[Spice_discussion] Heliographic Rotating Coordinate System in SPICE

William Thompson William.T.Thompson at nasa.gov
Thu Jan 31 13:46:35 PST 2013

That particular coordinate system is implemented through the IAU_SUN coordinate 
frame, e.g.

cspice_spkezr, sc, et, 'IAU_SUN', corr, 'Sun', state, ltime

By the way, a number of other heliophysical coordinate frames are implemented 
via the following frame file:


William Thompson

On 01/31/13 13:42, Kamen Kozarev wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to obtain coordinates in Heliographic Coordinate System (HGC) from
> CSPICE, but it seems it is not included. Is that so or am I missing something?
> I am referring to the third system on this page:
> http://cohoweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/helios/plan_des.html
> Thank you,
> Kamen
> --
> Kamen A Kozarev,
> Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellow
> Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
> Mail Stop 58
> 60 Garden Street
> Cambridge, MA 02138

William Thompson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 671
Greenbelt, MD  20771

William.T.Thompson at nasa.gov

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