[Spice_discussion] Library function for kernel coverage?

William Thompson William.T.Thompson at nasa.gov
Thu May 9 08:17:23 PDT 2013

Here's an IDL routine that does that for both SPK and CK files.  Hopefully you 
can take out the mission-specific stuff, and translate it into the language that 
you're using.

For C-kernels, the basic approach is as follows:

1.  Use CELLI and CKOBJ to find the object IDs.

2.  Use CELLD and CKCOV to read in the coverage windows to extract the times.

The procedure for SPK files is similar.

Hope this helps,

Bill Thompson

On 05/08/13 22:03, Aye, Michael wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can't seem to find a function that provides me programmatically the covered range in time for a given C-kernelfile (or other SPICE kernels), like ckbrief.exe and brief.exe do provide.
> I realize that this might not exist, as the source code for ckbrief and brief are a bit more involved, but I was hoping it does?
> Any hints?
> Cheers,
> Michael
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William Thompson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 671
Greenbelt, MD  20771

William.T.Thompson at nasa.gov
-------------- next part --------------
; Project     :	STEREO - SSC
; Purpose     :	Retrieve the date range of a binary SPICE kernel
; Category    :	STEREO, Orbit
; Explanation :	Calls CSPICE_SPKCOV or CSPICE_CKCOV to determine the range of
;               coverage of a binary SPICE kernel as used by the STEREO
;               program.
; Examples    :	FILE = 'behind_2006_114_02.epm.bsp'
; Inputs      :	FILENAME = The name of the file to examine
; Opt. Inputs :	None
; Outputs     :	DATE0, DATE1 = The beginning and end dates
; Opt. Outputs:	SCID   = Returns the spacecraft or body ID numbers found in the
;                        file, e.g. -234 for STEREO Ahead or -235 for STEREO
;                        Behind.  Note that ID numbers in Attitude History (CK)
;                        files have three extra digits, e.g. -234000.
; Keywords    :	TAI    = If set, the times are returned as TAI.  Otherwise, the
;                        times are returned as UTC.
;               ERRMSG = If defined and passed, then any error messages will be
;			 returned to the user in this parameter rather than
;			 depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL.  If no errors
;			 are encountered, then a null string is returned.  In
;			 order to use this feature, ERRMSG must be defined
;			 first, e.g.
;				ERRMSG = ''
;				IF ERRMSG NE '' THEN ...
;               Will also accept any keywords for LOAD_STEREO_SPICE_GEN, and
;               ANYTIM2UTC or UTC2TAI.
;               UTC2TAI, ANYTIM2UTC
; Common      :	None.
; Restrictions:	None.
; Side effects:	Will automatically load the generic SPICE ephemeris files, if
;               not already loaded.
;               If the file contains multiple objects, the time range will
;               represent all the objects in the file.
; Prev. Hist. :	None.
; History     :	Version 1, 1-Feb-2006, William Thompson, GSFC
;               Version 2, 6-Jul-2006, William Thompson, GSFC
;                       Support both INTERVAL and SEGMENT cases.
; Contact     :	WTHOMPSON
pro get_stereo_spice_range, filename, date0, date1, scid, tai=tai, $
                            errmsg=errmsg, _extra=_extra
on_error, 2
;  Check the input parameters.
if n_params() lt 3 then begin
    message = 'Syntax: GET_STEREO_SPICE_RANGE, FILENAME, DATE0, DATE1  [, SC ]'
    goto, handle_error
if datatype(filename,1) ne 'String' then begin
    message = 'FILENAME must be a character string'
    goto, handle_error
if n_elements(filename) ne 1 then begin
    message, 'FILENAME must be scalar'
    goto, handle_error
if not file_exist(filename) then begin
    message = 'File "' + filename + '" does not exist'
    goto, handle_error
;  Make sure that the generic ephemeris files are loaded.
message = ''
load_stereo_spice_gen, errmsg=message, _extra=_extra
if message ne '' then goto, handle_error
;  Break the filename up into name and extension components.
break_file, filename, disk, dir, name, ext
;  Ephemeris files.
if strlowcase(strmid(ext,strlen(ext)-4,4)) eq '.bsp' then begin
;  Find the object IDs in the file.
    ids = cspice_celli(1000)
    cspice_spkobj, filename, ids
    scid = ids.base[ids.data:ids.data+ids.card-1]
    if n_elements(scid) eq 1 then scid = scid[0]
;  Step through the SCIDs, and extract the start and end times.
    delvarx, times
    cover = cspice_celld(2000)
    for i=0,n_elements(scid)-1 do begin
        cspice_spkcov, filename, scid[i], cover
        et = cover.base[cover.data:cover.data+cover.card-1]
        if n_elements(times) eq 0 then times = et else times = [times,et]
;  Pointing files
end else if strlowcase(strmid(ext,strlen(ext)-3,3)) eq '.bc' then begin
;  Find the object IDs in the file.
    ids = cspice_celli(1000)
    cspice_ckobj, filename, ids
    scid = ids.base[ids.data:ids.data+ids.card-1]
    if n_elements(scid) eq 1 then scid = scid[0]
;  Step through the SCIDs, and extract the start and end times.
    delvarx, times
    cover = cspice_celld(2000)
    for i=0,n_elements(scid)-1 do begin
        catch, error_status
        if error_status ne 0 then begin
            cspice_ckcov, filename, scid[i], 0b, 'SEGMENT', 0.D, "TDB", cover
        end else begin
            cspice_ckcov, filename, scid[i], 0b, 'INTERVAL', 0.D, "TDB", cover
        catch, /cancel
        et = cover.base[cover.data:cover.data+cover.card-1]
        if n_elements(times) eq 0 then times = et else times = [times,et]
end else begin
    message = 'Unrecognized extension ' + ext
    goto, handle_error
;  Format the date/times as requested, and return.
cspice_et2utc, min(times), 'ISOC', 3, date0
cspice_et2utc, max(times), 'ISOC', 3, date1
if keyword_set(tai) then begin
    date0 = utc2tai(date0, _extra=_extra)
    date1 = utc2tai(date1, _extra=_extra)
end else begin
    date0 = anytim2utc(date0, _extra=_extra)
    date1 = anytim2utc(date1, _extra=_extra)
;  Error handling point.
if n_elements(errmsg) ne 0 then $
  errmsg = 'GET_STEREO_SPICE_RANGE: ' + message else $
  message, message

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