[Spice_discussion] Implementing True of Date in the SPICE Kernels

Nat Bachman Nathaniel.Bachman at jpl.nasa.gov
Mon Jan 23 02:49:07 PST 2006

Hi Sam,

A few comments regarding your questions:

1) Your ECI_TOD frame definition is correct; none of the
   errors you found are due to that definition.

   Note that the inertial/rotating status of the frame is
   a matter of choice; I'm not saying that using the
   "rotating" state specification would be incorrect.

2) There appears to be something amiss with your
   comparison of the ECI_TOD frame the B1950 epoch
   with that obtained from the SOFA software.  When
   I attempted to duplicate your results using a small
   test program "sofa.f" (which is attached), I found
   round-off level differences between results from
   SPICE, using your frame definition, and SOFA (third matrix below).

   The error magnitude you found in this comparison is indeed much too
   large:  it looks a lot like what you get if
   you truncate the JD inputs to the SOFA iau_PNM80 routine to
   the single precision level.

3) The differences between outputs from IRFTRN and those from
   iau_PREC76 are *slightly* larger than one might expect.
   This is due to some loss of precision in the implementation
   of IRFTRN.  However, the error is many orders of magnitude
   smaller than the precision level of the constants used to
   define the IAU 1976 precession model, so I don't see that
   the difference is computationally significant.  We're
   talking about angular errors on the order of 1e-16 radians.
   The polynomial coefficients used to define the Euler angles
   for the IAU 1976 precession model are specified to at most eight
   digits; the implied precision level is coarser than 1.e-11

   A note on SPICE implementation: the precession implementation used
   to support your dynamic frame definition is not taken from IRFTRN,
   but rather from the private SPICE routine ZZEPRC76.  As
   you can see in the attached output from the test program
   sofa.f, the agreement between that private routine and
   the corresponding SOFA routine at the B1950 epoch is (in this test,
   at any rate) perfect.  This result is of course platform-dependent.

4) The differences in the SPICE and SOFA implementations of the
   IAU 1976 precession and IAU 1980 nutation models are at noise

I'm glad to see that you're carefully testing your frame definition
kernel.  This is an extremely important step, particularly if the
kernel is intended for widespread distribution.

Best regards,

  Nat Bachman (NAIF/JPL)

Nathaniel.Bachman at jpl.nasa.gov

Output generated by sofa.f

 JD1 =    0.2433282423459050E+07

Sofa-Spice prec diff at B1950

    0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00    
    0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00    
    0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00    

Sofa nutation*precession matrix is

    0.9999255120142722E+00    0.1119367477663290E-01    
   -0.1119347855741818E-01    0.9999373487741918E+00   
   -0.4865846358039160E-02    0.1309331937628749E-04    

Sofa-Spice nutation*precession diff at B1950

    0.0000000000000000E+00   -0.1734723475976807E-17   
    0.0000000000000000E+00    0.0000000000000000E+00    
    0.0000000000000000E+00    0.9873016033196125E-17    

Samuel H. Dupree, Jr. wrote:

