[Spice_discussion] vectorized input of epoch to subpnt, subslr in MATLAB toolkit?

Andrew Annex ama6fy at virginia.edu
Sun Jan 11 07:55:54 PST 2015

Although I cannot speak for what additions would be made to MICY, it should
be fairly easy for you to just write a helper method in matlab that loops
over the et parameter while making calls to subslr and or subpnt. I am not
that familiar with matlab however, so alternatively you could try the
Python wrapper for Spice that I am the author of: SpiceyPy
<https://github.com/AndrewAnnex/SpiceyPy>. Currently I do not have either
of those functions vectorized, but it is a fairly easy thing to write so I
could push an update with both of those functions vectorized later today if
you are interested.

On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 6:45 PM, John Ryan <ryjo at mbari.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> Working with the SPICE toolkit, Version 65, Mac/Intel, OSX, MATLAB 7.x,
> 64bit -
> The routines subslr and subpnt do not support vectorized input of epoch.  It
> appears that the IDL toolkit does.  True?  Any plans to extend this to
> these routines in the MATLAB toolkit?
> Thanks,
> John
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Andrew Annex
University of Virginia, Class of 2014
College of Arts and Sciences, B.S. Environmental Science
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