[Spice_discussion] OEM files

Nat Bachman Nathaniel.Bachman at jpl.nasa.gov
Fri Apr 23 15:57:55 PDT 2010

Hi William,

NAIF was once upon a time in the business of writing software
for converting between OEMs and SPK files. I don't know if our
programs support the current OEM format. I've attached the
user's guide for OEM2SPK. Let me know if this looks like it will
do the job. I'll be able to give you an executable if you want one;
I'll need to know which platform you're using.

Best regards,


Nathaniel.Bachman at jpl.nasa.gov

William Thompson wrote:
> Is there a simple utility to convert OEM files into SPICE kernels?  I 
> was able to get a rough approximation by editing the OEM files by 
> hand, but something more automated would be useful.
-------------- next part --------------
OEM2SPK User's Guide
   Last revised on 2007 MAR 29 by N. J. Bachman.
   OEM2SPK is a utility program that converts a CCSDS ``Orbit Ephemeris
   Message'' text file (also referred to as an ``OEM'' or ``OEM file'') to
   a binary SPICE SPK file containing type 9 or type 13 segments.
   OEM2SPK is a SPICE-based utility program that converts a CCSDS
   ``Ephemeris Message'' text file (referred to as an ``OEM'' or ``OEM
   file'' below) to a binary SPICE SPK file containing type 9 or type 13
   segments. This SPK file is constructed according to the DAF (Double
   precision Array File) architecture.
   OEM2SPK requires as inputs an OEM file, a SPICE leapseconds kernel, and
   a setup file containing commands that control OEM2SPK's operation.
   The user may optionally specify a text file containing descriptive text
   to be placed in the comment area of the SPK file. (Doing this is highly
   For documentation purposes the contents of the OEM2SPK setup file are
   automatically placed at the end of the comment area of the SPK file.
   The command syntax of OEM2SPK is as follows:
      epm2spk [-setup <setup file name>]
              [-input <input data file name>]
              [-output <output SPK file name>]
   Invoking OEM2SPK with the -u flag will cause OEM2SPK to write this
   syntax summary to standard output.
   If a setup file name isn't provided on the command line, the program
   will prompt for it. It will not prompt for the input or output file
   names -- these must be provided on the command line or in the setup
   file. If input and output file names are provided on the command line,
   any file names assigned using setup keywords are ignored.
   The input file must already exist.
   If the -append key or the corresponding setup file keyword is not
   specified, the output SPK file must not exist prior to running the
   program. The output file will be created with the name specified after
   the -output key on the command line, or if this specification is
   omitted, the name specified in the setup file via the OUTPUT_SPK_FILE
   If the -append key or the corresponding setup file keyword is provided
   and the SPK file specified after the -output key exists, then new data
   will be appended to it.
   If the -append key or the corresponding setup file keyword is provided
   but the SPK file specified after the -output key doesn't exist, then a
   new SPK file will be created.
   Caution: if the program fails for any reason, it in most cases deletes
   the output file, even if it was appending data to an existing SPK file.
   Therefore, users should always make a backup copy of an SPK file to
   which new data are going to be appended before running the program in
   append mode.
   Also, the program cannot append data to an existing SPK file if its
   format is not native to the platform on which the program is running.
   Refer to the CONVERT User's Guide for details.
Execution of OEM2SPK
   You will need a setup file to execute the OEM2SPK utility program. The
   format for the setup file is described below.
   As it executes, the program will display program version information,
   then silently perform the conversion.
   During normal execution, each OEM data block will be converted to an SPK
   segment of type 9 or 13, depending on the interpolation method specified
   in the OEM metadata block preceding the data block. The interpolation
   degree is also specified in the metadata block.
   At the end of the program's execution, the program will report
   successful completion with an ``All done'' message. If the conversion
   fails, error diagnostic information will be written to standard output.
Setup File Format and Contents
   Other than the input and output file names, and the optional append
   flag, all of which may occur on the command line, the program requires
   all inputs such as leapseconds kernel and comment file names, SPK time
   bounds, etc. to be provided in a setup file. The format of this file
   must conform to the SPICE text kernel specification. This implies that
   input values must be assigned to keyword variables using the format
         KEYWORD = VALUE
   Each assignment is restricted to a single line. Sets of these
   assignments must be enclosed between
   tokens, each of which must also be placed on a line by itself. Free-form
   descriptive/explanatory text may occur after the
   token. Still more assignments could follow another
   The names of the setup file keywords must be strictly uppercase while
   the standard values (e.g. names of reference frames) of keywords may be
   upper, lower or mixed case. Any white space preceding or following
   keyword names, values and equal sign is ignored.
