[Spice_discussion] Determining arbitrary off-boresight
Rafael Figueroa
rfigueroa at teltrium.com
Wed Jun 30 11:38:31 PDT 2021
I would like to setup a model to determine the off-boresight angle between an arbitrary lunar lander and a particular ground station for instance DSS-13. How do I set up antenna point for the lunar lander and how do I determine the off-boresight angle between the two. I would also like determine off-boresight angles between an arbitrary lunar orbiting satellite and the same ground station. Anything helps.
Best Regards,
Rafael Figueroa
Communications System Engineer
Email: rfigueroa at teltrium.com<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://binaries.templates.cdn.office.net/support/templates/en-us/rfigueroa@teltrium.com__;!!PvBDto6Hs4WbVuu7!dyGU5OXZUHbae2eBpULrFHfof39Bnij-R45ktnDYC7riho_Tv34l5umf1ePL4KTpQXLHJg8j4HnCqA$ >
Work: (919) 720-5582
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