ) \begintext NAIF ID Code to Name Mapping ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mapping of unit names used in this kernel to NAIF ID Codes can be found in the BepiColombo MPO Frames Kernel. End of IK file.