   All character string values and time strings must be enclosed in single
   quotes, provided on a single line and be no longer than 80 characters.
   When multiple values are allowed and used, enclose the complete set in
   the "()" characters: KEYWORD = ( 'value1', 'value2', 'value3' ... ).
   Commas separating multiple values are optional.
   All assignments are either required, conditional, or optional as
   described below.
   A setup file may contain blank lines. Non-printing characters including
   TAB should not be used in a setup file. The program may not be able to
   parse correctly setup file lines that contain non-printing characters.
Required Assignments
   The following assignment must be present in a setup file:
      LEAPSECONDS_FILE     = 'leapseconds file name'
   The following assignments are required in the setup file if their values
   are not provided on the command line:
      INPUT_OEM_FILE       = 'input OEM file name'
      OUTPUT_SPK_FILE      = 'output SPK file name'
Conditional Assignments
      STRING_MAPPING       = ('first input value', 'first mapped value',
                              'second input value','second mapped value',
                                                 ...                    )
Optional Assignments
      COMMENT_FILE         = 'Comment file name'
      START_TIME           = 'SPK start time'
      STOP_TIME            = 'SPK stop time'
      INTERPOLATION_DEGREE = one of {3, 7, 11, 15} if interpolation
                             method is HERMITE; one of {1, 3, ... , 15}
                             if interpolation method is LAGRANGE
      MINIMUM_SPACING      = Minimum valid time tag spacing in seconds
      MAXIMUM_SEP_QUOTIENT = maximum allowed value of
                             (t3-t2)/(t2-t1) and (t2-t1)/(t3-t2) for
                             consecutive time tags t1, t2, t3
      APPEND_TO_OUTPUT     = 'YES' or 'NO'
Detailed Description of Setup File Keywords
         LEAPSECONDS_FILE       This is the SPICE LSK file name, including
                                full or relative path specification.
         INPUT_OEM_FILE         Name of the CCSDS ``ephemeris message'' or
                                ``OEM'' input file. If the OEM file name is
                                supplied on the command line, this keyword
                                is optional, and the name supplied on the
                                command line supersedes the name associated
                                with this keyword, if present in the setup
         OUTPUT_SPK_FILE        Name of the SPICE SPK output file. If the
                                SPK file name is supplied on the command
                                line, this keyword is optional, and the
                                name supplied on the command line
                                supersedes the name associated with this
                                keyword, if present in the setup file.
         STRING_MAPPING         The user may control interpretation of
                                values read from the metadata blocks of the
                                OEM file via a ``string mapping'' feature
                                provided by the setup file. This capability
                                allows the user to substitute specified
                                values for the ones seen on the
                                right-hand-sides of ``keyword=value''
                                assignments in the metadata blocks.
                                The syntax for the mapping assignment is:
                                   STRING_MAPPING = (
                                                 'first input value',
                                                 'first mapped value',
                                                 'second input value',
                                                 'second mapped value',
                                In the example below, the reference frame
                                name `EME 2000' is mapped to the string
                                   STRING_MAPPING = ('EME 2000','J2000')
                                This mapping causes OEM2SPK to interpret
                                the assignment
                                   REF_FRAME = EME 2000
                                   REF_FRAME = J2000
                                The scope of the mapping is restricted to
                                the values associated with the metadata
         COMMENT_FILE           Comment file name. This keyword is used if
                                you want to include comments provided in
                                this file in the comment area of the SPK
                                file. Include path if needed.
         START_TIME             SPK start time. The coverage of the output
                                SPK file will start at the greater of this
                                time and the start time of the OEM file.
                                The time value must be a string having a
                                format recognized by the SPICELIB routine
                                STR2ET. The time value must be enclosed in
                                single quotes.
         STOP_TIME              SPK stop time. The coverage of the output
                                SPK file will end at the lesser of this
                                time and the end time of the OEM file. The
                                time value must be a string having a format
                                recognized by the SPICELIB routine STR2ET.
                                The time value must be enclosed in single
         INTERPOLATION_METHOD   This indicates the default interpolation
                                method to be applied to the discrete, input
                                state data to create an ephemeris defined
                                on one or more time intervals. The default
                                method is used only for OEM data blocks
                                whose metadata don't specify an
                                interpolation method. A default
                                interpolation degree should be specified
                                along with the default method. Supported
                                values are 'LAGRANGE' and 'HERMITE'. If
                                Lagrange interpolation is specified, any
                                segments in the output SPK file for which
                                the default method is used will have SPK
                                data type 9. If Hermite interpolation is
                                specified, any such segments will have SPK
                                data type 13.