> Dear SPICE Kernel Users,
> I'm working on a application that uses the coordinate transformation
> facilities in the SPICE kernels. I need to be able to transform to true
> equator and equinox of date (true of date or TOD). Now the frames.req
> file gives a template for an inertial TOD frame definition. The frame
> definition I came up with was
> \begintext
>     Definition for an inertial Earth True Equator and Equinox of Date
> frame.
>     The earth precession model is the 1976 IAU model.
>     The earth nutation model is the 1980 IAU model.
> \begindata
>        FRAME_ECI_TOD               =  1400010
>        FRAME_1400010_NAME          = 'ECI_TOD'
>        FRAME_1400010_CLASS         =  5
>        FRAME_1400010_CLASS_ID      =  1400010
>        FRAME_1400010_CENTER        =  399
>        FRAME_1400010_RELATIVE      = 'J2000'
>        FRAME_1400010_DEF_STYLE     = 'PARAMETERIZED'
>        FRAME_1400010_PREC_MODEL    = 'EARTH_IAU_1976'
>        FRAME_1400010_NUT_MODEL     = 'EARTH_IAU_1980'
> \begintext
> \begindata
>        BODY1400010_POLE_RA        = (    0.      -0.641         0. )
>        BODY1400010_POLE_DEC       = (  +90.      -0.557         0. )
>        BODY1400010_PM             = (  190.16  +360.9856235     0. )
>        BODY1400010_LONG_AXIS      = (    0.                        )
> \begintext
> \begindata
>        BODY1400010_NUT_PREC_ANGLES  = (  125.045    -1935.5328
>                                          249.390    -3871.0656
>                                          196.694  -475263.3
>                                          176.630  +487269.6519
>                                          358.219   -35999.04     )
> \begintext
> Setting up the kernel file was not a problem. The problem I'm having is
> validating my results.
> For the validation I used the iau_PNM80 routine from SOFA (Standards of
> Fundamental Astronomy, http://www.iau-sofa.rl.ac.uk/ ). iau_PNM80 uses
> the IAU 1976 Precession Model and the IAU 1980 Nutation Model. The
> matrix returned rotates a vector in mean equator and equinox J2000 to
> true equator and equinox of date. The rotation matrix returned by
> iau_PNM80 for the true equator and equinox at B1950 (Julian Date
> 2433282.42345905) was:
>     9.999254945491462D-01    1.119498740037581D-02    
> 4.865964215927001D-03
>    -1.119477515287043D-02    9.999373340309599D-01   
> -7.085431092707289D-05
>    -4.866452498682185D-03    1.637565659548431D-05    
> 9.999881586158487D-01
> On the other hand subroutine PXFORM from the SPICE kernels was called as
> follows:
>      id = 1400010
>      et = 86400.d0 * ( B1950() - J2000() )
>      call PXFORM( 'J2000', 'ECI_TOD', et, Rot_SPICE(1,1) )
> The rotation matrix returned was
>     9.999255120142722D-01    1.119367477663291D-02    
> 4.865394947010554D-03
>    -1.119347855741818D-02    9.999373487741916D-01   
> -6.755904572630151D-05
>    -4.865846358039163D-03    1.309331937631033D-05    
> 9.999881616138190D-01
> where the difference between the two matrices ( SPICE minus SOFA ) was
>     1.746512601208394D-08   -1.312623742900920D-06   
> -5.692689164470133D-07
>     1.296595452247862D-06    1.474323185757243D-08    
> 3.295265200771379D-06
>     6.061406430217520D-07   -3.282337219173985D-06    
> 2.997970094398283D-09
> I expected the differences to be much smaller. I expected to see
> differences consistent with two floating point numbers x and y being
> computationally equal to 15 digits. More on this later.
> Not seeing smaller differences, I looked at the rotation matrix
> generated by something as simple as a transformation from J2000 to
> B1950. From SOFA I compared the rotation matrix returned from iau_PREC76
> (the IAU 1976 Precession Model) with the rotation matrix returned from
> subroutine IRFTRN (SPICE kernels). Subroutine iau_PREC76 returned
>     9.999257079523629D-01    1.117893812642771D-02    
> 4.859003841454430D-03
>    -1.117893813777015D-02    9.999375133499889D-01   
> -2.715792625851089D-05
>    -4.859003815359272D-03   -2.716259471424703D-05    
> 9.999881946023741D-01
> while subroutine IRFTRN returned
>     9.999257079523629D-01    1.117893812642769D-02    
> 4.859003841454428D-03
>    -1.117893813777014D-02    9.999375133499887D-01   
> -2.715792625851078D-05
>    -4.859003815359270D-03   -2.716259471424704D-05    
> 9.999881946023741D-01
> Computing the difference between the two subroutines (again, SPICE minus
> SOFA) gave
>     0.000000000000000D+00   -1.734723475976807D-17   
> -1.734723475976807D-18
>     1.561251128379126D-17   -1.110223024625157D-16    
> 1.118083490375676D-19
>     1.734723475976807D-18   -1.016439536705160D-20    
> 0.000000000000000D+00
> I went further and checked the (i,j) elements from these two matrices to
> see if they were computationally equal to 15 digits. The following test
> was applied
>                abs(x, y)  .le.  max( abs(x), abs(y) ) * eps, where eps 
> = 1.d-15
> The result was
>     0.000000000000000D+00   -1.734723475976807D-17    
> 0.000000000000000D+00
>     1.561251128379126D-17    0.000000000000000D+00    
> 1.118083490375676D-19
>     0.000000000000000D+00    0.000000000000000D+00    
> 0.000000000000000D+00
> In other words, the rotation matrix returned by iau_PREC76 for a J2000
> to B1950 transformation is not computationally equal (to 15 digits) to
> the rotation matrix returned by IRFTRN. Again, I expected the matrices
> returned by the two routines to be computationally equal to 15 digits.
> It is at this point I ask:
>    * Have I overlooked something in formulating the frame definition
>      for an inertial TOD transformation?
>    * Have I missed something in comparing the matrices returned by
>      iau_PREC76 and IRFTRN?
>    * Lastly, whose results are correct, SOFA or SPICE?
> Any suggestions?
> Sam Dupree.
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-------------- next part --------------


      DOUBLE PRECISION      J2000
      DOUBLE PRECISION      B1950


      DOUBLE PRECISION      DIFF   ( 3, 3 )
      DOUBLE PRECISION      SPMAT  ( 3, 3 )
      DOUBLE PRECISION      SNPMAT ( 3, 3 )

      DOUBLE PRECISION      PRECXF ( 6, 6 )
      DOUBLE PRECISION      NUTXF  ( 6, 6 )
      DOUBLE PRECISION      NPXF   ( 6, 6 )
      DOUBLE PRECISION      PM     ( 3, 3 )
      DOUBLE PRECISION      NPM    ( 3, 3 )

      INTEGER               I
      INTEGER               J

      JD1 = B1950()

      WRITE (*, '(1X,A,D25.16)') 'JD1 = ', JD1
      JD2 = 0.D0
      ET = SPD() * ( (JD1 + JD2) - J2000() )
      ET = SPD() * ( (B1950() + JD2) - J2000() )

      CALL ZZENUT80 ( ET, NUTXF  )
      CALL MXMG ( NUTXF, PRECXF, 6, 6, 6, NPXF )

      DO I = 1, 3

         DO J = 1, 3

            NPM(I,J) = NPXF  (I,J)
            PM (I,J) = PRECXF(I,J)

         END DO

      END DO

      CALL IAU_PMAT76 ( JD1, JD2, SPMAT )


      CALL M33 ( 'Sofa-Spice prec diff at B1950', DIFF )

      CALL IAU_PNM80 ( JD1, JD2, SNPMAT )

      CALL M33 ( 'Sofa nutation*precession matrix is', SNPMAT )


      CALL M33 ( 'Sofa-Spice nutation*precession diff at B1950', DIFF )



      CHARACTER*(*)         TITLE
      DOUBLE PRECISION      XFORM ( 3, 3 )

      INTEGER               I
      INTEGER               J

      CALL TOSTDO ( ' '   )
      CALL TOSTDO ( ' '   )

      DO I = 1, 3
         WRITE (*, '( 3(1X,E25.16) )' ) ( XFORM(I,J), J=1,3 )
      END DO

      CALL TOSTDO ( ' ' )


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