spkgps |
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ProcedureSPKGPS ( S/P Kernel, geometric position ) SUBROUTINE SPKGPS ( TARG, ET, REF, OBS, POS, LT ) AbstractCompute the geometric position of a target body relative to an observing body. Required_ReadingSPK KeywordsEPHEMERIS DeclarationsIMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'ninert.inc' INCLUDE 'zzctr.inc' INTEGER TARG DOUBLE PRECISION ET CHARACTER*(*) REF INTEGER OBS DOUBLE PRECISION POS ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION LT Brief_I/OVARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- TARG I Target body. ET I Target epoch. REF I Target reference frame. OBS I Observing body. POS O Position of target. LT O Light time. Detailed_InputTARG is the standard NAIF ID code for a target body. ET is the epoch (ephemeris time) at which the position of the target body is to be computed. REF is the name of the reference frame to which the vectors returned by the routine should be rotated. This may be any frame supported by the SPICELIB subroutine REFCHG. OBS is the standard NAIF ID code for an observing body. Detailed_OutputPOS is a 3-dimensional vector that contains the position of the target body, relative to the observing body. This vector is rotated into the specified reference frame. Units are always km. LT is the one-way light time from the observing body to the geometric position of the target body at the specified epoch. ParametersNone. Exceptions1) If insufficient ephemeris data has been loaded to compute the necessary positions, the error SPICE(SPKINSUFFDATA) is signaled. FilesSee $Restrictions. ParticularsSPKGPS computes the geometric position, T(t), of the target body and the geometric position, O(t), of the observing body relative to the first common center of motion. Subtracting O(t) from T(t) gives the geometric position of the target body relative to the observer. CENTER ----- O(t) | / | / | / | / T(t) - O(t) | / T(t) The one-way light time, tau, is given by | T(t) - O(t) | tau = ----------------- c For example, if the observing body is -94, the Mars Observer spacecraft, and the target body is 401, Phobos, then the first common center is probably 4, the Mars Barycenter. O(t) is the position of -94 relative to 4 and T(t) is the position of 401 relative to 4. The center could also be the Solar System Barycenter, body 0. For example, if the observer is 399, Earth, and the target is 299, Venus, then O(t) would be the position of 399 relative to 0 and T(t) would be the position of 299 relative to 0. Ephemeris data from more than one segment may be required to determine the positions of the target body and observer relative to a common center. SPKGPS reads as many segments as necessary, from as many files as necessary, using files that have been loaded by previous calls to SPKLEF (load ephemeris file). SPKGPS is similar to SPKGEO but returns geometric positions only. ExamplesThe following code example computes the geometric position of the moon with respect to the earth and then prints the distance of the moon from the the earth at a number of epochs. Assume the SPK file SAMPLE.BSP contains ephemeris data for the moon relative to earth over the time interval from BEGIN to END. INTEGER EARTH PARAMETER ( EARTH = 399 ) INTEGER MOON PARAMETER ( MOON = 301 ) INTEGER N PARAMETER ( N = 100 ) INTEGER I CHARACTER*(20) UTC DOUBLE PRECISION BEGIN DOUBLE PRECISION DELTA DOUBLE PRECISION END DOUBLE PRECISION ET DOUBLE PRECISION POS ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION LT DOUBLE PRECISION VNORM C C Load the binary SPK ephemeris file. C CALL FURNSH ( 'SAMPLE.BSP' ) . . . C C Divide the interval of coverage [BEGIN,END] into C N steps. At each step, compute the position, and C print out the epoch in UTC time and position norm. C DELTA = ( END - BEGIN ) / N DO I = 0, N ET = BEGIN + I*DELTA CALL SPKGPS ( MOON, ET, 'J2000', EARTH, POS, LT ) CALL ET2UTC ( ET, 'C', 0, UTC ) WRITE (*,*) UTC, VNORM ( POS ) END DO Restrictions1) The ephemeris files to be used by SPKGPS must be loaded by SPKLEF before SPKGPS is called. Literature_ReferencesNone. Author_and_InstitutionN.J. Bachman (JPL) J. Diaz del Rio (ODC Space) B.V. Semenov (JPL) W.L. Taber (JPL) VersionSPICELIB Version 2.1.0, 09-OCT-2021 (JDR) (NJB) Bug fix: added calls to FAILED after calls to SPKPVN. Previously only one call to SPKPVN was followed by a FAILED call. Moved some FAILED checks so they will be hit whether or not SPKSFS finds a segment. Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard. Removed unnecessary $Revisions section. SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 08-JAN-2014 (BVS) Updated to save the input frame name and POOL state counter and to do frame name-ID conversion only if the counter has changed. Updated to map the input frame name to its ID by first calling ZZNAMFRM, and then calling IRFNUM. The side effect of this change is that now the frame with the fixed name 'DEFAULT' that can be associated with any code via CHGIRF's entry point IRFDEF will be fully masked by a frame with identical name defined via a text kernel. Previously the CHGIRF's 'DEFAULT' frame masked the text kernel frame with the same name. Replaced SPKLEF with FURNSH and fixed errors in $Examples. SPICELIB Version 1.2.0, 05-NOV-2005 (NJB) Updated to remove non-standard use of duplicate arguments in VADD calls. SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 05-JAN-2005 (NJB) Tests of routine FAILED() were added. SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 09-JUL-1998 (WLT) |
Fri Dec 31 18:36:52 2021