[Spice_discussion] Using JPL's test antenna in SPICE

William Thompson William.T.Thompson.1 at gsfc.nasa.gov
Wed Sep 5 14:16:42 PDT 2007


Here's the procedure I've been using with antenna stations:

1.  Create a topocentric frame kernel for the station using the geodetic 
longitude and co-latitude of the tracking station as explained in frames.req. 
You should be able to use RECGEO to convert from the geocentric coordinates that 
you have into geodetic longitude and latitude.  You'll need to use BODVAR to get 
the flattening coefficient.

2.  Use SPKEZR to get the geocentric coordinates of the satellite, and subtract 
the coordinates of the station (which you have) to convert to topocentric 
coordinates.  I've been using IAU_EARTH for the frame definition.

3.  Use SXFORM to convert into the topocentric frame.

4.  Use RECLAT to convert into (negative) azimuth and elevation.

You can look at the attached IDL program for an example.

Bill Thompson

Roberto Aguilar wrote:
> Hello,
> There is an antenna here at JPL with the following coordinates:
> X= -2493548.87 m, Y= 4655273.53 m, Z= 3565204.94 m.
> How do I get this information into SPICE so I can use it within a  SPICE 
> application?  A cursory glance at the documentation leads me to  believe 
> I need to create a Frame kernel with the antenna's  information; is this 
> correct?
> Thanks!
> -Roberto.
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> Spice_discussion mailing list
> Spice_discussion at naif.jpl.nasa.gov
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William Thompson
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 671
Greenbelt, MD  20771

