; This SPK file was made to merge the sat363-rocks source files, sat363a and sat363b, with the ; Saturn barycenter, earth and sun, and Saturn mass center. ; ; NOTE: for reasons not yet known, the ephemeris for Daphnis has a major "jump" around 2010 JAN 01 ; according to JPL's ephemeris producer, Robert Jacobson. So he provided two "rock elements" files: ; one for use prior to 2010 JAN 01 and a second for use after 2010 JAN 01. (The ephemeris for Pan ; is not affected.) sat363a.bsp was made for the time span up to this epoch, and sat363b.bsp was ; made for the time span after that epoch. These files are then merged with sata from the de430 ; planet ephemeris, and with the ephemeris for Saturn coming from the sat360.bsp file. ; ; LEAPSECONDS_KERNEL = /kernels/gen/lsk/naif0010.tls SPK_KERNEL = sat363-rocks-merge.bsp BEGIN_TIME = 1950 JAN 01 TDB END_TIME = 2050 JAN 01 TDB SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = sat363a.bsp SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = sat363b.bsp SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = /ftp/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets//de430.bsp BODIES = 3, 6, 10, 399 SOURCE_SPK_KERNEL = sat360.bsp BODIES = 699