                                If the output SPK file is to be used for
                                DSN metric predict generation, Hermite
                                interpolation must be selected. If the OEM
                                file contains metadata blocks indicating a
                                different interpolation method, the OEM
                                file must be modified before it will be
                                usable for metric predicts generation.
                                See the SPK Required Reading (spk.req) for
                                a detailed discussion of SPK data types 9
                                and 13.
         INTERPOLATION_DEGREE   This is the default degree of the
                                interpolating polynomials used by the SPK
                                reader software. The default degree is used
                                only for OEM data blocks whose metadata
                                don't specify an interpolation method. The
                                degree should be one of {3, 7, 11, 15} if
                                the interpolation method is Hermite; it
                                should be one of {1, 3, ... , 15} if the
                                interpolation method is Lagrange. These
                                choices enforce continuity of position and
                                velocity within the segments of the output
                                SPK file.
                                If the output SPK file is to be used for
                                DSN metric predict generation, one of the
                                degrees {3, 7, 11, 15} must be selected. If
                                the OEM file contains metadata blocks
                                indicating a different interpolation
                                degree, the OEM file must be modified
                                before it will be usable for metric
                                predicts generation.
                                Data blocks containing too few states to
                                support interpolation of the specified
                                degree are mapped to segments with the
                                largest valid degree possible for the
                                number of states.
         MINIMUM_SPACING        Minimum valid OEM time tag spacing in
                                seconds. Time tags located too close
                                together may cause extreme loss of
                                precision in the interpolation algorithms
                                used by the SPK system. If consecutive time
                                tags within a data block have spacing less
                                than the minimum spacing limit, OEM2SPK
                                will signal an error and delete the output
                                If a minimum spacing limit is not specified
                                in the setup file, a default value of 1
                                millisecond is used.
         MAXIMUM_SEP_QUOTIENT   The maximum allowed value of
                                (t3-t2)/(t2-t1) and (t2-t1)/(t3-t2) for
                                consecutive time tags t1, t2, t3. When the
                                relative sizes of the intervals between
                                consecutive time tags differ too greatly,
                                extreme loss of precision in the
                                interpolation algorithms used by the SPK
                                system may result. If a sequence of three
                                consecutive time tags within a data block
                                have separation ratios exceeding the
                                specified limit, OEM2SPK will signal an
                                error and delete the output file.
                                If a maximum separation quotient is not
                                specified in the setup file, a default
                                value of 100 is used.
         APPEND_TO_OUTPUT       Optional flag specifying whether it's
                                permitted to append new segments to an
                                existing SPK file. This keyword can have
                                one of these two values: 'YES' if segments
                                can be appended and 'NO' if appending
                                segments is not permitted. If this keyword
                                is not present, the program assumes the
                                value 'NO'. An -append flag specified on
                                the command line overrides either value of
                                this keyword.
Setup File Examples
Simple setup files
   This example creates an SPK file containing segments whose default
   interpolation method is 'HERMITE' (corresponding to the SPK data type
   13) and whose default interpolation degree is 11. Note that these values
   are used only to process OEM data blocks whose associated metadata don't
   specify an interpolation method.
   The reference frame name ``EME 2000'' in the OEM file is mapped to the
   name ``J2000.''
         LEAPSECONDS_FILE     = '/kernels/gen/lsk/leapseconds.ker'
         STRING_MAPPING       = ( 'EME 2000',  'J2000'  )
   This example creates an SPK file containing segments whose default
   interpolation method is 'LAGRANGE' (corresponding to the SPK data type
   9) and whose default interpolation degree is 7. Note that these values
   are used only to process OEM data blocks whose associated metadata don't
   specify an interpolation method.
   The reference frame name ``EME 2000'' in the OEM file is mapped to the
   name ``J2000.''
         LEAPSECONDS_FILE     = '/kernels/gen/lsk/leapseconds.ker'
         STRING_MAPPING       = ( 'EME 2000',  'J2000'  )
Limiting time coverage
   We modify the first example above to limit the time coverage to the day
   October 9, 2003 (TDB).