William.T.Thompson.1 at gsfc.nasa.gov
-------------- next part --------------
; Project     :	STEREO - SSC
; Name        :	SSC_WRITE_STATION
; Purpose     :	Write out ephemeris files for specific stations
; Category    :	STEREO, Operations, Orbit
; Explanation :	This procedure writes out a daily ephemeris for one of the two
;               STEREO spacecraft specific for a specific ground station.
; Inputs      :	SPACECRAFT = Can be one of the following forms:
;                               'A'             'B'
;                               'STA'           'STB'
;                               'Ahead'         'Behind'
;                               'STEREO Ahead'  'STEREO Behind'
;                               'STEREO-Ahead'  'STEREO-Behind'
;                               'STEREO_Ahead'  'STEREO_Behind'
;                            Case is not important.  The NAIF numeric codes of
;                            -234 and -235 respectively can also be used.
;               DATE    = The date that the ephemeris will cover.  Can be in
;                         any format recognized by ANYTIM2UTC.  Only the date
;                         is used--any time information is ignored.
;               STATION = The name of the ground station, e.g. "koganei".
; Opt. Inputs :	None.
; Outputs     :	The ephemeris file is written to disk with a filename generated
;               from the spacecraft and date, e.g.
;                       ahead_20061113_koganei_01.txt
;               The last two digits in the filename is a version number which
;               is incremented each time the procedure is called.  If the new
;               version is identical to the previous version, it is deleted.
; Opt. Outputs:	None.
; Keywords    :	DELTA  = Step size in seconds.  Default is 60.
;               ERRMSG = If defined and passed, then any error messages will be
;                        returned to the user in this parameter rather than
;                        depending on the MESSAGE routine in IDL.  If no errors
;                        are encountered, then a null string is returned.  In
;                        order to use this feature, ERRMSG must be defined
;                        first, e.g.
;                               ERRMSG = ''
;                               SSC_WRITE_STATION, ERRMSG=ERRMSG, ...
;                               IF ERRMSG NE '' THEN ...
;               Will also accept any LOAD_STEREO_SPICE keywords.
; Env. vars.  : SSC_STATIONS_W = Directory to write station files to.  Each
;               station will have a subdirectory under this main directory.
; Common      :	None.
; Restrictions:	None.
; Side effects:	The SPICE kernels will be loaded, if not loaded already.
; Prev. Hist. :	None.
; History     :	Version 1, 14-Nov-2006, William Thompson, GSFC
;               Version 2, 20-Nov-2006, William Thompson, GSFC
;                       Redefine azimuth to be measured clockwise, and make
;                       sure that it's always positive.
;               Version 3, 07-Dec-2006, William Thompson, GSFC
;                       Corrected calculation of station location
;               Version 4, 10-Jan-2007, William Thompson, GSFC
;                       Corrected calculation of doppler velocity
; Contact     :	WTHOMPSON
pro ssc_write_station, spacecraft, date, station, delta=delta, _extra=_extra
on_error, 2
;  Make sure that delta is defined.
if n_elements(delta) ne 1 then delta = 60.d0
;  Determine the start and end times, based on the beginning and end of a
;  calendar day.
message = ''
start_time = anytim2utc(date, errmsg=message)
if message ne '' then goto, handle_error
start_time.time = 0
end_time = start_time
end_time.mjd = end_time.mjd + 1
;  Determine which spacecraft was requested, and translate it into the proper
;  input for SPICE.  Determine the SPACEWARN object ID number.
sc = parse_stereo_name(spacecraft, ['STEREO AHEAD','STEREO BEHIND'])
case sc of
    'STEREO AHEAD': fname = 'ahead'
    'STEREO BEHIND': fname = 'behind'
    else: begin
        message = 'Unable to recognize spacecraft ' + strtrim(sc,2)
        goto, handle_error
;  Make sure that the SPICE kernels are loaded.
load_stereo_spice, errmsg=message, _extra=_extra
if message ne '' then goto, handle_error
;  Load the station frame file.
datpath = concat_dir(getenv('SSW_SSC'), 'data/spice/stations')
tf_file = concat_dir(datpath, strlowcase(station) + '.tf')
cspice_furnsh, tf_file
;  Make sure that the station directory exists.
path = concat_dir(getenv('SSC_STATIONS_W'), strlowcase(station))
if not dir_exist(path) then mk_dir, path
;  Create the filename based on the spacecraft and the date.
filename = fname + '_' + anytim2cal(date, form=8, /date)
filename = concat_dir(path, filename) + '_' + strlowcase(station)
;  Find any existing files, extract the highest index number, and increment it
;  by 1.
files = filename + '_??.txt'
files = file_search(files, count=count)
if count gt 0 then begin
    s = sort(files)
    files = files(reverse(s))
    lastfile = files[0]
    underscore = strpos(lastfile, '_', /reverse_search)
    index = fix(strmid(lastfile, underscore+1, 2)) + 1
end else begin
    index = 1
    lastfile = ''
filename = filename + '_' + string(index,format='(I2.2)') + '.txt'
;  Open the output file, and write out the header.
openw, unit, filename, /get_lun
printf, unit, 'Station: ' + strupcase(station)
printf, unit, 'Target:  ' + sc
get_utc, now, /ccsds
printf, unit, 'Creation date: ' + now
printf, unit, 'Start time: ' + anytim2utc(start_time, /ccsds)
printf, unit, 'End   time: ' + anytim2utc(end_time, /ccsds)
printf, unit, 'Cadence (sec): ' + ntrim(delta)
printf, unit, ''
printf, unit, $
  'Date/Time                      Azimuth        Elevation        Doppler'
printf, unit, $
  '(UTC)                           (deg.)          (deg.)          (km/s)'
printf, unit, ''
;  Get the origin from the stations.dat file.
openr, in, concat_dir(datpath, 'stations.dat'), /get_lun
line = 'string'
done = 0
while not (done or eof(in)) do begin
    readf, in, line
    line = strcompress(strtrim(line,2))
    words = strsplit(line, ' ', /extract)
    if words[0] eq strlowcase(station) then begin
        lat_r = double(words[1]) * !dpi / 180.d0
        lon_r = double(words[2]) * !dpi / 180.d0
        alt   = double(words[3]) / 1000.d0 ;Convert meters -> kilometers
        done = 1
free_lun, in
if not done then begin
    message = 'Station ' + station + ' not found in stations.dat'
    goto, handle_error
cspice_bodvar, 399, 'RADII' , radii
flat = (radii[0]-radii[2]) / radii[0]
cspice_georec, lon_r, lat_r, alt, radii[0], flat, origin
origin = [origin, 0, 0, 0]
;  Step through the times.
t0 = anytim2tai(start_time, /nocorrect)
t1 = anytim2tai(end_time, /nocorrect)
for t=t0,t1,delta do begin
    utc = tai2utc(t,/nocorrect,/ccsds)
    cspice_str2et, utc, et
;  Get the position of the spacecraft in geocentric coordinates, and subtract
;  the origin.  Calculate the component of the velocity along the radial
;  vector.
    cspice_spkezr, sc, et, 'IAU_EARTH', 'lt+s', 'Earth', state, ltime
    state = state - origin
    velocity = total(state[0:2]*state[3:5]/sqrt(total(state[0:2]^2)))
;  Convert to the station frame.
    cspice_sxform, 'IAU_EARTH', strupcase(station) + '_TOPO', et, xform
    state = transpose(xform) # state
;  Convert into azimuth and elevation.  Redefine azimuth to advance clockwise,
;  and make sure that it's positive.
    cspice_reclat, state[0:2], distance, azimuth, elevation
    azimuth   = -azimuth  * (180.d0 / !dpi)
    elevation = elevation * (180.d0 / !dpi)
    if azimuth lt 0 then azimuth = azimuth + 360.d0
    printf, unit, utc, azimuth, elevation, velocity
;  Close the output file and check to see if the file is identical to the
;  previously generated file, if any.
cspice_unload, tf_file
free_lun, unit
if index gt 1 then begin
    openr, unit1, /get_lun, filename
    openr, unit2, /get_lun, lastfile
    test = 0
    line1 = 'string'
    line2 = 'string'
;  Skip over first three lines so as to ignore the creation date.
    for i=1,3 do begin
        readf, unit1, line1
        readf, unit2, line2
    while (not eof(unit1)) and (not eof(unit2)) do begin
        readf, unit1, line1
        readf, unit2, line2
        test = test or (line1 ne line2)
    test = test or (not eof(unit1))
    test = test or (not eof(unit2))
    free_lun, unit1, unit2
    if not test then begin
        print, 'Deleting '+filename
        file_delete, filename
;  Error handling point.
if n_elements(errmsg) eq 0 then message, message else $
  errmsg = 'ssc_write_station: ' + message

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