[Spice_discussion] SpiceyPy 3.0.1 released

Andrew Annex aannex1 at jhu.edu
Thu Jan 16 07:51:48 PST 2020

Hello Spice users,

SpiceyPy (the pythonic wrapper for SPICE) version 3.0.1 was released last week. 3.0.1 fixed a minor issue in the 3.0.0 release that caused some installations to fail. Mmoral of the tale: do not push to production on/near a Friday.

The 3.0.X version of SpiceyPy marks the deprecation of Python 2.7 support and for older versions of macOS that still use out of date OpenSSL versions, going forward SpiceyPy will only be compatible with Python 3.6 and above. If you run into installation issues you will need to install newer versions of Python or use anaconda for the conda-forge distribution of SpiceyPy. As the release was a major revision following semver.org, users should take care while upgrading to note the changes. In particular, all vectorized functions in SpiceyPy now use numpy arrays as the return data type.

For a full list of changes to SpiceyPy please check the changelog at https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

Older versions of SpiceyPy remain available on PyPI and conda-forge, and will remain available indefinitely. However, users interested in using future releases of SPICE should consider migrating their code to 3.0.1, as new SPICE function wrappers may not be back-ported to the older API. Users needing backports should make a new issue on the SpiceyPy github repository.



Andrew Annex

PhD Candidate

JHU Earth & Planetary Science
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