         LEAPSECONDS_FILE     = '/kernels/gen/lsk/leapseconds.ker'
         STRING_MAPPING       = ( 'EME 2000',  'J2000'  )
         START_TIME           = '2003 OCT  9 00:00:00 TDB'
         STOP_TIME            = '2003 OCT 10 00:00:00 TDB'
Screening out numerically problematic data
   We modify the example above so that an error will be signaled if time
   tags in the input OEM file are too close together. Catching the problem
   at this point will likely lead to a shorter debugging process than would
   be possible if the problem were allowed to propagate into the output SPK
   In this setup file, we instruct OEM2SPK to reject the input file if two
   consecutive time tags within a data block are less than 0.1 seconds
         LEAPSECONDS_FILE     = '/kernels/gen/lsk/leapseconds.ker'
         STRING_MAPPING       = ( 'EME 2000',  'J2000'  )
         START_TIME           = '2003 OCT  9 00:00:00 TDB'
         STOP_TIME            = '2003 OCT 10 00:00:00 TDB'
         MINIMUM_SPACING      = 0.1
   In this setup file, we add to the previous example file the restriction
   that any three consecutive time tags in a block not have a separation
   quotient greater than 10. The term ``separation quotient'' refers to the
   maximum of (t3-t2)/(t2-t1) and (t2-t1)/(t3-t2) for consecutive time tags
   t1, t2, t3. Large separation quotients can lead to degraded accuracy of
   Hermite or Lagrange polynomial interpolation.
         LEAPSECONDS_FILE     = '/kernels/gen/lsk/leapseconds.ker'
         STRING_MAPPING       = ( 'EME 2000',  'J2000'  )
         START_TIME           = '2003 OCT  9 00:00:00 TDB'
         STOP_TIME            = '2003 OCT 10 00:00:00 TDB'
         MINIMUM_SPACING      = 0.1
Description of Input OEM File
OEM Format
   The format of the OEM file read by OEM2SPK must conform to the CCSDS
   ephemeris message specification
      CCSDS Orbit Data Messages Blue Book, version CCSDS 502.0-B-1,
      September, 2004.
   For the reader's convenience, a fragment of an example OEM file is shown
   below. Because of space limitations, not all of the file is shown. The
   comments copied from the input SPK file are represented by an ellipsis
   symbol. Also, each state vector consists of six components written with
   identical formats; only the first and part of the second position
   components are shown. Only the first two metadata blocks and
   corresponding data blocks are shown.
      CCSDS_OEM_VERS = 1.0
      CREATION_DATE  = 2003-05-14T23:03:44.185268
      ORIGINATOR     = JPL
      OBJECT_NAME          = MER-1
      OBJECT_ID            = -253
      TIME_SYSTEM          = TDB
      REF_FRAME            = EME 2000
      START_TIME           = 2003-12-29T18:33:34.13505481
      STOP_TIME            = 2003-12-30T09:49:23.43617127
      2003-12-29T18:33:34.13505381 -0.10150125908348599E+07  0.67097 ...
      2003-12-29T21:36:43.99527752 -0.99432835829362448E+06  0.65712 ...
      2003-12-30T00:39:53.85550120 -0.97364075022932014E+06  0.64327 ...
      2003-12-30T03:43:03.71572488 -0.95294972768552462E+06  0.62942 ...
      2003-12-30T06:46:13.57594859 -0.93225524712366960E+06  0.61557 ...
      2003-12-30T09:49:23.43617227 -0.91155725999004336E+06  0.60172 ...
      OBJECT_NAME          = MER-1
      OBJECT_ID            = -253
      TIME_SYSTEM          = TDB
      REF_FRAME            = EME 2000
      START_TIME           = 2003-12-30T09:49:23.43617527
      STOP_TIME            = 2004-01-02T03:18:07.48962345
      2003-12-30T09:49:23.43617427 -0.91155725998601958E+06  0.60172 ...
      2003-12-30T19:10:38.30095273 -0.84811255086536938E+06  0.55925 ...
      2003-12-31T04:31:53.16573119 -0.78463242340936360E+06  0.51677 ...
      2003-12-31T13:53:08.03050965 -0.72111419899827824E+06  0.47427 ...
      2003-12-31T23:14:22.89528807 -0.65755418764822988E+06  0.43174 ...
      2004-01-01T08:35:37.76006653 -0.59394726299135527E+06  0.38919 ...
      2004-01-01T17:56:52.62484499 -0.53028619144541258E+06  0.34660 ...
      2004-01-02T03:18:07.48962345 -0.46656052193974855E+06  0.30397 ...
Restrictions on OEM Contents
       --   Spacing of successive time tags within a data block must be
            sufficient to allow the polynomial interpolation algorithms
            used in the SPK system to function normally. Extreme loss of
            precision in time, represented as a count of seconds past J2000
            TDB, will result from time tags spaced too closely.
            Note that for epochs within several decades of J2000, IEEE
            double precision floating point numbers can represent seconds
            past J2000 to about the level of 1.E-7 seconds. So differences
            of successive tags one second apart are represented with
            approximately single precision accuracy.
