[Spice_discussion] SpiceyPy 1.0.0 now available on pypi

Andrew Annex ama6fy at virginia.edu
Wed Mar 30 19:56:59 PDT 2016

Hello Spice Users,

After about two years of work I finally got around to submitting the 1.0.0
version of SpiceyPy, my Python wrapper for CSPICE onto PyPi (python package
index). That means you can now run *"pip install spiceypy" *on most
platforms to install spice into your python environment.

SpiceyPy is supported on most modern 32/64 bit systems running Windows,
Linux, or OS X for Python versions: 2.7.x, 3.3.x, 3.4.x, and 3.5.x.

The install process for windows users has improved greatly in particular.
If you have any issues with the install (on any platform) let me know and I
will look into it.

As for further development I am currently working on getting spiceypy
available directly via conda for those who use anaconda or miniconda which
I hope to sort out in the next week or two.

I didn't make a changelog ahead of time but some general things that have
happened include:

* Better indexing on SpiceCells (python slices work as one would expect).
* Found flags removed, now throw exceptions with clear messages instead.
* String length parameters now default to a large number.
* Added wrapper for GFILUM, which for some reason I had left out.
* Wrapper functions with tests for a vast majority of spice functions.
* Added Zenodo DOI badge for those publishing things.

Thanks for reading! Below are some relevant links:

PyPi link: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/spiceypy

GitHub Repo: https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy

Documentation: https://spiceypy.readthedocs.org/en/master/

Andrew Annex
University of Virginia, Class of 2014
B.S. Environmental Science
Software Engineer @ CCRi
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