PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2009-10-26 NOTE = "PC-Kernel Information" END_OBJECT = TEXT END General information about SPICE PC-kernels ========================================== In the SPICE system, the PC-kernels (PCK) contain orientation and shape information pertaining to extended solar system bodies such as the Sun, the planets, the natural satellites of the planets, comets, and asteroids. The most recent generic PC kernel file can always be obtained from NAIF/JPL. The purpose of the PCK kernels and associated software is to provide SPICE users with a convenient mechanism for supplying planetary physical constants to application programs. SPICELIB's PCK software is able to read files conforming to the PCK format and return to a calling application program both the data contained in such files and a small number of commonly used numeric quantities derived from the kernel data. Information regarding how to obtain the SPICE Toolkit for a number of languages and computer platforms is located in the ``/software'' subdirectory of the main directory of this data set. Refer to the PCK Required Reading (pck.req) document provided with the toolkit or available from the NAIF Node of PDS if SPICE toolkit is not included with this data set to get more information on how to access PC-kernel data. Hayabusa PC-kernels Provided in This Data Set ============================================= This directory contains PCK files used by the Hayabusa project. The following files are present in this directory. (Only file names are shown; the file name extensions of the text PCK kernel files are always ``.tpc''): itokawa_aizu504 PCK file containing the asteroid Itokawa radii values, body-fixed frame definition, and rotation constants derived by the Hayabusa team at University of Aizu. itokawa_gaskell PCK file containing the asteroid Itokawa radii values, body-fixed frame definition, and rotation constants derived by Dr. Robert W. Gaskell, PSI. It contains rotation constants consistent with the Itokawa shape model stored in the DBK file ``itokawa_gaskell070104.bdb'' included in this data set. itokawa_gaskell_n3 PCK file containing the asteroid Itokawa radii values, body-fixed frame definition, and rotation constants derived by Dr. Robert W. Gaskell, PSI. The original name of this files was Itokawa_Gaskell_n3.tpc. It contains rotation constants consistent with the Itokawa shape models archived in the PDS data set HAY-A-AMICA-5-ITOKAWASHAPE-V1.0. pck00008 generic PCK file containing IAU 2000 rotation and shape constants for planets, satellites, and some asteroids, created by NAIF. All text PCK files provided in this data set are in UNIX text format, with a line feed character (ASCII 10) at the end of the line. In most cases these two PCK files pck00008.tpc itokawa_gaskell_n3.tpc should be loaded into a user's application to process data for the surveying and collection phase of the mission. Kernel file details =================== The most detailed description of the data in a text PCK file is provided in metadata included inside the description area of the file. This information can be viewed using any text editor program. The most detailed description of the data in a binary PCK file is provided in metadata included inside the comment area of the file. This information can be viewed using the utility programs COMMNT and SPACIT included into the SPICE Toolkit.