PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2004-08-04 NOTE = "SCL-Kernel Information" END_OBJECT = TEXT END General information about SPICE SCL-kernels =========================================== In the SPICE system, the Spacecraft Clock (or SCL) -kernel contains information required to perform a mapping between Ephemeris time (ET) and spacecraft on-board time (SCLK). The spacecraft clock coefficient information contained in an SCLK file can be manipulated by a collection of subroutines to provide a transformation between Ephemeris and spacecraft on-board times. These subroutines are part of the SPICE library, the major component of the SPICE Toolkit. The routines needed are integrated into a user's application programs. Information regarding how the Toolkit can be obtained is located in the SOFTWARE subdirectory of the main directory of this dataset. Refer to the SCLK.REQ document provided with the Toolkit to get more information about conversion between ET and spacecraft clock times. MER-1 SCLK files contained in this directory ======================================= This volume contains the following MER-1 SCLK files (only the name portion of the file name is shown; the extension of all file names is ".tsc"): mer_253_sclkscet_VVVVV MER-1 rover on-board clock correlation SPICE SCLK files generated by converting the corresponding SCLKvSCET file to SPICE SCLK format, using the MAKCLK SPICE Utility program. These files contain on-board clock correlation used during operations. For the period of surface operations this correlation is known to be in error in an absolute sense by up to 20 seconds. Refer to the DATA SET catalog object for more information on this issue. mer1_hlst_tm20b3_vV Special MER-1 SCLK files implementing Hybrid Local Solar Time (HLST or LSTB) time system that was used during surface operations. Refer to the DATA SET catalog object for more information about these files. If multiple versions of an SCLK file are provided (version is specified by VVVVV or vV tokens in the file name patterns above), always use the latest version (unless an earlier version is needed for some special reasons.) Kernel File Details =================== The most detailed description of the data in an SCLK file is provided in metadata included inside the description area of the file. This information can be viewed using any text editor program. Contact Information =================== Regarding MER project specific information provided in this data set and for general information about SPICE system: Charles H. Acton, Jr, (818)-354-3869, Charles.Acton@jpl.nasa.gov, or Boris Semenov (818)-354-8136 Boris.Semenov@jpl.nasa.gov or Lee Elson (818)-354-4223 Lee.Elson@jpl.nasa.gov address: Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) Jet Propulsion Laboratory MS 301-125L 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena CA 91109 USA