            OEM2SPK checks the time tag spacing in the input OEM file. The
            default minimum spacing value is 1 millisecond; users can reset
            this value using the MINIMUM_SPACING keyword in the setup file
            (see the setup file description above). The input file will not
            be processed if successive time tags are seen having spacing
            less than the limit.
       --   When the relative sizes of the intervals between consecutive
            time tags differ too greatly, extreme loss of precision in the
            interpolation algorithms used by the SPK system may result.
            The term ``separation quotient'' refers to the maximum of
            (t3-t2)/(t2-t1) and (t2-t1)/(t3-t2) for consecutive time tags
            t1, t2, t3. OEM2SPK checks the separation quotient for each
            sequence of three consecutive time tags within each data block
            in the input OEM file. The default maximum separation quotient
            value is 100; users can reset this value using the
            MAXIMUM_SEP_QUOTIENT keyword in the setup file (see the setup
            file description above). The input file will not be processed
            if successive time tags are seen having separation quotient
            exceeding the limit.
       --   OEM data blocks must always contain at least two states.
            OEM data blocks need not contain as many states as are required
            for interpolation using the method and degree specified in
            their associated metadata blocks or in the setup file. See the
            discussion below regarding reduction of interpolation order.
Description of Output SPK File
SPK Comment Area
   OEM2SPK appends comments to the comment area of the output SPK file. The
   additions are:
       --   The contents of a comment file, if any, specified in the setup
       --   The run time and date, the names of the setup, input, and
            output files, and an indication of whether the output file was
            new or appended to.
       --   The contents of the setup file.
   If OEM2SPK is commanded to append its output to an existing file, the
   new comments added by OEM2SPK will appear at the end of the comment area
   of the SPK file.
Mapping of OEM Data Blocks to Segments
   The discussion below applies to segments created by translating data
   from the input OEM file. Since the SPK data resulting from the
   translation may be appended to an existing SPK file, the resulting file
   may contain segments of any data type.
   The output SPK file will contain one or more SPK segments for each OEM
   data block. All of these segments will have data type 9 or 13, according
   to the interpolation method specified in their associated metadata
   blocks or in the setup file.
   When a data block is mapped to multiple segments, the segments will be
   constructed (padded with additional states at the boundaries) so that
   the SPK interpolation algorithms will behave as though the block had
   mapped to one large segment.
   The partitioning of the output SPK data into segments will prevent
   interpolation across OEM data block boundaries.
Recommended Interpolation Method and Order
   Normally, the interpolation method and order are given by metadata in
   the input OEM file. However, the interpolation order must satisfy
   several constraints:
       --   For Hermite interpolation, the degree must be odd and be in the
            range 3:15.
       --   For Hermite interpolation, it is strongly recommended that the
            degree be one of the values {3,7,11,15}. (These degrees are
            equivalent to 3 mod 4.)
            The basis of this recommendation is that the SPK type 13
            interpolation scheme uses a ``sliding window'' technique: for a
            given epoch at which the ephemeris is to be interpolated, a
            sequence of consecutive time tags called a ``window'' is
            selected such that the request epoch is ``centered,'' to the
            extent possible, within the window. States corresponding to the
            window of time tags are then interpolated to produce a state at
            the request time.
            When the interpolation degree is equivalent to 3 mod 4, as the
            request time varies, the switch from one window to the next is
            constrained to occur at epochs of states from the OEM file;
            hence position and velocity are continuous. For other degrees,
            the switch-over points occur midway between time tags from the
            OEM file, and position and velocity will generally be
            discontinuous, though the discontinuities may be small.
            For SPK files to be used by the DSN for metric predict
            generation, it is essential to select Hermite interpolation and
            interpolation degree equivalent to 3 mod 4.
       --   For Lagrange interpolation, the degree must be in the range
            1:15. It is strongly recommended that the degree be odd; this
            is due to the same continuity considerations as described above
            for Hermite interpolation.
Reduction of Interpolation Order
   OEM data blocks are permitted to contain fewer than the nominal number
   of states corresponding to the specified interpolating polynomial
   degree. When such blocks are encountered, OEM2SPK will create segments
   having reduced polynomial degree. The maximum degree consistent with the
   interpolation method will be selected.
   When Lagrange interpolation is used, if the nominal number of states
   required is N, and n < N states are available, the polynomial degree
   will be n-1.
   When Hermite interpolation is used, if the nominal number of states
   required is N, and n < N states are available, the polynomial degree
   will be 2n-1.
   Note that the resulting degree may not belong to the set
      {3, 7, 11, 15}
   for Hermite interpolation or
      {1, 3, ..., 15}
   for Lagrange interpolation. The discontinuity problems caused by degrees
   outside of these sets cannot occur in segments containing fewer than the
   nominal number of states.

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